
  • 网络downside risk
  1. 尽管全球金融稳定的负面风险因油价上升而明显增加了,但是我们应该保持冷静,理性地面对这个情况。

    The overall downside risk to global financial stability has indeed increased , but we should face it calmly and rationally .

  2. 使用它们可能会导致行为风险的深化在对负面风险关注不足的情况下,追逐令人兴奋的投资工具。

    Their use can lead to deeper behavioural risk the pursuit of exciting investment instruments , with insufficient attention paid to the downside risk .

  3. 因此,熔融液柱注入冷却剂过程中的碎化机理与现象的研究是IVR-ERVC失效负面风险评价的重要组成内容。

    For this reason , the mechanism and phenomenon of fragmentation of liquid melt jet pouring into coolant pool is of great significance in the case of the failure of IVR-ERVC .

  4. 不过,他们也意识到,作为一个未成熟市场先行者所面临的负面风险:本土消费者的消费欲望很高,但他们的购买力却尚显不足。

    But they also discovered the downside of being a first mover in an immature market : local consumers ' aspirations outstripped their spending power .

  5. 防止个别银行破产的目标大体上是会实现的,但这是通过将金融体系中的负面风险“社会化”、而不是通过解决根本问题实现的。

    The objective of preventing individual bank failures will largely be accomplished , but by socialising much of the downside risk in the financial system , rather than by addressing the underlying issues .

  6. 研究获得了三个方面的有价值的结果和结论:(1)口传行为视角的负面信息风险认知。

    Research acquired valuable conclusion in three aspects : ( 1 ) The risk perception of oral transmission behavior .

  7. 主要结果如下:①中日美3国大约4/5的人对吸烟持负面性风险认知和评价。

    The comparative analysis shows the following results : ① Almost 4 / 5 people in China , Japan and USA negatively evaluate the cigarette .

  8. 但并非想象的是,近年来,每当面临在救助一家大公司和承受负面经济风险之间做选择,美国的政策制定者们几乎总会令人遗憾地选择出手干预。

    What is not conjectural , however , is that in recent years , US policymakers faced with the choice to assist a major company or risk negative economic fallout , have regrettably almost always chosen to intervene .

  9. 居住分异虽然一定程度上具有社会激励效用,但是蕴含着很多的负面社会风险,诸如低收入群体聚居社区的贫困、失业、严重依赖福利政策和犯罪率提高等。

    Although residential differentiation have some extent to effectiveness of social incentives , it contains a lot of negative social risks , such as poverty , unemployment , heavy reliance on welfare policy , and the rising of crime rates that exist in communities inhabited by low-income groups .

  10. 于是乎,为了避开招惹负面宣传的风险,戴比尔斯决定仅出售自己开采的宝石。

    So , to avoid the risk of bad publicity , De Beers decided to market only those it dug up itself .

  11. 每次连续的迭代处理最可能在那时出现并对产品有严重的负面影响的风险。

    Each successive iteration tackles risks that are most likely to occur at the time and that would have a severe negative impact on the product .

  12. 最后,本文根据实证分析得出的结论,结合引入境外战略投资者可能带来的负面效应及风险,本文从银行和政府两个角度提出完善中资银行引进境外战略投资者的相关对策建议。

    Last , based on the empirical analysis , combined with the potential negative effects and risks of the introduction of foreign strategic investors , the thesis proposes policy recommendations from the perspective of banks and the government .

  13. 在投资组合中运用这些策略确实能够降低标准差,但同时也会削弱偏斜度,也就是说会增加出现负面意外结果的风险。

    Adding these strategies to a portfolio will reduce standard deviation but it will at the same time reduce skewness , that is increase the risk of a nasty surprise .