
  • 网络Augustus;august;Augusto;Caesar Augustus
  1. 奥古斯都曾设立保佐人委员会负责行政事务。

    Augustus instituted boards of curators to take charge of administrative tasks .

  2. 奥古斯都是他在成为帝王之时为自己改的名字,在这之前,他叫奥克塔维安(Octavian)。

    Augustus himself was given this title when he became emperor , having previously been known as Octavian .

  3. 带有火红条纹的“永远的奥古斯都”(SemperAugustus)是最受欢迎的一种,它的一块球茎售价相当于一个富商年收入的两倍。

    One bulb of the most sought-after variety , the flaming red-striped Semper Augustus , sold for twice the yearly income of a rich merchant .

  4. 论文还要求你阐述对Zanker论述有关奥古斯都时代形象的理解。

    Demonstrating an understanding of Zanker 's argument ( s ) about images in the Age of Augustus is also required .

  5. 同样地,在公元前8年,“Sextilis”('sixth')这个月以古罗马第一位帝王奥古斯都(Augustus)来命名,他本人早于六年前去世。

    Following suit , in 8 BC , the month Sextilis ( 'sixth ' ) was renamed after Augustus , the first Roman emperor , who had died six years earlier .

  6. 罗马帝国的全盛期是在奥古斯都时代。

    Rome was in its prime in the age of Augustus .

  7. 奥古斯都的出现正好为他们提供了一个机会。

    Augustus appearance was happen to provide an opportunity for them .

  8. 指出奥古斯都施行文化方略的过程并不是一帆风顺的,在其统治后期,政策中的不适反应一一呈现。

    In his late ruling , the problems emerged one after another .

  9. 奥古斯都向彼得斯谈到躲在甲板上的皮姆。

    Augustus tells Peters of Pym 's presence on board .

  10. 奥古斯都时代可以说是罗马历史的一个非常重要的时代。

    Augustus age was an important era in Rome empire .

  11. 奥古斯都时期古罗马的城市管理与经济状况

    Ancient Roman City Administration and Economy of Augustus Period

  12. 奥古斯都大帝把这里建成了他的陵墓。

    Octavian Augustus built it to house his remains .

  13. 奥古斯都的陵墓在黑暗时代惨遭毁坏盗窃。

    Augustus 's mausoleum fell to ruins and thieves during the Dark Ages .

  14. 奥古斯都致力于改善公众生活。

    Augustus brought dignity to Rome 's public life .

  15. 关于奥古斯都的,或有罗马国王奥古斯都时期特点的。

    Relating to or characteristic of the times of the Roman emperor Augustus .

  16. 奥古斯都崇拜成了他们新的政治表达和参与的方式。

    The Augustus worship became their new politics expression and the participation way .

  17. 奥古斯都与罗马帝国早期的城市化运动

    Augustus and the Early Urbanization of Roman Empire

  18. 城市化是奥古斯都时期古罗马社会发展的主要特徵,也是奥古斯都社会改革的客观结果。

    Augustus period of ancient Roman characterized of urbanization which resulted from social reform .

  19. 罗马帝国军队与皇帝悖论关系刍议奥古斯都的形象塑造与皇帝权威

    My Humble Opinion on the Paradox Relation between Army of Roman Empire and Emperors

  20. 因此查理五世的城廓也遭受菲利浦&奥古斯都的城廓的命运。

    So Charles V. 's wall suffered the fate of that of Philip Augustus .

  21. 永远的奥古斯都上的条纹是由一种病毒基因造成的。

    The stripes of the Semper Augustus were caused by the genes of a virus .

  22. 奥古斯都时期的宗教复兴政策及其对罗马社会生活的影响

    The Policy of Religious Revival in Augustus Times and Its Affection to Roman Social Lives

  23. 奥古斯都统治下罗马帝国的版图几乎包括了大部分的西方。

    Augustus left Rome with a vast empire that covered most of the western world .

  24. 后来,人们将奥古斯都统治时期称为罗马帝国的黄金时期。

    Later , men called the reign of Augustus the golden age of the Roman Empire .

  25. 论奥古斯都的文化政策

    On the Cultural Policy of Augustus

  26. 罗马军队一位退伍司令曾经要求奥古斯都皇帝为他出庭作证,奥古斯都提议派遣代表。

    A retired Roman commander once pleaded with Augustus to testify in court on his behalf .

  27. 那些了解奥古斯都时代的人都知道,罗马是一个大城市。

    Rome in the Augustan Age was considered a large city by those who knew it .

  28. 公元前27年的今天,罗马元老院授予屋大维“奥古斯都”称号。

    BC – The title Augustus is bestowed upon Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian by the Roman Senate .

  29. 自奥古斯都开始,历代罗马帝王都在罗马兴建图书馆。

    Beginning with Augustus , the Roman emperors took over the task of building libraries in Rome .

  30. 梅塞纳斯是奥古斯都和诗人们的中间人,起到奥古斯都宣传部长的作用。

    He served as the middleman between emperor and poets , functioning as Augustus ' minister of propaganda .