
  • 网络Rioja Alavesa;OKHA;Nedum Onuoha
  1. 莱斯维茨(Laithwaites)的里奥哈(Rioja)供应商戈麦斯•克鲁扎多(GomezCruzado)在布尔果斯(Burgos)旁边一个法定产区(DO)的私人特酿,以阿尔比利亚(Albillo)为主调配而成。

    Special personal project of the winemakers at Laithwaite 's Rioja supplier Gomez Cruzado in a DO near Burgos . Field blend that is mainly Albillo .

  2. 罗利克说:“我可能还会推荐比较年轻的里奥哈(Rioja),因为他们在里奥哈也用美国橡木。起码应该把你手里最香甜美味的葡萄酒给他们。”

    I might also suggest a younger Rioja , since they use American oak in Rioja , too , ' Ms. Rolich added . ' Essentially you have to give them the most luscious wine that you have . '

  3. 西班牙北部里奥哈地区进餐时引用的干红葡萄酒。

    Dry red table wine from the Rioja region of northern Spain .

  4. 甚至在更高的价位上,里奥哈葡萄酒的品质优势依然显而易见。

    Even at higher price points , the values are still there .

  5. 在我看来,里奥哈是2011年最佳葡萄酒产区。

    Rioja is my region of the year for 2011 .

  6. 这款标签意味着入选为“里奥哈葡萄酒爱好者协会用酒”。

    This lable means this wine was selected by the Cofradia Vino del Rioja .

  7. 如同许多葡萄酒产区一样,里奥哈在上世纪最后十年经历了一段狂飙突进的时期。

    Like many wine regions , Rioja went through a rather convulsive final decade of the last century .

  8. 八月底,里奥哈的采收季炽热展开,一直到十月上旬左右结束。

    A hot summer , Rioja started it 's harvest at the end of August , until the middle of October .

  9. 贝克酒体饱满,个性强,多蜜骨架感强,是西班牙传统的里奥哈特色。

    Becquer is a full-bodied wine , great personality , honeyed and surrounding character , as it comes with traditional Rioja wines .

  10. 我今年品尝过许多30美元及不到这一价位、产自里奥哈的葡萄酒,其他相同价位的葡萄酒根本无法与其媲美。

    I tasted so many $ 30-and-under wines from Rioja this year that simply blew away almost all other wines at the same price point .

  11. 这位19岁的曼联射手将和曼城后卫奥怒奥哈一起在光明球场踢球。

    The19-year-old Manchester United striker will join the Manchester City defender Nedum Onuoha , whom Bruce has also borrowed for a year at the Stadium of Light .

  12. 蒙契格乳酪味道浓郁,所以单独配面包吃,配上橄榄和肉,或是配一瓶醇香的红酒就是一种享受&里奥哈红酒是不错的选择。

    Manchego has an intense flavor , so enjoy it solo with bread , served with olives and meat or accompanied by a full-bodied red wine – a Rioja makes sense .

  13. 蒙契格乳酪味道浓郁,所以单独配面包吃,配上橄榄和肉,或是配一瓶醇香的红酒就是一种享受——里奥哈红酒是不错的选择。

    Manchego has an intense flavor , so enjoy it solo with bread , served with olives and meat or accompanied by a full-bodied red wine - a Rioja makes sense .