
  • 网络Modern Master;Modern-Day Master
  1. 年届92岁的贝聿铭(IMPei)被尊为当世硕果仅存的现代主义大师之一。

    At 92 , IM Pei is revered as one of the last surviving modernists .

  2. 现代雕塑大师亨利·摩尔作品中的空间艺术

    The Space Art In Henry Moore 's Production

  3. 她以其文学和艺术方面的成就跻身于现代文学大师之列。

    As a result of her literary and artistic competence , Toni Morrison stands in front of contemporary fiction masters .

  4. 20世纪50年代,丹麦著名现代设计大师阿耐·雅各布森设计的丹麦皇家宾馆充分体现了从汤匙到城市的设计理念。

    The Royal Hotel designed by Danish great designer Arne Jacobsen in 1950s is a wonderful sample of this design idea .

  5. 在现代设计大师威廉·莫里斯的红房子里享用英式下午茶。

    Have afternoon tea in William Morris 's historic Red House in Bexleyheath , an internationally significant home of the Arts & Crafts movement .

  6. 奥斯卡影后朱丽叶·比诺什和国际知名现代舞大师及编舞阿库·汉姆联袂创作了一部舞蹈剧力作。

    Oscar-winning actress Juliette Binoche and internationally acclaimed contemporary dancer and choreographer Akram Khan have joined forces to create a major new work of dance theatre .

  7. 正是在这一点上,美国杰出的现代戏剧大师尤金·奥尼尔找到了与表现主义戏剧的先驱,瑞典戏剧大师奥古斯特·斯特林堡的契合点。

    It 's in this respect that American outstanding modern dramatist Eugene O'Neill shares the similarity with the forerunner of expressionistic drama , Swedish dramatist August Strindberg .

  8. 他注重传统总是在传统和现代绘画大师中去吸取营养,他又立足于当代,将当代最流行或最具开拓性的观念为我所用。

    He always focused on traditional and modern painting in the traditional Master of nutrition lessons go , he also based on the contemporary , will be the most popular or most pioneering the concept for my use .

  9. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫,作为20世纪世界公认的现代主义大师,一直以大胆实验和勇于探索的精神创立着全新的美学思想,以自己独特的方式诠释着现代小说的未来发展方向。

    Virginia Woolf , as an acknowledged master of modern western literature , creates a completely new aesthetics through constant bold attempts as well as explorations and promotes the future direction of modern novels in her own way .

  10. 围绕元小说创作倾向、双构叙事和复调文本叙事三个方面阐述其成因,凸现鲁迅作为现代小说大师的叙事艺术。

    Tread of the initial novel , narration of dual structure and narration of polyphony are the three patterns , with which Lu Xun completed his two novels , which particularly show his art of narrating in modern Chinese novels .

  11. 《海》给人的第一印象是种熟悉的感觉,它源自一些像詹姆斯·乔伊斯、塞缪尔·贝克特和弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫的伟大现代主义大师,他们的作品属于高雅艺术的范畴。

    The first impression The Sea makes on the readers is that of familiarity which derives from some great modernist masters such as James Joyce , Samuel Beckett and Vladimir Nabokov , whose literary works belong to the category of high-ground art .

  12. 中西现代艺术大师的实践和综合绘画兼容并蓄、综合创新的具体化对不同艺术形式和艺术传统的融合,为内在精神的确立提供了丰厚的经验和依据。

    Both the practices of eastern-western masters and " All-embracing , synthesizing to innovate " of mixed media painting mixed different art form and art tradition , they gave various and generous experience for the establishment of the " inner spirit " .

  13. 现代建筑大师密斯·凡·德·罗和勒·柯布两耶等将机械美学、成批生产建筑的大工业化、功能化思想运用于建筑与设计实践,并对现代功能主义产生强大推动力。

    Masters of modern architecture such as Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier et al put aesthetics of machinery , production of architectures in bulk and functional idea into practice of architecture and design , and gave a powerful impetus to modern functionalism .

  14. 王力先生是现代中国语言学大师。

    WANG Li is a Master in modern Chinese linguistics studies .

  15. 美国现代园林设计大师&詹姆士·罗斯

    James Rose & The Master of the American Modern Landscape Architecture

  16. 邹韬奋:现代编辑出版大师的优秀代表

    Zou Taofen : A Master in Editing and Publication Who deserves the Name

  17. 曹禺,是我国现代戏剧艺术大师。

    Cao Yu is modern theatre artists in China .

  18. 卡罗·斯卡帕是意大利现代主义建筑大师,家乡威尼斯的历史传统是斯卡帕独特的设计哲学得以发生并成长的土壤。

    The Italian modern master Carlo Scarpa came from Venice , Italy and his particular design philosophy was deeply influenced by the Venetian traditions .

  19. 现代美国儒家大师讨论儒家文化的历史地位、现代价值、世界意义以及儒学研究发展方向的理论动态分析。

    Modern American Confucian scholars mainly focus on the historical status , modern value , global significance of Confucianism and the dynamic analysis of its development .

  20. 萧伯纳是一位举世闻名的英国戏剧大师,在现代西方文学大师中,他被公认为思想家和社会改革家。

    George Bernard Shaw who is a well-known modern dramatist has been recognized as a thinker and social reformist by other masters in the west modern literary .

  21. 在52扑克影院:惊魂记,罗德以标签扩增实境技术,重看后现代希治阁大师之作《惊魂记》,为这出划时代的惊世距著作出新的诠译。

    In52 Card Psycho , Rhodes uses marker-based augmented reality technology to look back on the late modern Hitchcock masterpiece , Psycho & which has become an icon of artistic appropriation .

  22. 本文阐述了丹麦现代主义设计大师楠娜·迪兹尔关于椅子设计的创新历程;结合设计个案分析,对照丹麦设计传统,对大师的设计思想、设计风格作了点评与论证。

    This paper introduces the creative chair design practice of Danish designer Nanna Ditzel and comments on her design thoughts and design style on the basis of case study and Danish design tradition .

  23. 什么是知识管理呢?现代管理学大师彼得.F.德鲁克这样对知识管理进行定义:提供知识,去有效地发现现有的知识怎样能够最好地应用于产生效果,这就是我们所指的管理。

    The modern management expert , Peter F. Drucker , gave a definition for knowledge management . This definition is " provide knowledge , to effectively detect existing knowledge of how to best apply an effect , this is what we mean the management " .

  24. 这里涉及巴门尼德的存在悖论、胡塞尔对存在的意向分析以及海德格尔对胡塞尔的学说的批评,最后以评述现代表现主义绘画大师保罗·克勒有关艺术创作的美学观点为结尾。

    This paper involves Parmenides ' paradox of being , Husserl 's intention analysis of being , and Heidegger 's critique of Husserl 's doctrine . This paper concludes with a review of the aesthetic viewpoints of Paul Klee , a modern expressionist painter , concerning artistic creation .

  25. 奥地利德语作家弗兰茨·卡夫卡(FranzKafka,1883-1924)是20世纪欧洲文坛上一位独特的作家,也是西方现代主义文学三大师之一。

    Austrian German writer Franz Kafka ( 1883 & 1924 ) is a special writer in European literature of the twentieth century , and one of the three masters in western modernist literature .

  26. 分析了现代几位建筑大师的作品。

    The works of several prominent modern architects are analyzed .

  27. 作为这次数码石头展的发起人之一,布鲁斯·比斯利是一位美国现代艺术的雕塑大师。

    Bruce Beasley is an American master of sculpture and is one of the initiators of the Digital Stone exhibition .

  28. 傅雷是中国现代著名的翻译大师,一直以来,人们称道并且关注他在翻译领域的成就。

    Fu Lei is a famous translation master of modern China . His great achievement in the translation field has been always appreciated .

  29. 中国现代叙事诗学的建构,不能缺少现代小说大师的叙事实践。

    The construction of contemporary Chinese narrative poetry studies should be on the basis of narrative works by great contemporary novelists .

  30. 当代中国最富现代主义色彩的作家残雪,对卡夫卡和博尔赫斯两位现代主义大师的作品作出了与众不同的解读。

    As the most modernist Chinese writer , Can Xue understands the works of Franz Kafka and Jorge Luis Borges in her own way .