
  • 网络modern sculpture
  1. 他收藏现代雕塑。

    He collects modern sculpture .

  2. 现代雕塑起源与原始艺术

    The original of modern sculpture and " Primitive Art "

  3. 与生命共舞&乔纳森·W·希尔斯的现代雕塑简析

    To Dance with Life & The Modern Sculptures of Jonathan W · Hils

  4. 16.男:那些现代雕塑真奇怪。

    M : Those modern sculptures over there are really weird .

  5. 谈中国现代雕塑与公共环境的关系

    On the relation between Chinese modern sculptures and pubic environments

  6. 走近现代雕塑的虚空间

    A Close Look at the Negative Space of Modern Sculpture

  7. 现代雕塑不及希腊时代的作品。

    Modern sculpture does not approach that of the Greeks .

  8. 谈现代雕塑在建筑环境中的空间意识

    Discussion about the space perception of the modern sculpture under the building surroundings

  9. 南京现代雕塑中心营销策划研究

    Research of Marketing Planning about NanJing Modern Sculpture Center

  10. 现代雕塑难得再使我们感到惊讶了。

    Modern sculpture rarely surprises us any more .

  11. 现代雕塑大师亨利·摩尔作品中的空间艺术

    The Space Art In Henry Moore 's Production

  12. 现代雕塑与现代景观的融合

    The Co-fusion of Modern Sculpture and Modern Landscape

  13. 你不认为现代雕塑令人兴奋吗?

    Don 't you think modern sculpture exciting ?

  14. 那些现代雕塑真是很怪,是不是?

    Those modern sculptures over there are really weird , don 't you think ?

  15. 新图书馆外面的那尊现代雕塑成了街谈巷议的话题。

    The modern sculpture outside the new library is the talk of the town .

  16. 雕塑的空间,是传统雕塑和现代雕塑研究的重要领域。

    Statuary space is an important field for both traditional sculpture and modern sculpture .

  17. 现代雕塑是一种综合性、多元性的群体,它由更多层面构成。

    Modern sculpture is a comprehensive , diverse groups , which constitute more level .

  18. 论中国传统雕塑性陶艺与现代雕塑性陶艺艺术表现之比较

    On the Chinese Tradition of Ceramic Sculpture and Pottery Sculpture and Modern Art Performance Comparison

  19. 试论现代雕塑艺术与符号

    Discussion on Modern Sculpture Art & Symbol

  20. “探照灯”系列,短期公共现代雕塑,丹。杜波威兹策划,森德兰艺术中心协助创作。

    ' Searchlight'series of temporary public installations curated by Dan Dubowitz , produced with Sunderland Arc .

  21. 现代雕塑与共享空间

    Modern Sculpture and Shared Space

  22. 日趋成熟、竞争激烈的市场给南京现代雕塑中心带来的不仅是难得的机遇,同时也有极为严峻的挑战。

    Increasing maturity and keen competitive market gives Nanjing Modern Sculpture Center not only opportunities but also challenge .

  23. 浅探现代雕塑与景观

    Modern sculpture and landscape

  24. 现代雕塑中的色彩

    Color in Modern Sculpture

  25. 尽管如此,最近举办的一次现代雕塑展览还是使一些人(包括我在内)大吃了一惊。

    In spite of this , some people including myself were surprise by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture .

  26. 约克郡雕塑公园是一个国际性用于展现当代和现代雕塑艺术的长廊,充满了挑战、灵感和欣喜。

    Yorkshire Sculpture Park is an international gallery for modern and contemporary sculpture that challenges , inspires and delights .

  27. 此次展出的139件展品都是出自现代雕塑鼻祖罗丹之手,这也是迄今为止在中国最大规模的罗丹艺术展。

    The show is his largest ever in China and displays 139 classic works created by the progenitor of modern sculpture .

  28. 甚至对艺术丝毫不感兴趣的人也不可能不注意到在公共场所展出的现代雕塑作品。

    Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places .

  29. 现时代的本土雕塑家如何能够在学习借鉴西方雕塑,特别是罗丹之后的现代雕塑艺术的同时,又能够接续自身的传统?

    How can the Chinese native sculptors learn from western sculpture , especially modern western sculpture after Rodin , and meanwhile continue their own tradition ?

  30. 基于此,认为有必要对中国传统雕塑性陶艺和现代雕塑性陶艺的艺术表现进行比较。

    Based on this , that it is imperative to the traditional Chinese and modern sculpture and ceramics and pottery sculpture of artistic expression were compared .