
zǐ dīnɡ xiānɡ huā
  • lilac
  1. 紫丁香花挥发性物质定性分析

    Flowers Qualitative Analysis of Volatile Substances from Lilac

  2. 紫丁香花现已落令,所以售价如此昂贵。

    The price is so high because lilacs are out of season now .

  3. 当汽车开动时,坐在轮椅里的那个女人挥动着手,手里紧紧地握着那束紫丁香花。

    As the car pulled away , the woman in the wheelchair waved , and clutched the lilacs .

  4. 原产中国的带有紫色小孔的开有玫瑰色似紫丁香花的植物;一般为二年生。

    Chinese pink with deeply toothed rose-lilac flowers with a purplish eye ; usually raised as an annual .