
xuě diāo
  • snow carving/sculpture
  1. 下面,就让这些雪雕迷来介绍一下这门传统艺术吧!

    Below they introduce you to this traditional art .

  2. 最终,最后一个骑马者驶近,老人站在那里已经成了一个雪雕。

    Finally , the last rider neared the spot where the old man sat like a snow statue .

  3. 雪雕艺是北方地区部分国家冬季里的一项重要活动。

    The exhibition of snow sculpture is an important event in the winter of country domain part in northern territory .

  4. 根据雪雕作品资料对雪雕艺术的语言进行分析。

    Analyzing the language of the arts of snow sculpture through the information of the works of snow sculpture . 4 .

  5. 他热爱这门冻人的艺术,因为相对于其它艺术形式而言,雪雕如此与众不同。

    He loves the freezing art because snow sculpting is a form of art that is unlike any other , he says .

  6. 所以目前国内外对于雪雕艺术的理论研究较少,尚未形成比较完整、成熟的理论体系。

    In terms of less research on the snow sculpture at home and abroad , it is not possible to form a complete and mature theory system .

  7. 王海强、田鹏同另外两名学生组队参加了黑龙江省首届大学生雪雕大赛。

    Wang Haitao , Tian Peng and two other students formed a team and participated in the first snow sculpting competition for college students in Heilongjiang province .

  8. 而雪雕则是门‘减法’艺术&给我们一个大雪块,通过一层层的雕琢成型,最终使其变成一件有内涵的艺术品。

    But snow sculpting is the art of ' minus ' – we are given an snow cube and remove layers from it to turn it into a meaningful shape .

  9. 通过将雪雕与传统雕塑在材料、成型方法、制作步骤、展示环境等方面的比较总结了雪雕艺术的特殊性。

    Comparing with the traditional sculpture in terms of material , molding method , mask making and environment design , it can draw a conclusion of the extraordinary nature of the arts of snow sculpture . 3 .

  10. 根据作者对雪雕作品的设计实践,并结合相关设计理论。总结了雪雕作品的设计方法及设计步骤。

    Summarizing the design method and process of the works of snow sculpture basing on the design practices of the works of snow sculpture of the designer and connecting with some kind of design theory . 6 .

  11. 中国、美国、加拿大、日本、意大利等国每年冬季都会举办国际雪雕比赛。由于雪雕艺术起步晚,加之雪雕艺术的地域限制因素较强。

    There are many countries will hold the competition of snow sculpture every winter , such as China , America , Canada , Japan and Italy , etc. Because the snow sculpture gets started late , it has strict territorial restrictions .

  12. 他还清楚地记得自己的首个雪雕作品,他说道:那个作品展现了一幅非常温馨的家庭画面&儿子满脸笑容,和小狗一同奔向刚刚下班回家的父亲。

    He can still remember vividly the first snow sculpture he made . It was a sculpture depicting a warm family scene : a father coming home from work and his son and dog running toward him with big smiles on their faces , he says .

  13. 他跪下来,对上帝流出了感激之泪——接着又忘掉他,心中想起了她,想起了她那大理石的形象,普赛克的形象。这形象站在那里,像用雪雕出,像清晨的太阳一样泛出红晕。

    And he knelt down and breathed a prayer of thankfulnesss to Heaven , and then he forgot Heaven for her sake - for the sake of her picture in stone - for her Psyche which stood there as if formed of snow , blushing in the morning dawn .