
xuě yuán
  • snows;snowfield;snowland
雪原 [xuě yuán]
  • [snowfield;snows] 辽阔的积雪平原;尤指终年积雪(如在冰川源头处)

雪原[xuě yuán]
  1. 一只雄鹰,翱翔在茫茫雪原上,只为一个目标:食物。

    Soaring above the boundless snowfield , a male eagle was for only one aim : the food .

  2. 她的歌迷遍布都市。乡间。乃至高山雪原。村寨乡村等少数民族地区。

    Her fans come from cities , villages , and even minority inhabitance on alps and snowfield or stockaded villages .

  3. 雪橇在雪原上轻巧地滑行,就象船在水上行驶一样。

    The sledge slid across the snow as lightly as a boat on the water .

  4. HPLC测定不同产地和不同时间的积雪草中的积雪草苷和羟基积雪草苷雪原(终年积雪的大片地区,如高山上)。

    Determination of asiaticoside and madecassoside in Centella asiatica urban collected from different seasons and different habitats by HPLC snow-field ( permanent wide expanse of snow , eg on high mountains )

  5. 研究发现,SVO和SVO+PP是翻译《林海雪原》中把字句最常用的句式。

    And the research indicates that SVO and SVO + PP are the most frequently used structures to translate the Ba-structure in Tracks in the Snowy Forest .

  6. 他们继续向前滑行,在这美丽的雪原上滑行。

    They skied on and on , over the beautiful snow .

  7. 从《林海雪原》的改编看社会语境对创作的影响

    Impact of Social Context on Literary Creation Seen From Adaptation of " Linhaixueyuan "

  8. 用雪原斑驳的色彩

    In colors on the snowy linen land

  9. 在中国的西部,你会看到浩瀚的沙漠、一望无际的水域和茫茫的雪原等。

    In the west of China you can see a vast expanse of desert , water , snow , etc.

  10. 在同一个刹那,雪原上长长地拂来了一股暖流。

    In the same instant , a current of warm air came flowing lightly over the plain of snow .

  11. 我曾经去过新英格兰地区的一个村庄,那里的冻湖和广袤的雪原令我印象深刻。

    Once I went on a visit to a New England village with its frozen lakes and vast snow fields .

  12. 他们来享受没有污染的环境,碧蓝的天空和皓洁的雪原。

    They come to enjoy the unspoiled environment , the bright blue skies , and the fresh white snow fields .

  13. 以清里的饭店清泉寮前面开阔的雪原为“清里冬天的世界”的举办会场。

    The Kiyosato winter world takes place in the wide-open snow field in front of the seisenryo hotel in kiyosato .

  14. 他们飞快地滑雪下山。雪原(终年积雪的大片地区,如高山上)。

    They skied swiftly down the hill . snow-field ( permanent wide expanse of snow , eg on high mountains )

  15. 他们在学校门前的雪堆里蹦上跳下,在尚未破坏的深深的白色雪原里打滚。

    They jumped in and out of the snowdrifts and tumbled through the deep unbroken white fields in front of the school .

  16. 第二天傍晚,这位年轻人和沙威里奇在雪原上赶路,遇上了暴风雪。

    Toward eveing of the following day the young man and Savelitch found themselves on the snowy plain with a storm coming up .

  17. 奥茨看着米尔斯。奥茨与他的小马人困马乏,而米尔斯与他的小狗则不同,茫茫雪原对于他和他的小狗来说,就像家一样。

    Oates looked at Meares.Oates and the ponies were tired , but Meares and his dogs were not.The snow was home for them .

  18. 十七年时期的文学批评眼光与批评风尚&以《林海雪原》的早期批评为例


  19. 它集中在《祝福》、《青春之歌》和《林海雪原》三个范例分析上,分别从政治、历史和战争三个角度来考察改编策略。

    It is mainly concentrated in the three examples of " Blessing ", " Song of Youth " and " Lin Hai Xue Yuan " .

  20. 在我周围,林肯的群山矗立在一个茫茫雪原的四极,我以前仿佛并未到过这个平原;

    The Lincoln hills rose up around me at the extremity of a snowy plain , in which I did not remember to have stood before ;

  21. 在许多方面刻意学习中国传统古典小说的叙事模式,这是《林海雪原》成功的重要因素之一。

    Through comparative study , a amazing similarity of narrative mode is found in the book of Pilgrimage to the West and Outlaws of the Marsh .

  22. 中间可能要跨越山岭、丛林、沙漠、雪原、溪流、峡谷等地貌的一种户外活动。

    Middle possibly must surmount landform and so on mountain ridge , jungle , desert , snowfield , brook , canyon one kind of outdoor activities .

  23. 1993年在澳洲雪梨市举办的,首届亚太地区中国水墨画大赛获奖,作品《雪原之洲》被收藏。

    In Sydney , Australia in1993 , organized by city , the first Asia-Pacific Chinese ink painting contest winners , work " snowy 's Island ," a collection .

  24. 雪原(终年积雪的大片地区,如高山上).筑路工人长年奋战在风雪高原。

    Snow-field ( permanent wide expanse of snow , eg on high mountains ) The road builders brave the wind and snow on the plateaus all the year round .

  25. 那轰轰作响的波涛声已经淹没了他,此刻他正伏在一张狗拉爬犁上驰过茫茫的雪原。

    The roaring sound of the waves had already swept over him , and at this moment he was lying on a dogsled racing over a vast plain of snow .

  26. 例如,爱斯基摩人的环境是一片辽阔的雪原,几乎终年见不到什么陆标,于是他们的空间感就得到了极大的发展。

    For instance , among some Eskimo peoples , whose environment is a vast snow plain with few landmarks visible for most of the year , spatial perception is highly developed .

  27. 革命英雄传奇小说:传奇与革命的融合、冲突&以《林海雪原》为例

    On the Integration and Conflict between the " Legend " with " Revolution ": Talking about the " Legendary Novels of Revolutionary Heroes " through " Snowfield of Sea of Woods "

  28. 这天太美好了,比阿兰德这样写,太阳暖融融的,雪原也变得可爱。然而群狗跑得极快,我无法滑行到它们前面!

    It 's a beautiful day , Bjaaland wrote.The sun is warm , the snow is good.But the dogs run too quickly - I can 't get in front , of them !

  29. 雪橇在雪原上轻巧地滑行,就象船在水上行驶一样。风刮得猛的时候,雪橇仿佛被刮上天似的。

    The sledge slid across the snow as lightly as a Boat on the water . When the wind Blew strongly it seemed that the sledge would Be lifted up in the air .

  30. 以孔繁森雪原上留下的那串脚印,唱响您的坚韧与顽强,唱响您的灵魂与精神。

    That string footprint stays behind which by the Kong Fansen snowfield in , sings makes a sound your tenacity and the tenaciousness , sings makes a sound your soul and the spirit .