
xuě diāo
  • ferret;ferret-polecat
雪貂 [xuě diāo]
  • [ferret-polecat] 一种特别凶恶的貂,是很有价值的捕鼠者,与野生的欧洲鸡貂非常相似,据说是由家养的雪貂与野生的鸡貂杂交产生的

雪貂[xuě diāo]
  1. 跳蚤从雪貂的毛皮上远远地逃脱了。

    The fleas fled far from the ferret 's fur .

  2. 有人在乎我有养只小雪貂吗。

    I have a pet ferret , if anyone gives a damn .

  3. 结果自幼无视力成年雪貂定位声源的正确率明显好于成年后视力丧失的雪貂(P<0.01),与正常雪貂相比无明显差异。

    Results The accuracy rate of postnatal blind ferrets to localize sound was better than that in adult blind ferrets significantly ( P < 0.01 ), and there was no significant difference with normal ferrets .

  4. 更有意义的是,第二项研究中,他们发现两种佐剂疫苗在单次接种后,也可防止雪貂因H5N1病毒致死。

    More significantly , a secondary study found that both adjuvant vaccines also protected ferrets from death following only a single inoculation .

  5. 因此,对流感极度敏感的猪跟雪貂也会患上H1N1流感。

    So far , only swine and ferrets , which are particularly susceptible to the flu , have become infected with H1N1 .

  6. 他们说,这表明猫和雪貂是比小鼠更好的研究对象,用于研究H5N1病毒如何感染人类并导致发病。

    This , they say , suggests that cat and ferrets would make better research subjects than mice in studies of how H5N1 may infect and cause disease in people .

  7. 在上个月(8月25日)发表于《公共科学图书馆·趋势:流感》上的一篇论文中,科学家用甲型H1N1流感病毒和季节性H1N1或H3N2毒株感染了雪貂。

    In an article published in PLoS Currents : Influenza last month ( 25 August ) researchers infected ferrets with A ( H1N1 ) and seasonal H1N1 or H3N2 strains .

  8. Soren开始只繁育性格最温和的雌性和雄性雪貂,从而大大减少了之前所出现的撕咬问题。

    Soren began breeding only the gentlest males and females which drastically lessened the nipping problem that was seen .

  9. Katz的研究组测试了这些病毒在雪貂身上复制和传播的能力。雪貂的呼吸道细胞与流感病毒相互作用的方式与人类的类似。

    Katz 's team tested the viruses'ability to replicate and transmit in ferrets , whose respiratory tract cells interact with flu viruses similarly to those in humans .

  10. 尽管“坏牙强尼”(JohnnyRotten)雪貂般的外表和咆哮般的歌声与约翰·列侬(JohnLennon)平静温和的职业主义相去甚远,但他们吸引歌迷——乃至我们的力比多——的力量是一样的。

    And though Johnny Rotten 's ferrety features and snarling delivery might have seemed a long way from John Lennon 's placid professionalism , their grip on a room - and on our libidos - was identical .

  11. 但若要确认此假设,Raichlen博士需将更多如雪貂般不太合作的动物哄上跑步机。

    But to be sure Dr Raichlen will need to put animals far less co-operative than ferrets on the treadmill .

  12. 明确的,Iscomatrix佐剂疫苗单次接种的雪貂极少有被感染迹象,活力良好。

    Specifically , ferrets receiving a single shot of the Iscomatrix adjuvant vaccine displayed fewer signs of infection and remained highly active .

  13. 在中国主要病毒学家陈化兰的带领下,研究人员测试了H7N9禽流感病毒多个毒株的传播能力,方法是将三只健康的雪貂放在一个笼子里,旁边的一个笼子里放入三只感染了病毒的雪貂。

    Led by Chen Hualan , one of China 's top virologists , researchers tested the ability of multiple strains of the virus to spread by placing three healthy ferrets in one cage next three infected ferrets in another cage .

  14. 用雪貂猎取(例如,野兔)

    To hunt ( rabbits , for example ) with ferrets .

  15. 川芎嗪对缺氧大鼠和雪貂肺血管的舒张作用

    Pulmonary vasodilator action of ligustrazine in hypoxic rats and ferrets

  16. 现在又放了头山狗去逮雪貂。

    And now we 've sent a coyote in after the ferret .

  17. 雪貂是另一种已知易受感染的哺乳类动物物种。

    Ferrets are another mammalian species known to be susceptible to infection .

  18. 吃惊的黄鼠狼和雪貂发出了怎样的尖叫声!

    What screams of fear came from the surprised weasels and ferrets !

  19. 在莫特莱克家发现了一些非常古怪的雪貂,他被带去问话了,

    Mortlake was taken away for questioning about some extremely odd ferrets ,

  20. 自幼无耳廓的成年雪貂的水平和垂直方向相对声音定位

    Horizontal and vertical sound localization of ferrets without pinna

  21. 她准会把我杀死,没错,就象雪貂就是雪貂一样。

    She 'll get me executed , as sure as ferrets are ferrets !

  22. 而在这一类研究中,雪貂是人类的良好替代品。

    And ferrets are , in this context , good proxies for people .

  23. 我同意你在这里对啮齿动物种类和黎明的雪貂

    I agree with you about the Ferrets in here and the Rodent Category Dawn

  24. 雪貂是探索和将吃的东西,不是对他们有好处。

    Ferrets are exploratory and will eat things that are not good for them .

  25. 拉美西斯:你有老鼠的耳朵和雪貂的鼻子。

    Rameses : You have a rat 's ears and a ferret 's nose .

  26. 有个家伙养了一堆雪貂。

    There was the guy with the ferrets .

  27. 鼻内感染后,病毒在雪貂和小白鼠中容易生长而不需要事先适应。

    The virus grows readily in ferrets and mice without adoption following intranasal exposure .

  28. 一只猫扑上去抓乔斯的小狗,就连雪貂也在吵闹!

    One cat scratched Jose 's little dog . Even the ferret was making noise !

  29. 大概为雪貂大小有敏锐视力的南亚灵猫;经常被家养。

    Keen-sighted viverrine of southern Asia about the size of a ferret ; often domesticated .

  30. 被考虑用来进行实验的动物有以下三种:十个人,八条狗和八只雪貂。

    The experimental animals in question were ten people , eight dogs and eight ferrets .