
  • 网络snow fog
  1. 狂风卷起雪雾,把他的诗句远远抛向河心。

    A wild wind threw up clouds of snow and carried his lines to the heart of the river .

  2. 乡村被雪[雾]覆盖着。

    The countryside was blanketed with snow / fog .

  3. 大气中的雨、雪、雾等对大气激光通信的质量和可靠性影响很大。

    The paper mainly designs the part of electronics of laser atmospheric communication system .

  4. 雪和雾造成司机们的能见度降低,所以官员发出了警告。

    Snow and fog , made it hard for drivers to see , so officials put out .

  5. 尽管狭窄,充满雪,雾及拥挤的交通,但仍然超过96%的旅行计划出行选择它。

    More than 96 % of the trips on schedule despite slit , snow , fog and traffic .

  6. 第二,船用雷达能在雨、雪、雾和夜航等不利条件下探测物标,且作用距离远。

    Secondly , navigational radar could be used in some unfavorable conditions , and the range is far enough .

  7. 雪和雾加在一起产生了一种叫作雪茫的现象,空气和地面似乎融为一体,整个世界变得远近难辨。

    The snow and the mist combined to produce the phenomenon known as white-out , in which air and ground seem to melt together and the world becomes Depthless .

  8. 通过广泛调研、查询资料,对激光测距传感器与微波测距传感器进行比较,选择适合在雨、雪、雾等天气下能满足系统工作需要并具有优良性价比的测距传感器。

    Based on the result of widely investigating and collecting data , we compared measure-distance laser sensor to measure-distance microwave sensor , in order to choose the right measure-distance with low price sensor which could work well in rain , fog and snow days .

  9. 最常见的事故是多车追尾相撞,并同时伴有起火、爆炸,这种事故多发生在交通量较大、车速较高、天气恶劣(雨、雪、雾)等情况下,而驾驶员的原因占主导地位。

    The most common accident is a multi-car rear-ends collision accompanied by fire and explosion . Such accidents often occur in the larger volume of traffic , higher speed , bad weather ( rain , snow and fog ), etc. But driving members are the dominant causes .

  10. 雨、雪、霰、雾将不会给地下世界带来麻烦。

    Rain , snow , sleet , fog would not trouble the underground world .