
  • Citroen;PSA;Andre Citroen
  1. 这不是一款全新的车,而是雪铁龙XM系列的派生车型。

    This isn 't an entirely new car , but a new derivative of the Citroen XM .

  2. Power的最近数据,雪铁龙在中国的市场稍高,按销量计在中国是排名第18的汽车品牌。

    Power 's most recent data , Citroen has a slightly better presence in China ; it is China 's No.18 auto brand by sales volume .

  3. 合资公司初期将引入雪铁龙品牌高端产品DS系列车型。

    CAPSA will initially introduce the Citro ë n high-end brand DS line in China .

  4. 神龙公司是与法国PSA标致雪铁龙集团合资建设的乘用车生产合资企业。

    DPCA is a joint venture for the production of passenger car with France PSA Peugeot Citroca Gruop .

  5. 今年3月,东风汽车收购了法国汽车生产商标致雪铁龙(PSAPeugeotCitroen)的部分股份。

    In March , Dongfeng purchased a stake in France 's PSA Citro ë n.

  6. “C5鸟瞰”的轮廓反映了雪铁龙公司为达到最佳的空气动力学设计做的努力。

    The profile of C5 Airscape reflects Citroen 's efforts to achieve optimal aerodynamic design .

  7. 雪铁龙C5轿车是法国雪铁龙公司的新一代主流产品。

    CITROEN C5 is the new generation of the dominant products of France Citroen company .

  8. 雪铁龙和欧宝(opel)昨日均拒绝就合作谈判置评。

    Peugeot and Opel yesterday both declined to comment on the alliance talks .

  9. 2002年,东风汽车公司与PSA标致雪铁龙集团提升合作层次,扩大合作范围。

    In 2002 , DongFeng Automobile Company and PSA Peugeot Citroen Group together upgraded the cooperative administrative levels and expanded the cooperative scope .

  10. 雪铁龙C6在选用的配置,发动机及行走机构等方面无不体现着最新的科技元素。

    The Citro ë n C6 features the latest technical advances in terms of its instrumentation , engines and running gear .

  11. 标致雪铁龙(PSA)集团就已经成功开发出了柴油混合动力车,其节能环保效果兼具柴油车和混合动力车的优点。

    PSA Peugeot Citroen ( PSA ) Group has successfully developed a diesel hybrid , energy-saving environmental effects of both diesel vehicles and hybrid advantages .

  12. 这头受惊的黑白花奶牛将Robert的车前盖砸出了一个坑,然后又反弹到繁忙的马路上。Robert的雪铁龙C5也因此报废了。

    The frightened Friesian has written off Robert 's Citroen C5 after denting the bonnet and breaking a wheel after bounding onto the busy road .

  13. 不过,如果这款眼镜如广告中所说的能治好晕车--雪铁龙声称BoardingRing技术的效能高达95%--那还真没什么好抱怨的了。

    But hey , if they really work as advertised -- Citroen claims that Boarding Ring technology has an efficacy of 95 % -- there 's really no room for complaining .

  14. Polyphony与雪铁龙联手打造的GTbyCitroen概念车在巴黎车展上揭开了神秘面纱。

    Polyphony built jointly with the Citroen GT by Citroen concept car at the Paris auto show opened a mystery .

  15. 作为湖北省的省会,这个城市还是东风汽车公司(DongfengMotorco.)所在地,这家汽车公司近期购买了法国标致雪铁龙(PeugeotCitroen)的股份。

    The capital of Hubei province is home to Dongfeng Motor Corp. , which recently took a major stake in French struggling car maker Peugeot Citro ë n.

  16. 最初的C5型号是雪铁龙第一次撤销了所有复杂的(上升的?)管道工程并降低了车的长度。

    The original C5 model was the first where Citroen dispensed with all the complicated pipework running up and down the whole length of the car .

  17. 加拿大已同意向美国汽车三巨头提供额外的救助,法国也向该国汽车制造商雷诺公司(RenaultSA)和标致雪铁龙(PSAPeugeotCitroenSA)提供了援助。

    Canada has agreed to provide additional help to the Big Three , and France is offering aid to French car makers Renault SA and PSA Peugeot Citroen SA .

  18. 详细介绍东风雪铁龙毕加索(picasso)轿车组合仪表及其采用的多路信息传输系统(van总线)的电路、工作原理、系统结构和基本功能。

    The cluster gauges on Dongfeng Citroen Picasso are introduced in details here with circuitry , working principle , systematical structure and basic function of its adopted multiplex system for information transmission .

  19. 更加诚实地承诺,考虑租一辆像丰田普锐斯那样的崭新的混租车或者一辆像雪铁龙C4那样超高效率的小车。

    Make a more substantial commitment and consider a new hybrid vehicle such as the Toyota Prius or get one of the ultra efficient small cars such as Citroen C4 .

  20. 这辆雪铁龙汽车装载着成箱的空白护照和粘贴签证邮票用的贴纸标签,于昨天早上6:30离开位于Chadderton,Gorse街的工厂,停在半英里外的LongLane。

    The Citroen van carrying boxes of blank passports and blank stickers for visa stamps left the factory in Gorse Street , Chadderton at 6:30 yesterday morning and stopped half a mile away on Long Lane .

  21. 法国汽车制造商标致雪铁龙集团(psapeugeotcitron)昨天宣布了一系列高管人事调整,并将首次向中国派驻一名执行董事会级别的高管。

    PSA Peugeot Citro n announced a shake-up yesterday of its senior management that will see the French carmaker base an executive board-level official in China for the first time .

  22. 介绍了应用在雪铁龙C5轿车上的CAN数据总线的特点、组成与结构,CAN数据总线的传输原理与过程,以及BSI智能服务器(网关)的组成与功能。

    Features , constitute and structure , transferring principle and process of CAN data bus and constitute and functions of BSI intelligent server ( gateway ) are introduced .

  23. 标致雪铁龙(psapeugeotcitron)上月表示,正就在华组建第二家合资企业事宜与相关方面展开磋商,此外,它还将把一名董事级别的高管派往上海。

    PSA Peugeot citron last month said it was in talks to form its second joint venture in the country , and that it was posting a board-level executive to Shanghai .

  24. 十年前,中国产量最大的汽车制造商上汽(ShanghaiAutomotive)从破产的罗孚(Rover)收购了MG品牌,去年东风(Dongfeng)收购了PSA标致雪铁龙(PSAPeugeotCitroën)14%的股份。

    Shanghai Automotive , China 's biggest domestic carmaker by output , acquired the MG brand from the collapsed Rover group a decade ago , and Dongfeng last year bought a 14 per cent stake in PSA Peugeot Citro ë n.

  25. 但其意义还不止于在中国首发新一代的雪佛兰迈锐宝(ChevroletMalibu)或雪铁龙DS-5,以吸引更多的中国购买者。

    But it is not just about launching the new-generation Chevrolet Malibu or Citro ë n DS-5 first in China , to attract more Chinese buyers .

  26. 知情人士透露,标致雪铁龙(PSAPeugeotCitro&235;n)正计划与中国汽车制造商东风汽车公司(Dongfeng)合作,每年在中国生产100万辆汽车,并面向亚洲市场销售。

    PSA Peugeot Citro & # 235 ; n is aiming to produce 1m cars a year in China for Asian markets with local automaker Dongfeng , as part of their industrial partnership , according to people briefed on the talks .

  27. 当汽车制造商AndréCitroën(雪铁龙)得知这一计划之后,准备出资赞助这一工程,不过条件是要用灯光组成其汽车公司的标志。

    When car manufacturers Andr é Citro ë n ( Citroen ) that the plan , ready to sponsor the project , but on condition that the composition of their car lights to use company logo .

  28. 菲亚特500L在欧洲属于所谓的B-MPV类汽车——即,B类(像福特福克斯那样的小型五座汽车)多功能汽车(像雪铁龙C3毕加索(CitroenC3Picasso)那样的小型厢式汽车)。

    The 500L plays in what 's known in Europe as the B-MPV segment -- that is , a B segment ( small five-passenger car , like Ford Focus ) multipurpose vehicle ( small van , like the Citroen C3 Picasso ) .

  29. 雪铁龙2CV的设计宗旨是低成本、多用途和耐用性,因此,在推出后的42年里,该车型少有重大改变。

    Designed for low cost , versatility , and durability , Citreon 's utilitarian2CV was produced without significant changes for42 years .

  30. 在赢得了过去七年的世界汽车拉力锦标赛年度车手总冠军之后,驾驶雪铁龙道达尔世界拉力车队DS3拉力赛车的勒布,能否夺得第八个冠军成为时下最大的焦点。

    Having won the WRC drivers'title for the last seven years , Loeb is a safe bet to take an eighth crown in his Citroen Total World Rally Team DS3 WRC .