
  • 网络Sepang;KLIA;Sepang Circuit
  1. 我当然还没有在F1里面跑雪邦的经验,但是我在A1里面跑过,所以我有经验了,这对我很有帮助。

    Nico Hulkenberg : I obviously don 't have experience of Sepang in an F1 car , but I raced there when I was competing in A1GP so I know the circuit already , which will be helpful .

  2. 2008年5月,刘建全带领他的团队,在马来西亚雪邦赛道举行了一场AGF年度分站赛,使AGF成为中国场地赛里第一个跨国办赛的赛车项目。

    In the May of2008 , he led his group to hold the AGF annual competition in Malaysia Sepang track , which made AGF to be the first racing event of transnational event in China Track Racing .

  3. 很多车手都在讨论天气的变化,为了适应雪邦赛道对赛车进行调校困难吗?

    A lot of the drivers are talking about changing conditions and how difficult it is for you to get the cars set up for the Sepang circuit .

  4. 我们能够接受挑战,我们有一辆非常良好和稳定的赛车,在雪邦赛道应该是顺利的。

    Malaysia has a really hot and humid climate which really tests the car 's durability and coupled with the frequent torrential downpours can make for an unpredictable race weekend .