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zhì shì
  • times of peace and prosperity;times of peace;conduct state affairs
治世 [zhì shì]
  • (1) [times of peace]∶和平昌盛之世

  • (2) [conduct state affairs]∶管理国家,处理国务

治世[zhì shì]
  1. 三大治世并非一代人所成就,而是在前代人奠定的基础上完成的。

    The three times of peace and prosperity were accomplished on the foundation laid by earlier generations instead of being done by one generation .

  2. 治世之音安以乐&论孟浩然诗中的盛唐气象

    The Phenomenon of Prosperous Tang Dynasty in Meng Haoran 's poetry

  3. 战乱出盗贼,治世上绞索。那些人被控扰乱治安。

    War make the thief , and peace bring him to the gallows .

  4. 在哲学上,他批评程朱理学的空疏,强调修身与治世、尽性与事功的统一,试图建立一种事功型的心学模式。

    In philosophy , he attempted to establish a utilitarian pattern of thinking .

  5. 那是罗马人的治世之道,不是匈奴人的。

    That 's the way of the romans , not of the huns .

  6. 小说不再是与治世化民无关的小道,而能够与经史并论,在学术文化教育结构中据显要的地位。

    Novel became important in academic cultural style .

  7. 在美国,总统治世四年,而新闻界则统治万世。

    In america , the president reign for four year , and journalism govern forever and ever .

  8. 重德与重法&中西方社会治世原则的不同选择

    Preferring morals or preferring laws & The different choices of China and the west in governing society

  9. 中华民族几千年来治世安邦所贯穿的一条主线就是以德化人、以德安邦,实行德治。

    Since thousands of years , the Chinese has been inheriting the tradition of virtue in governing the country .

  10. 治世辉煌&论文景之治与贞观之治市民广泛参与,是绿色奥运旗帜下北京环境治理中一道景观。

    Beijing 's environment treatment under the banner of " green Olympics " features the extensive participation of the citizens .

  11. 而彼时的中国,仍在孔大人的治世学说、满清的僵化体制下一如既往地延续。

    Nevertheless , nowadays China is continuing under the system of Confucian doctrine and the ossification of the Qing Dynasty .

  12. 从万物一体看王阳明治世的平等思想

    Wang Yangming 's Thought on the Equality of Ruling and the View of " All Things in an Organic Whole "

  13. 当唐朝统治者很好地维护这些制度时,就出现盛唐治世。

    When the Tang Dynasty ruler maintains these systems well , appears the glorious age of Tang poetry to rule the country .

  14. 从唯物史观出发,明代之所以出现这一治世的局面,原因是多方面的。

    From the point of view of historical materialism , the Ming Dynasty was the political situation , the reason is many sided .

  15. 从《庄子》等典籍的研读来看,庄子主张统治者治世要使人恢复人之常性,实行无而治,使社会回到至善至美的自然中,恢复正常状态。

    His works show he advocated that the ruler restore the normal humanity , govern by noninterference , and lead the society back to its perfect natural state .

  16. 此种意义上的分是一个关乎社会秩序建构的问题,是先秦儒家治世伦理的一条基本理路。

    In this way " fen " is related to the construction of social order , and it is also an important clue to understand the pre-Qin Confucian political ethics .

  17. 康熙帝雄才大略,立身治世赫赫于史,开创了中国封建社会最后一个盛世&康乾盛世。

    Emperor Kangxi , talented and far-sighted , sets up the last flourishing age of the feudal society in the history of China & Kang and Qian times of peace and prosperity .

  18. 在中西不同的政治文化背景下,人们对道德和法律的内涵及相互关系的表述有所不同,在选择治世原则时也各有侧重。

    When political cultures are different in China and the west , people give different formulations about the connotations of morals and laws and their relation , and choose different principles governing society .

  19. 但是由于独特的政治、经济和文化等方面的现实原因,非洲国家在刑事政策上并没有对西方采取亦步亦趋的态度,而是一反西方现代刑事思潮的主流,更多地主张重典治世。

    Now the criminal policy is appearing the trend to adopt cruel torture which is not popular in west countries , for the reasons of the special political , economic and cultural factors .

  20. 他从个人本位与社会角度对明清之际社会变动作出回应,将自己的治世蓝图融入耕读与乡治的实践当中,并由此确立了自己立身处世的个体模式。

    He , from the angle of individuality and society , actively responded to the societal change of his times and advocated governing the world by combining farming and reading with township ruling .

  21. 魏晋之际随着社会由乱世转向相对治世,礼法派开始取代名法派而登上历史舞台。

    During the Wei and Jin Dynasties , social disorder changed into relative order and the School of Law and Rites appeared on the stage of history in place of the School of Legalists .

  22. 耶律楚材死后得到了高级别待遇,蒙古人将这位曾经的俘虏、后来的治世能臣风光大葬。

    However , his fellow advisers conspired against him and he fell out of favor until his death , when he was buried in great splendor by the Mongols who had once been his captors .

  23. 在我国历史上先后被五位皇帝注疏的《老子》蕴含着丰富的经邦治世管理思想和政治伦理思想,这些思想为历代君臣推崇备至。

    In our country history has been doing nothing discusses the emperor of " Lao zi " contains the rich nations the sameness management ideas and political ethics , these thoughts for the long-time admirer Robinson .

  24. 并就中国传统音乐的四个组成部分(宫廷音乐、文人音乐、宗教音乐、民间音乐),分析了当时以中和之乐治世、推助社会和谐的功效,最后提出了撰写此文的现实价值。

    In addition , with the four parts of China 's Traditional Music : Palace Music , Humanistic Music , Religion Music , Folk Music , analyze the efficiency of administrating society with neutralizing music and facilitating social harmony . Finally , discuss realistic value of this paper .

  25. 摘要早期道教伦理以阴阳和谐的“天人合一”论为支柱,将建立太平世界作为它的治世理想,致力于个体的得道成仙,并以此来调节人们的现实社会关系。

    On the basis of the theory of " unification of nature and human " in the balance between yin and yang , the ethics of early Taoism tries hard to build a peaceful world , makes the individual be immortal nod adapts the relations between people and reality .

  26. 这只是问题的一个方面,中国历代思想家包括理学诸子治学的目的是为了干政治世,因此,传统哲学本体论思想同样地具有强烈的政治伦理功能。

    This is one aspect of the problem . The thinkers of ancient China , including those of the study of confucian school of idealist philosophy , studied knowledge to apply their theories into the politics . Thus , the traditional philosophy has a function of politics and ethics .