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jié jiǎn
  • thrifty;frugal;economical;frugalness;retrench
节俭 [jié jiǎn]
  • [frugalness] 生活俭省,有节制

  • 节俭持家

节俭[jié jiǎn]
  1. 杰姬觉得自己的百万富翁丈夫的一些节俭习惯很是滑稽。

    Jackie sees the comedy in her millionaire husband 's thrifty habits .

  2. 我妈妈教我生活要节俭。

    My mother taught me to be thrifty .

  3. 你得格外注意培养孩子的节俭意识,零花钱要省着花。

    You will have to make a special effort to train your child to be careful with her pocket-money

  4. 她有钱了,可这丝毫没能让她改变节俭的生活习惯。

    The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life .

  5. 凭着节俭,她设法以自己微薄的薪水生活。

    By frugality she managed to get along on her small salary .

  6. 他非得节俭不可,因为他没多少钱。

    He has to be economical , because he hasn 't much money .

  7. 我们尽可能节俭,但没什么用,因为我们仍然欠了一大笔债。

    We 've economized as much as possible , but to little great avail , since we still owe a lot of money .

  8. 毕竟,他们是践行勤奋与节俭美德的优秀的农民。

    For after all , they are good farmers who practice the virtues of work and thrift .

  9. 她必须节俭来供她儿子上大学。

    She had to skimp to send her son to college .

  10. 道教历来倡导节俭、朴素的生活。

    Taoism has always advocated thriftiness and plain life .

  11. “节俭疲劳”指的是经济困难时期长时间节俭引发的心理疲劳。

    Frugal1 fatigue2 refers to mental exhaustion3 caused by constant frugality4 during hard economic times .

  12. 旧时的家庭主妇通常都很节俭。

    Old-fashioned housewives were usually very saving .

  13. 消费者已经节俭了一年,他们厌倦了什么都不买。

    Consumers have been frugal for over a year . They ’ re tired of not buying anything .

  14. 一个寡妇,既节俭又勤劳,她对两个仆人的要求也相当严厉。

    A widow , thrifty1 and industrious2 , had two servants , whom she kept pretty hard at work .

  15. 一位朋友试图劝他的老妈妈要享用钱,她通过节俭的生活攒下了钱。

    A friend was trying to encourage his elderly mother to enjoy the money , she had accumulated through frugal living .

  16. 公务活动需要安排用餐的,应当根据实际情况,节俭安排用餐数量、形式,不得超过规定的标准。

    Catering arrangements for work-related events should be based on the actual circumstances and all the details such as amount of dishes and way of dining should follow the principle of frugality and not go beyond the standard thereof .

  17. 近代日本借用此一汉语旧词对译英文术语economy,含义变为国民生产、分配、交换、消费的总和,兼指节俭、合算。

    In modern times Japan translated the English terms of economy by borrowing this old term from Chinese , which means the summation of national production , distribution , exchange and consumption .

  18. PPARγ&节俭基因的主控基因

    PPAR γ & The Master of Thrifty Genes

  19. 中国虽有储蓄盈余(大约相当于2012年gdp的一半),可人们节俭下来的积蓄却缺乏合适的投资渠道。

    China has both a surplus of saving ( almost half of GDP in 2012 ) and a shortage of suitable vehicles for that thrift .

  20. 居民节约对公司和就业来讲不是好事&这就是凯恩斯所谓的“节俭悖论”(paradoxofthrift)。

    Their prudent saving will destroy companies and jobs & Keynes 's " paradox of thrift " .

  21. 坐在简单装修的员工自助餐厅里,安迪·贾西(AndyJassy)讲述着网上零售巨头较新却不改节俭的一面。

    Sitting in a sparsely decorated employee cafeteria , Andy Jassy pitches a newer if equally thrifty side of thee-tailing giant .

  22. 幸运的是,对cheapflights而言,航空公司和旅行社没有这么节俭。

    Fortunately for Cheapflights , airlines and travel agents have not been so abstemious .

  23. WSL的咨询师罗森贝里说,如今节俭是主流,虚荣消费已经过时。

    Frugality is in , frivolousness is out , 'said Shilpa Rosenberry , a consultant with WSL .

  24. 如果你对该党领导人亚历克西斯•齐普拉斯(AlexisTsipras)过去说的话将信将疑,那么他现在的计划是在摇摇欲坠的欧元区边缘疯狂乱舞,以恐吓欧元区较节俭的成员国接受他的要求。

    If you believe half of his past rhetoric , its leader Alexis Tsipras plans to dance wildly on the crumbling edge of the eurozone , to scare its thriftier members into accepting his demands .

  25. 说到买礼物,他总是很节俭的。

    He always was economical when it came to buying presents .

  26. 我猜那不是因为他很节俭。

    I 'm guessing it 's not because he 's frugal .

  27. 中国传统文化从个体道德与国家发展两个层面出发,提倡节俭;

    China tradition advocates frugality from individual ethics and country development ;

  28. 你是幸运的右手,节俭是幸运的左手。

    You are fortune 's right , and frugality her left .

  29. 节俭却贫穷的家庭将成为第一批受害者。

    Prudent but poor households will be the first to suffer .

  30. 他不得不以生活节俭来弥补其低微收入。

    He has to offset his small salary by living economically .