
jié nénɡ lǜ
  • Energy saving rate;fractional energy saving
  1. 太阳能LED灯具主要应用于城市公用领域的路灯,对现有的光照系统进行改造,节能率达到60%。

    Solar LED lanterns are mainly applied in urban public domain to remould existing lighting system and it can reach the fractional energy saving of60 % .

  2. 对控制器用于不同容量负载时控制的准确性、电压调节精度、滤波器工作效果以及按时间控制策略工作时的节能率进行了验证。

    The control accuracy using in the systems which have different load capacities , the voltage setting accuracy and working effect of the filters are verified . The ratio of fractional energy saving is calculated , when the lighting regulator works according to the time control strategy .

  3. 燃用LPG比燃用汽油的当量比油耗低,节能率在5%左右。

    Fuel consumption ratio of LPG was lower than petrol , the rate of saving power was about 5 % .

  4. 它与添加剂配合由试生产证实NPA-6、NPA-8是理想的新型加工助剂,用量3%时,可使挤出成型的节能率达10%,与LLDPE加工母料用量4%时的节能率相当。

    When it was used by 3 % , the energy consumed in extrusion processing could be saved by 10 % , equal to the energy saved when 4 % LLDPE processing mother solution was used .

  5. 终端能源总量增长和节能率目标。

    Limited growth rate of final energy consumption and energy conservation .

  6. 高位气压罐的节能率问题

    Energy-saving design of pressure water tank located in high altitude

  7. 与单产二甲醚的工艺相比,联产系统的相对节能率为8.94%。

    With the latter one 8.94 % relative energy saving may be attained .

  8. 工业炉烟气余热回收节能率的计算方法讨论

    Calculated method discussion of industrial furnace gas waste heat recovery rate of energy saving

  9. 严寒地区居住建筑实施节能率65%的分析

    Analysis on Implementation of Energy Saving Rate of 65 % for Residential Buildings in Severe Cold Region

  10. 太阳能脱水干燥苹果与传统热风干燥相比,节能率为69.2%。

    Compared with the traditional hot air drying , energy-saving rate of solar drying apples was 69.2 % .

  11. 基于不同建设阶段的夏热冬冷地区住宅建筑节能率比较分析

    Comparative analysis of energy efficiency rates of residential buildings in different construction stages in hot summer and cold winter zone

  12. 吸收式制冷机对三联产系统节能率的影响很小。

    The influence of absorbing type refrigerating machine upon enorgysaving rate of the triplex cogeneration system to be very little .

  13. 当负载率为14%时,节能率可达9%。

    Data display that the energy saving ratio can be up to 9 % while the load ratio is 14 % .

  14. 以一次能源消耗为统一基准推导了联产系统相对分产系统的相对收益、相对节能率和节能判据关系式。

    A new kind of biomass based polygeneration system for the production of power and methanol is proposed in this paper .

  15. 窗墙比对居住建筑的冷热耗量指标及节能率的影响

    Effect of area ratio of window to wall on cooling and heating energy consumption index and energy efficient rate for residential buildings

  16. 该文旨在对温室内保温幕的节能率进行理论分析和计算。

    The objective of this paper is to do some theoretical analysis and calculation on the energy conservation rate of inside thermal screen .

  17. 定性分析了影响该分布式水泵系统节能率的各个因素,结论可供实际工程中分布式水泵系统的设计与改造参考。

    Analyses factors that affect the energy saving ratio of systems , the conclusions can be used as references for designing and reconstructing .

  18. 隔热涂层用在太阳辐照密度越大、日最高气温越低、日较差越大的地区节能率越高,越有利于发挥其降低空调负荷及日累计能耗的功能;

    The function of the TICs is outstanding in the regions with intensive solar radiation , low outdoor daily maximum temperature and large diurnal temperature range ;

  19. 结合对不同地区、不同类型建筑、不同节能率建筑的分析,综合给出关于太阳能保证率选取方面的合理建议。

    Combining analysing the best solar fraction in different regions , different building types and different building energy saving rates , this article gave suggestions synthetically .

  20. 建筑节能率若为m%,则建筑本体能耗指标得分为m分,满分60分。

    If building energy efficiency ratio is m % , the score of building energy consumption index is m credits , and full scores is 60 credits .

  21. 结果表明:保温墙体对冬季节能率明显,而对夏季节能率影响不大。

    The results show that : energy efficiency is significant in winter for exterior insulation wall , but it is little influence of energy efficiency ratio in summer .

  22. 通过软件模拟表明,本系统可以对电能质量参数进行有效的监测与分析,节能率可达10%左右,显著提高了能源利用率。

    Through software simulation shows that the system power quality parameters can be effective monitoring and analysis , energy-saving rate of about 10 % , significantly increased energy efficiency .

  23. 在实验中,基于2m/s实验数据,最小的节能率达到12%,而预冷效果相差2℃。

    Compared with the experimental result with 2m / s , the energy saving rate is more than 12 % , and the pre-cooling temperature difference is 2 ℃ .

  24. 然后选取了不同的热负荷率进行计算,得出热负荷率越小,系统的相对节能率越大的结论。

    Then select different heat load rate calculated and reached the conclusion that the smaller the heat load rate is , the greater the energy-saving rate of the system is .

  25. 压差设定值越大,系统的节能率越小,循环水泵在高效区内的变频范围越小,反之亦然;

    The more the pressure difference value is , the less the energy-saving rate is and the less scope of high efficiency of variable pump is , and vice versa .

  26. 结果表明,平流双效精馏和逆流双效精馏的节能率随进料中易挥发组分质量分数的增加而增大,节能率均在40%以上。

    The results show that the energy-saving efficiency increases for dual-feed flow and back-feed flow , and lightly decreases for forward-feed flow with the increase of light components in feed ;

  27. 通过单间教室自然室温度小时数、冷热负荷、全年能耗对比量化改造后建筑的节能率。

    Quantify the transformation of building energy rate by comparing the number of temperature hours in natural room , hot and cold load , and annual energy consumption of single-classroom .

  28. 研究还发现,室内相对湿度相同,随室内设计温度的提高,复合式系统压缩机能耗明显减少,节能率呈上升趋势;

    We found that energy saving of vapor-compression subsystem increases with the increasing of indoor design temperature at the same indoor relative humidity , but reducing energy saving of hybrid cycle .

  29. 对楼宇室内照明采用最优供电电压照明和楼宇外墙采用时变稳压控制方案的节能率进行了分析计算,节能率达223%。

    Using the optimal power supply voltage for lighting in the building and time-varying voltage regulation scheme outside , the energy-saving ratio is calculated , and it 's up to 22.3 % .

  30. 与常规分产系统相比,两系统在热力学性能上均有较大优势,绝大多数节能率超过20%。

    Compared with conventional single generation systems the above-mentioned two systems both have a relatively great edge in terms of thermodynamic performance with energy saving rate in most cases surpassing 20 % .