
  • 网络energy-efficient vehicle;EEV;dymaxion
  1. 当前,能源危机和环境污染促使以电动汽车(EV,electricvehicle)为主的低排放节能汽车得到了重视和发展。

    With the emergence of energy crisis and environmental pollution , low-emission and energy-conservation car relying mainly on electric vehicle ( EV ) has been paid attention to and developed .

  2. 混合动力电动车(HEV)作为新一代的节能汽车,已经越来越多地受到了各国政府的重视。

    As the new generation of energy conservation vehicle , the hybrid electrical vehicle ( HEV ) has been concerned by every countries ' government .

  3. 为此,他关闭了福特公司业绩不佳的工厂,停止生产包括捷豹(Jaguar)和路虎(LandRover)在内的令公司亏本的汽车品牌,并开始研发消费者负担得起的节能汽车。

    To do that , Ford closed down under-performing plants , but also began to design affordable , fuel-efficient cars , and discontinued brands that were losing money , including Jaguar and Land Rover .

  4. XL1算是皮耶主持推出的第四代超级节能汽车了。

    This is the fourth iteration of a super-efficient car ordered by Piech .

  5. 多级节能汽车齿轮油的研究与应用

    Study of Multigrade Save Energy Automotive Gear Oils and Its Application

  6. 日本人在购买节能汽车;中国则在消费家用电器。

    The Japanese are buying fuel-efficient cars ; the Chinese household electronics .

  7. 液压节能汽车制动能量回收及动态调节控制策略的研究

    Research on Strategy of Regenerative Braking and Coordinated Control for Hydraulic Energy-saving Vehicle

  8. 旅行:把各种差事集中起来办理,开节能汽车或者在家里开一辆车;

    TRAVEL : Combine errands , drive a fuel-efficient car or become a one-car family ;

  9. 节能汽车更便宜、耗油量更少、二氧化碳排放量也更低。

    More efficient cars are cheaper to run , use less oil and emit less CO2 .

  10. 它将允许那些公司临时动用用于开发节能汽车的借款来支付日常运转(所需的花销)。

    It would let the companies temporarily use the fuel-efficiency loans to pay for daily operations .

  11. 纾困的目的,也不是为了制造新一代节能汽车。

    Nor is the purpose of the bail-out to create a new generation of fuel-efficient cars .

  12. 根据这一战略,我们虽然还将在国内生产更多的石油气,但同时也将生产更多生物燃料和节能汽车;

    A strategy where we produce more oil and gas here at home , but also more biofuels and fuel-efficient vehicles ;

  13. 该计划实施生效后通用汽车公司,通用将在国内汽车市场占有更大份额,其中也包括节能汽车市场。

    As this plan takes effect , GM will start building a larger share of its cars here at home , including fuel-efficient cars .

  14. 汽车是主要面向城市的往返,在一个人谁不想做一个小,节能汽车的声明旨在利基。

    The car is geared toward city commuting and aimed at a niche of people who want to make a statement with a small , energy-efficient car .

  15. 国家应该鼓励和支持生产节能汽车并采取措施减少有害物质对大气环境的污染。

    The State should encourage and support the production and consumption of cars superior in better fuel consumption and take measures to reduce the pollution of atmospheric environment .

  16. 古斯比表示还有其他因素导致了油价的下跌,包括节能汽车的普及需求量增加,还有主要消费群体的需求降低。

    Goolsbee said there are several other factors contributing to lower gas prices , including the increase in the number of fuel-efficient vehicles on the road and less demand from major consumers .

  17. 高油价抑制了驾车行为,加上更节能汽车和替代能源(以乙醇和天然气为代表)的兴起,这都抑制了美国的石油需求。

    US oil demand is being curbed by high prices inhibiting driving , a shift to more efficient cars and the rise of alternative fuels , particularly ethanol but also natural gas .

  18. 官员表示,下降是因为温暖的冬季天气、新英里数要求使越来越多的节能汽车投入使用,以及正在进行的由煤电到天然气发电的转变。

    Official say that drop is because of a warm winter weather , more efficient cars because of the new milage requirement and an ongoing shift from coal power to natural gas to produce electricity .

  19. 小型、低成本和节能汽车在日本的热销是多种原因促成的:日本道路狭窄,汽油价格高昂而且政府征收汽车税,更不必说该国经历了长达20年的经济停滞。

    The popularity of small , low-cost and fuel-efficient cars rests on a combination of factors : Japan 's narrow roads , high gasoline prices and auto taxes , not to mention two decades of economic stagnation .

  20. 美国正开始戒除它的外国石油瘾:随着油价上涨、节能汽车的推广和大量使用乙醇燃料,进口石油在美国石油消费总量中所占比例自1977年以来首次出现下降。

    The US is starting to break its addiction to foreign oil as high prices , more efficient cars , and the use of ethanol significantly cut the share of its oil imports for the first time since 1977 .

  21. 实现汽车工业可持续性发展的重要战略是开发出环保型的节能汽车和新能源汽车,因而研究代用燃料发动机,发展清洁汽车已成为刻不容缓的选择。

    The development of vehicles which are environment-friendly energy-saving and new energy are important to the achieve sustainable development strategy of automobile industry , which study alternative fuel engines , so the development of clean vehicles have been the urgent choice .

  22. 积极发展网络购物等新型消费业态。支持引导环保建材、节水洁具、节能汽车等绿色消费。扩大消费信贷。

    We will actively develop new forms of consumption such as online shopping ; support and guide the consumption of green goods such as environmentally friendly building materials , water-saving sanitation products , and energy-efficient vehicles ; and expand consumer credit .

  23. 布什政府反对在最初的250亿美元用于开发节能汽车的联邦贷款之外提供任何新的联邦援助,现在仍然对汽车制造商要求帮助采取观望态度。

    The Bush administration , which has opposed extending federal assistance beyond a $ 25 billion government loan originally intended to foster the development of more fuel-efficient vehicles , is taking a wait-and-see approach to the carmakers ' pleas for help .

  24. 混合动力汽车具有低油耗、低排放、长行驶里程、技术成熟等优点,是目前最切实可行、可批量生产的节能汽车。

    Hybrid electric vehicle ( HEV ), which has many advantages , such as low energy consumption , low emissions , long drive distance , mature technology etc , is presently a kind of vehicle that most feasible and capable of mass production .

  25. 混合动力轿车是目前环保节能汽车开发应用中最为成熟的代表,其内饰设计作为与用户关系最密切的部分而备受重视与关注。

    Hybrid electric sedan is the most mature representation of automobile research and development on energy saving and environmental protection at present . Interior design of hybrid electric sedan is focused on and attached importance to as the closest part related to the users .

  26. 石油输出国组织(organizationofpetroleumexportingcountries)最近预计,到2035年,从中东到北美的石油运输将几乎完全消失,部分原因在于,更节能的汽车引擎和可再生燃料将帮助抑制对石油的需求。

    By 2035 , oil shipments from the Middle East to North America " could almost be nonexistent , " the organization of petroleum exporting countries recently predicted , partly because more efficient car engines and a growing supply of renewable fuel will help curb demand .

  27. 电动汽车(EV)是实现汽车能源多元化与零排放节能环保汽车的理想选择,但由于车用动力电池性能发展水平的制约,纯电动汽车的发展与应用受到了有识之士的质疑。

    Electric vehicle ( EV ) can realize the localization of energy source and it is the ultimate choice of zero-discharge , energy-saving , and environment-friendly automobile . However , the behavior of the power cell restricts the application and development of electric vehicle .

  28. 随着电子产品在汽车中所占比例越来越高,42V电压系统的研究和新型环保节能电动汽车的不断开发,为线控技术带来了更为广阔的应用前景。

    With the proportion of electronic products in automotive growing higher and higher , along with the progress of 42 V voltage system and the development of new environmental protection and energy saving electrical vehicle , the X-by-wire technology has a wild application perspective .

  29. 为了节能,汽车的轻量化已越来越受到人们的重视。

    The light weight automobile for saving in energy which enjoying increasing popularity .

  30. 对企业及个人环保意识的培养对推广节能环保汽车也有很大的促进作用。

    Cultivating the environmental awareness of individual and companies is helpful for popularizing the green car .