
  • 网络goals;Therapeutic Target;goal of treatment
  1. 医:失语症的最终治疗目标是改善患者说话、解、读、无需借助电子设备的阅读能力。

    D : A final goal of treatment of aphasia is to improve the patient 's ability to speak , understand , read and write without electronic communication aids .

  2. 狼疮肾炎治疗目标的研究

    Research about the goals of treatment of lupus nephritis

  3. 其治疗目标应是挽救可逆性缺血组织&缺血性半暗带(IP),以缩小梗塞范围和改善神经功能。

    The therapeutic target is to salvage potentially reversible ischemic tissue ( ischemic penumbra , IP ) to reduce infarct size and improve neuro muscular function .

  4. UC的治疗目标是针对这一慢性非特异性炎症控制发作,维持缓解。

    The aim of the treatment of ulcerative colitis is to control attack and maintain remission .

  5. 脊髓损伤(spinalCordInjury,SCI)的治疗目标有三个:挽救(rescue)受损神经元的迟发性损伤和死亡;

    There are three main types of therapeutic strategies for spinal cord injury ( SCI ): rescue of injured neurons from secondary injury with prevention of neuronal death ;

  6. 对TNF-a、IL-10的分析提示,早期实现肠道治疗目标的患者血清TNF-a浓度明显下降。

    On the analysis of TNF-a and IL-10 showed that TNF-a serum levels significantly decreased in patients with early treatment .

  7. 计划将由192个全体世界卫生组织会员国通过的“三五”目标作为实现向所有有所需求的人普遍提供HIV治疗目标的一项临时步骤。

    The " 3 by5 " target , endorsed by all192 WHO Member States , was intended as an interim step toward the goal of universal access to HIV treatment for those who need it .

  8. 在炎症反应方面,与未早期实现肠道治疗目标的患者相比,早期实现肠道治疗目标的患者治疗后的SIRS评分、血清CRP改善更明显。

    In the inflammatory response , in comparison with patients of no early treatment , there were significant improvements in the SIRS score , serum CRP of patients with early treatment .

  9. 体外释放研究表明1.5%的甘氨酸能作为稳定剂,MCT的加入能加快初期释放速率,为体内迅速起效并维持较长平稳的血药浓度的治疗目标,开辟了一种制剂学的新手段。

    Also in vitro release research showed that glycine can act as a stabilizer ; the addition of MCT can accelerate the initial stage release behavior , which makes the aims of quick function and maintaining a long stable plasma drug concentration in vivo is possible .

  10. 慢性乙型肝炎治疗目标及策略解析

    Aims and Countermeasure of Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B

  11. 能够早期实现肠道治疗目标的脓毒症患者可能具有更好的预后结局。

    Sepsis patients who can be treated early may have a better prognosis outcome .

  12. 聚焦超声手术中治疗目标三维超声定位系统的研制

    The Development of 3D US System for Treating Target Localization in Focused Ultrasound Surgery

  13. 证实慢性肾病的病人比未证实的病人更容易达到治疗目标。

    Patients with documented CKD achieved treatment goals more frequently than patients without documented CKD .

  14. 治疗目标定位与临床决策

    Treatment Localization of Target and Clinical Decision-making

  15. 我们看到医疗体系存在着巨大的支出。现在讲求的治疗目标是人瘤长期共存。

    Now the remedial target of be particular about is person tumour coexists for a long time .

  16. 一种方法是将治疗目标锁定在某种疾病的一部分患者。

    One way to do this is to just target a subset of those with the disease .

  17. 早期实现肠道治疗目标除了可以改善脓毒症患者的肠道屏障功能,还可能改善脓毒症患者的肠道吸收功能。

    In addition , early treatment could improve bowel intestinal barrier function and may improve intestinal absorption in sepsis patients .

  18. 为达到治疗目标,美国高血压人群需付出更多努力,特别是高血压女性患者。

    Additional efforts may be needed to achieve therapeutic goals for the US hypertensive population , especially for hypertensive women .

  19. 所以我认为对于乙型肝炎的治疗目标是跟据不同感染时期的患者而设立的。

    So I think the goal of hepatitis B treatment they are variable depending on what state of population is document .

  20. 最终目的是要找到潜在治疗目标,以帮助人们克服晚睡或早起的睡眠类型。

    The ultimate goal is to find potential targets for treatments that could help people overcome their evening or morning chronotype .

  21. 治疗目标分别为①心室率下降到50~65次/min(不低于50次/min);

    The target doses were respectively defined as : ① heart rate to 50-65 bpm ( no less than 50 bpm );

  22. 消融的治疗目标是围绕疤痕区域制造出一个屏障,阻断电活动的异常环路,恢复心脏的正常节律。

    The goal of ablation is to burn a barrier around the scars to end the electrical disturbance and restore normal heart rhythm .

  23. 治疗目标在于恢复正常的无痛活动范围,预防或逆转神经并发症症以及恢复脊柱稳定性。

    The goals of treatment are to restore normal pain-free range of motion , prevent , or reverse neurologic compromise and restore spinal stability .

  24. 对大柴胡汤运用范围的分析,得出了本方以肝胆胰的感染性疾病为主要治疗目标。

    We also gain a view that this recipe 's main object of treatment is for those infestation of liver , gallbladder and pancreas .

  25. 目前哮喘尚不能根治,其治疗目标在于达到并长期维持临床症状的控制。

    By now asthma is still not cured completely , and the therapeutic aim is to achieve and get the long-term control of the clinical symptoms .

  26. 一旦确定了治疗目标,且通过治疗症状持续改善,就应该为沟通困难的患者提供适合的治疗,并监测进展。

    Where achievable goals can be identified , and continuing progress demonstrated , patients with communication difficulties should be offered appropriate treatment , with monitoring of progress .

  27. 这项研究发现两组在心血管事件并发症方面没有区别,但是治疗目标较高的治疗组最终需要透析的时间比对照组要早。

    This study found no difference in cardiovascular outcomes , but did find that more people in the group targeted for higher hemoglobin levels ended up needing dialysis sooner .

  28. 研究结束时,按照是否早期实现肠道治疗目标,将所有临床随机对照研究的纳入对象重新分组,分为早期实现肠道治疗目标组和未早期实现肠道治疗目标组,比较两组患者的临床疗效。

    At the end of study , re-grouped all the randomized controlled clinical study into early treatment target group and non-early treatment target group , and compared their clinical efficacy .

  29. 恢复血压昼夜节律和降低晨峰血压对于预防老年高血压病患者心、脑血管事件是一个新的治疗目标。

    Recovery circadian rhythm and reduction of the morning surge could thus be a new therapeutic target for preventing target organ damage and subsequent cardiovascular events in elderly hypertensive patients .

  30. 自我追踪疗法初探确定治疗目标,指导患者对自己进行积极评价,分析患者的自我追踪报告。

    The therapy can be carried out in three steps : setting the treatment goal , instructing the patient to evaluate himself positively , analysing the patient 's self approving .