
gé zhí
  • remove from office;cashier;dismiss;discharge from a position;ouster;oust
革职 [gé zhí]
  • [remove from office;dismiss] 免职。尤指因劣迹从军队或国家职务中正式革除

  • 老孙被革职了

革职[gé zhí]
  1. 将一名公务员革职。一般事务人员任用升级分设委员会

    Remove a civil servant . General Service Appointment and Promotion Committee

  2. 我将向议会请求将你革职。

    I 'm recommending that you be removed from duty .

  3. 可怜的乔昨天被革职了。

    Poor Joe got the ax at the office yesterday .

  4. 这件事有了意外的后果,那就是他被革职了。

    This had the unexpected consequence that he got fired .

  5. 他因为受贿而被革职。

    He was chucked out of office for taking bribes .

  6. 今天三个人意想不到的在公司里被革职了。

    Three people unexpectedly got sacked at work today .

  7. 这名女上尉被革职了。

    The lieutenant was stripped of her rank .

  8. 现在什么问题要将他革职?

    For what reason to terminate him ?

  9. 由于他一贯的在办理洋务方面的保守立场以及在处理教案、通商等事宜上与帝国主义各国的不合作,导致了多方的仇恨,最终被清政府革职。

    As his conservative stance and non-cooperation with the imperialist countries , eventually dismissed by Qing government .

  10. 将一名公务员革职。

    Remove a civil servant .

  11. 他认为他比神还要万能,但被革职的确使他失去了自信。

    He thought he was better than God but being fired sure took the wind out of his sails .

  12. 纳塔尔主教科连索于1862年在南非因着攻击摩西五经的真实性而被革职。

    Colenso , Bishop of Natal , was deposed in South Africa in1862 for impugning the authenticity of the Pentateuch .

  13. 由一个指挥官或司令官以及全体职员组成的一个军事单位。那位军官必须革职。

    A military unit consisting of a commander and the headquarters staff . That officer must be removed form his position .

  14. 法庭支持官方的决定,将尤努斯革职,因为他已经70岁,远远超过了法定的退休年龄。

    The court upheld the official decision to sack him from the bank saying at70 he was well past the mandatory retirement age .

  15. 吴忠的副市长因他座驾开上窄桥迫使桥上一13岁女孩堕水,且见死不救而被革职。

    Wuzhong s deputy mayor was fired after his motorcade forced a13-year-old girl off a narrow bridge and he then watched her drown .

  16. 中青报的冰点对此作出回应,并附发了这篇文章,后来,冰点被暂时停刊、辑被革职。

    In response , the popular newspaper supplement Freezing Point , which carried his essay , was temporarily shut down and its editors were fired .

  17. 上周在不到30分钟的总统办公室会议上,他正式接受了麦克里斯特尔的辞呈将其革职。

    He fired McChrystal – officially , he accepted his resignation – last week during an Oval Office meeting that lasted less than 30 minutes .

  18. 事发后,该公司通过媒体公开道歉,召回2000多吨猪肉,24名员工因此遭到开除或革职审查。

    The company issued an apology for the act , then recalled more than 2000 tons of their pork . Twenty-four workers were sacked or suspended .

  19. 韩国间谍机构12月3日曾告知议员,张成泽可能已被革职,这引发了朝鲜国内局势可能出现动荡的担忧。

    South Korea 's spy agency told lawmakers on Dec. 3 that it suspected Mr. Jang had been deposed , raising concerns of instability in the North .

  20. 根据该命令,行政长官可委出一个覆核委员会,就如何处理有关公务员任命、革职和纪律事宜等申述向他提供意见。

    This also provides that the chief executive may appoint a review board to advise him on those representations relating to appointment , dismissal and discipline of public servants .

  21. 朝鲜周一证实了张成泽被革职的消息。虽然张成泽在军方和党内均有职务,但他与朝鲜劳动党联系更多。

    While Mr. Jang , whose ouster was confirmed by North Korea on Monday , had positions of power in both the military and the party , he was more commonly associated with the party .

  22. 任何成员犯附表1指明的违纪行为,可处革职,或按本条例和根据本条例订立的规例以其它方式处理。

    Any member who commits any of the offences against discipline specified in the first schedule shall be liable to be dismissed or otherwise dealt with as provided in this Ordinance and in regulations made thereunder .

  23. 康熙二年(1663),受召出仕,宦途平顺之际命运重蹈覆辙,再次遭劾,被革职逮问。

    The Kangxi two years ( 1663 ), is summoned to become an official , the official career is smooth when the destiny makes same mistakes over again , suffers once more he , is removed from office catches asked .