
ɡuó jiā cái zhènɡ
  • national finance;state revenue and expenditure
  1. 民国时期是一个社会动荡、制度转型的特殊社会阶段,国家财政与地方财政的整合与分化是研究民国宁波财政的重要经济背景。

    " The Republican period " is a society turbulence , system rotates peculiar type society stage , state revenue and expenditure and local finance integrating and differentiation are to study important Republic Ningbo finance economic setting .

  2. 这场旷日持久的战争使他们国家财政濒于破产的边缘。

    This long-drawn-out war brought their country 's finance to the verge of bankruptcy .

  3. 国家财政现状很好。

    The present state of the country 's finances is very good .

  4. 当选官员应当听取国家财政责任和改革委员会(nationalcommissiononfiscalresponsibilityandreform)的建议,就像筋疲力尽的游泳者听从救生员的建议一样。

    Elected officials should latch on to the advice of the National Commission on fiscal responsibility and reform , as an exhausted swimmer to a lifebuoy .

  5. IMF则认为,周期性调整的基本财政平衡的变动会误导人们对于国家财政态势变化的理解。

    The IMF argues that movements in the CAPB can give a misleading impression about changes in a country 's fiscal stance .

  6. 欧元区国家财政部长将在今晚召开会议,讨论欧元区和国际货币基金组织(IMF)联手救援希腊的7500亿欧元计划;上周该计划未能阻止欧元兑美元创下新低。

    Finance ministers will meet tonight to discuss the € 750bn eurozone and International Monetary Fund rescue plan for Greece , which failed to prevent the euro hitting fresh lows against the dollar last week .

  7. 讨论平面上OLG模型的均衡解的稳定性,并利用一个类似稳定流形定理的结论,把二维动力系统化为一维动力系统,从而在整体上研究带有国家财政赤字的OLG模型。

    The stability of the equilibrium solution is discussed in the OLG model of planner system , With a result close to the stable manifold theorem , the dimension of the problem is reduced , then the paper provides a global analysis of the dynamics of the model .

  8. 公共财政是市场经济国家财政运行模式。

    Public finance is the financial function model of market-economy countries .

  9. 维持适度平衡的国家财政预算的老目标又被人们重新提了出来。

    The old goal of reasonably balanced state budgets was rehabilitated .

  10. 国家财政投资工程项目建设管理中的投资控制

    Investment control in management of construction project by national finance

  11. 规避财政风险,建立稳固平衡的国家财政

    Avoiding Fiscal Risks , Setting up Stable National Public Finance in Equilibrium

  12. 社会保障基金的运行成败也影响到国家财政。

    Its operation is closely related to the state finance .

  13. 过于依赖化石燃料早已耗尽了国家财政收入。

    Over-reliance on fossil fuels has long drained national budgets .

  14. 管理机关为国家财政机关;

    The administration should be the government financial organs .

  15. 以天津为例,建立了天津地方财政预算内支出的经济计量模型,具体诊断、识别出国家财政税收政策行为变迁发生的年份、影响程度和运行机制。

    We have established the econometric model for Tianjin local government budgetary expenditures .

  16. 国家财政随着国家的产生而出现,一国的政治、经济和文化都对该国的财政职能和财政运行机制产生影响。

    State finance emerges with the formation of state .

  17. 国家财政支持农业产业化的相关政策

    State Policies of Financial Support to Industrialization of Agriculture

  18. 中国建筑业与国家财政政策

    Chinese construction industry and the national fiscal policy

  19. 统一国家财政经济工作

    Unification of the national fiscal and economic work

  20. 实名制国家财政券:俄罗斯高等教育财政体制的可贵探索

    Research on National Nominative Financial Voucher in Russia

  21. 民营化有利于改善国家财政状况、促进国家机构改革;

    Privatization helps to improve the state finance and promote national administrative structure reform ;

  22. 确定了国家财政对农民收入历史欠账进行的补偿方式。

    Determine the compensation mode of the national finance for rural income history bills due .

  23. 财政体制的转变根源于经济体制的转变,是国家财政体制适应经济改革开放而作出的转变。

    The transformation of the finance is due to the change of the economy system .

  24. 国家财政收支状况良好,金融体系稳健,社会资金充裕;

    We have a healthy fiscal balance , a sound financial system and adequate funds .

  25. 公共财政与国家财政

    On Public Finance and State Finance

  26. 这需要坚实的国家财政。

    This requires solid national finances .

  27. 国债规模过大,不但不能发挥其对宏观经济实行有效的调控作用,反而会给国家财政和社会的正常运转带来消极的影响。

    To the contrary , too large scale of national debt will result in passive consequence .

  28. 为争取国家财政经济状况的基本好转而斗争

    Fight for a fundamental turn for the better in the nation 's financial and economic situation

  29. 此外,由于预算政策失于稳妥,导致国家财政预算陷入困境。

    Elsewhere , state budgets are in distress as a result of insufficiently conservative budget policies .

  30. 建立稳固平衡的国家财政是我国财政经济工作重要的指导思想。

    It is our direct thought of our financial work to set up stability , equilibrium financial .