
  • 网络revolutionary history
  1. 革命史体系与现代文学史写作的逻辑缺失

    Lack of logic in Writing Revolutionary History and Modern Literary History

  2. 五台山在中国革命史上的崇高地位

    The High Position of Mount . Wutai in Chinese Revolutionary History

  3. 漫谈中国革命史教学改革

    On Reforming in Teaching " The History of Chinese Revolution "

  4. 中国革命史是中华民族的革命史&大学教科书中少数民族革命史教育亟待加强

    The History of Chinese Revolution-A History of the Chinese Nationalities

  5. 中国革命史是一门进行爱国主义教育的重要课程。

    The Chinese Revolutionary History is an important course in patriotism education .

  6. 中国革命史课程启发式教学初探

    A Brief Study of Elicitation in Teaching Chinese Revolutionary History

  7. 用比较方法进行中国革命史教学初探

    Make Initial Study of the Chinese Revolution History Teaching in Comparative Method

  8. 在革命史的研究中,基督徒是一个常被忽视的群体。

    In the study of revolution history the Christians are often neglected .

  9. 成为中国革命史上的一段佳话。

    The Chinese revolution , become a much-told story .

  10. 爱国&中国革命史教学中的动情点

    Love of Motherland * . a Stimulus to the Course of Chinese Revolution History

  11. 中国革命史陈列艺术设计的几个问题

    Several Problems on the artistic Design for the Display of Revolutionary History of China

  12. 再谈中国革命史教学的创新

    Talk about Teaching Innovation of Chinese Revolutionary History

  13. 关于辛亥革命史研究的几个问题

    One the Study of the 1911 Revolution

  14. 这在中国革命史上开辟了一个新纪元。

    This has ushered in a new epoch in the history of the Chinese revolution .

  15. 五台山独特的地理条件使它在中国革命史上具有崇高的地位。

    The special geographical condition of Mount Wutai gained its high position in Chinese revolutionary history .

  16. 与其他国家相比,德国的中国革命史研究的广度和深度尚有不同程度的距离。

    German scholars began to research on China 's revolutionary history in the 1950s and 1960s .

  17. 《中国革命史》与爱国主义教育

    Chinese Revolutionary History and Patriotism Education

  18. 在中国近代和现代革命史上,广州有着重要的地位。

    In China 's modern and contemporary history of the revolution , the Guangzhou has an important position .

  19. 中国这代历史的转折-辛亥革命史

    The Revolution of 1911

  20. 一部中国革命史,就是中国人民争取生存权的历史。

    The history of Chinese revolution is also the history of the Chinese people strive for the right to subsistence .

  21. 浮雕是根据碑文的内容创作的。按照革命史的顺序,分成十部分。

    The reliefs were created to illustrate the content of the monument writing and can be divided into ten sections .

  22. 无庸置疑,中国革命史是由包括汉族和各少数民族在内的中华民族创造的。

    Obviously , the history of Chineserevolution is a combination contributed both all the Han nationality and the minority nationalities .

  23. 正是由于以不同的范式指导编写教材,才导致了中国革命史教材的变迁。

    It is due to the different " paradigm " to guide written textbooks , can cause " the Chinese revolution " textbook changes .

  24. 建国以后,作为大众传媒的电影功能单一化,成为最高权力阶层进行革命史影像化的工具。

    Since 1949 , as one of the mass media , film lost other functions except ideology , became the tool of highest governor .

  25. 因此,在中国革命史上,带买办性的大资产阶级历来不是中国革命的动力,而是中国革命的对象。

    Therefore , it is a target of the Chinese revolution and never in the history of the revolution has it been a motive force .

  26. 苏北大地,是一片美丽而神奇的土地,我们盐阜地区也曾在中国革命史上留下过光辉的一页。

    Subei earth , are a beautiful and magical land , our region has Yanfu at the history of the Chinese revolution had left a glorious chapter .

  27. 文章认为,一部川陕苏区的革命史,就是一部红军对川陕苏区全面开发的奋斗史。

    The article holds that the revolutionary history of Chuan-Shan Soviet Areas is that of striving for overall development of the Soviet Areas by the Red Army .

  28. 目前,在《中国革命史》教学中存在着一种偏向,就是忽视少数民族革命史的教学。

    At present , there is a deviation of neglecting the importance of the revolution history of the minority nationalities in teaching The History of Chinese Revolution .

  29. 在修史方面,王葆心提出了革命史应为生人立传的思想,这是对前人的超越,具有创新意义。

    On History , Wang Baoxin proposed the idea of " living people can be wrote a biography in revolutionary history ", which was the transcendence of previous innovative .

  30. 该书的出版,为人们认识滇黔桂边区根据地在中国革命史上的地位和作用,提供了很珍贵的史实和史论。

    This book provides valuable historical facts and expositions for people to realize the role and position of the revolutionary base of Dian-qian-gui border areas in the China revolutionary history .