
  • 网络coriaceous;Leathery eggs
  1. A级和B级中的革质叶,C级和D级中的草质叶所占比例也最大。

    The proportions of leather-like leaf in A Class , B Class and herbaceous leaf in C Class , D Class are also most .

  2. 美洲热带树种,果实可食,革质外壳。

    Tropical American tree having edible fruit with a leathery rind .

  3. 叶片薄革质;果具粗糙的短柔毛。

    Leaf blade thinly leathery ; fruit with coarse pubescence .

  4. 加州常绿野生李属植物,多刺革质树叶,白色花冠。

    California evergreen wild plum with spiny leathery leaves and white flowers .

  5. 她戴了一个棕色的革质帽子。

    She was wearing a brown leather hat .

  6. 叶绿体变形是革质叶最大,纸质叶、肉质叶次之。

    The deformation degrees of chloroplast in leathery leaves were larger than in papery leaves and fleshy leaves .

  7. 当年小枝粗壮,2肋;干燥时的叶片厚革质,背面的红棕色;萼片短柔毛。

    Current year branchlets stout , 2-ribbed ; leaf blade thickly leathery , abaxially reddish brown when dry ; sepals pubescent .

  8. 美国西南部的一种多年生草本植物,有革质的、蓝绿色羽状叶和浓密的、羽毛状黄色花穗。

    Perennial of southwestern United States having leathery blue-green pinnatifid leaves and thick plumelike spikes of yellow flowers ; sometimes placed in genus Cleome .

  9. 花大、色白、芳香、叶革质常绿,树型优美,具有较高的园林观赏价值。

    They have high ornamental value that flower is big , white , fragrant and leaves are evergreen and the shape of tree is very beautiful .

  10. 具有革质外果皮,种子被若干小室分开的浆果如柑桔,叫做柑果。

    A berry with a leathery rind in which the seeds are separated by segments , as in the citrus fruits , is called a hesperidium .

  11. 该病原菌培养前期为黄白色、革质状,后为黑褐色、表面粘稠、不光滑。

    The Ustilago maydis was yellow-white small point and leather-like in earlier period , the colony became dark brown , ropiness surface and not smooth in latter period .

  12. 按照Raunkia生活型分类系统的分类结果,常绿成分和革质叶占绝对优势(分别占98.1%和90.4%)。

    According to Raunkiaer 's classification system of lifeform , the predominent components are evergreen and coriaceous-leaved components ( make up 98.1 % and 90.4 % respectively ) .

  13. 史蒂夫·乔布斯的“现实扭曲力场”理论虽然推进了苹果帝国的发展,但是它并依然不能阻止一块皮革质手表表带的自然磨损。

    Steve Jobs ' " reality distortion field " helped propel an empire , but it couldn 't keep a leather wristwatch band from showing some serious wear .

  14. 包含金缕梅属;蜡瓣花属;福氏金缕梅属;胶皮糖香树;其它小型属。加州常绿野生李属植物,多刺革质树叶,白色花冠。

    Comprises genera Hamamelis ; Corylopsis ; Fothergilla ; Liquidambar ; Parrotia ; other small genera . California evergreen wild plum with spiny leathery leaves and white flowers .

  15. 叶互生,近革质,倒披针形或长圆状倒披针形,长10-15厘米,宽2.5-3厘米,全缘,上面无毛,下面初时密生浅褐色丝质长柔毛;

    Leaves alternate , nearly leathery , oblanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate , 10-15 cm long , 2.5-3 cm wide , entire , glabrous above , initially densely brown villose beneath ;

  16. 豌豆根据荚皮类型可分为硬荚豌豆和软荚豌豆,二者的区别在于荚皮中有无革质膜。

    Edible pod pea and parchmented pod pea are two different types of pea according to whether they have a hard membrane ( parchment ) in pod or not .

  17. 结果表明:(1)森林群落在外貌上,以常绿高位芽、单叶、革质、中型叶植物为主,反映了热带岩溶山地季雨林的特点;

    Results showed that : ( 1 ) . The forest was characterized with phanerophyte evergreen plants with single-mesophyll-leathery leaves , which reflected the nature of tropical Karst mountainous seasonal rain forest .

  18. 夏孢子是双核菌丝体产生的成堆的双核孢子,革质,椭圆形或卵圆形,密生短刺萌发后,一般从气孔侵入寄主。

    Urediniospores are piles of dual-core spores produced by dual-core mycelium with leathery , oval-shaped or oval , dense and short thorn , and normally invade host plants from the stomata after germination .

  19. 其中革质鲜叶片(毛竹,紫丁香)表面硬度较大,蜡质叶片(水莲,美人蕉等)硬度较小;

    The hardness of leaves with leather texture ( such as fresh bamboo and lilac ) is higher , while that with wax texture ( such as lotus and canna ) is lower .

  20. 油茶树干光滑,叶厚革质,具有防火作用,是营造防火林带的优良树种,具有广泛的种植前景。

    The trees of Camellia smooth , leaves thickly leathery , which were provided with fire prevention effect , and which were builded forest fire prevention of the better species , have wide prospect of planting .