
  • 网络Sequoia;Redwood;redwood trees
  1. 一棵红杉树所生成的木料价值为8000美金。

    Wood from one redwood tree is worth $ 8,000 .

  2. 不要把自己束缚在红杉树上。

    Don 't chain yourself to a redwood tree .

  3. 今晚这场红杉树音乐会的主角是女高音朱佳莉。

    The star of this evening of the Redwood Concert is soprano Julia Zhu .

  4. 红杉树也很古老。

    The redwoods are also very old .

  5. 你看到那棵枯败的红杉树了吗?

    You see that blasted redwood ?

  6. 红杉树高耸于我们头顶上。

    Redwood trees soared above us .

  7. 观赏红杉的最佳地是加利福尼亚北部的红杉树国家公园。

    And one of the best places to see them is northern California 's Redwood National Forest .

  8. 红杉树一般生长在北美西海岸,主要在加利福尼亚。

    Redwood trees tend to grow on the west coast of North America , mostly in California .

  9. 19世纪来自西北部的拓荒者发现红杉树时,他们被眼前的景象惊呆了。

    The northwest settlers who discovered the sequoias in the 19th century were stunned by what they saw .

  10. 城堡的每个人都在学习世界上最高的树,也就是红杉树。

    Everyone at The Fort has been learning about redwood trees , the tallest trees in the world .

  11. 这场火灾已致4500人被迫撤离,目前两处巨型红杉树园林也受到了火灾的威胁。

    The fire has already forced 4500 evacuations and is now threatening two separated groves of giant sequoias .

  12. 今天,我们在穆伊尔森林所看到的红杉树可能与恐龙是同时代的。

    The trees that we see in Muir Woods today probably grew from the roots as old as dinosaurs .

  13. 吱吱说的没错,红杉树在旱季有一种特殊的水源。

    Well , Squeaks is right that redwood trees have a special source of water during the dry season .

  14. 红杉树国家公园拥有世界上最高大的植物-可长到350英尺的红杉树常青原始森林。

    Red Pine State Park has the world 's highest large plants-up to350 feet of red cedar evergreen forest .

  15. 这就是为什么很多时候新的红杉树不是从种子开始发芽的。

    That 's why , a lot of the time , new redwood trees don 't actually come from seeds .

  16. 白天,我坐在多节的红杉树的节疤上,把一块块树皮丢进桶里。

    During the day , I 'd perch on a knobby redwood buff and toss pieces of bark into a bucket .

  17. 感谢大家光临今晚的红杉树-中美友谊之约,朱佳莉独唱音乐会。

    Thank you very much for your attending the Redwood Concert & A Celebration China-US Friendship , featuring Julia Zhu , soprano .

  18. 高大的红杉树肃然沉静,美国印弟安人称这种树为沉默者,现在它们真的是默默无语。

    The great redwood trees were absolutely still ; the American Indians call them the silent ones and now they were really silent .

  19. 自1980年,无论如何,红杉树的恢复受到威胁来自稻谷的扩大培植,现在政府保护它自伐木业的管理。

    By1980 , however , the tree 's recovery was threatened by intensive rice cultivation , and the government protected it from logging .

  20. 长得足够高的红杉树会盖过森林里的其他植物获得它们所需的阳光。

    Grownup redwood trees grow tall enough that they can reach over other plants in the forest to get the light they need .

  21. 但我和吱吱谈过这件事,他的想法是红杉树从某个地方得到了秘密的水。

    But I was talking to Squeaks about it , and his guess is that the redwood trees are getting secret water from somewhere .

  22. 不过小红杉树还做不到这一点,森林里所有中等大小的植物都给地面带来了阴影。

    But the baby redwoods can 't do that yet , and all the medium-sized plants in the forest make the ground really shaded .

  23. 在不列颠哥伦比亚省一片覆满苔藓的雨林中,高耸的红杉树的树龄有一千年,而黑熊生来拥有白色的皮毛。

    In a moss-draped rain forest in British Columbia , towering red cedars live a thousand years , and black bears are born with white fur .

  24. 如果您不知道怎样做,那么这就像是企图用鲱鱼来砍倒红杉树(而您的技能就是那条鲱鱼)。

    If you don 't , this will be like trying to cut down a redwood tree with a herring ( your skills being the herring ) .

  25. 红杉树木门从简单到复杂、从整体到局部,精雕细琢,镶花刻金都给人一丝不苟的印象。

    Hongshanshu wooden door gives us an impression of meticulosity with accurate carving and careful consideration , and with parquetry and golden from easy to complicated , from whole to part .

  26. 我每天在自然界中健步行走去上课,由时间思索,意识到自己与高耸的红杉树相比,我是多么渺小。

    I take nature hikes to get to class every day , giving me time to reflect and realize just how small I am compared to the towering redwood trees above me .

  27. 在那树木丛中的环形地带隐匿着一个狼群&我数了数有九只成年狼。感谢大家光临今晚的红杉树-中美友谊之约,朱佳莉独唱音乐会。

    There , lurking in the forested perimeter , was a wolf pack-I counted nine adults . Thank you very much for your attending the Redwood Concert & A Celebration China-US Friendship , featuring Julia Zhu , soprano .

  28. 优胜美地国家公园占地面积约1200平方英里,横跨加利福尼亚的三个郡,95%的面积是荒野,其优美的山岭、瀑布、巨型红杉树和多种动物闻名遐迩。

    Yosemite National Park spans almost 1200 square miles across three California counties . With around 95 % of it designated as wilderness , it 's well known for its beautiful cliffs , waterfalls , giant sequoia trees and animal diversity .

  29. 我已经很长时间没有写过埃博拉病毒了,之前在写世界上最大的活物——红杉树,最近的写作情况是,我一直在写一本儿童奇幻小说,写了好几年。

    I 'd turned away from writing about Ebola and wrote about the world 's largest living things , the Redwood trees , and most recently , I 've been writing a fantasy novel for kids that I 've been working on for years .