
hónɡ wài yáo ɡǎn
  • infrared remote sensing
  1. 回顾了热红外遥感研究,阐述了地表温度反演原理,比较了2种主要的地表温度反演方法,并重点对针对LANDSATTM数据的3种温度反演算法进行了对比。

    This paper reviews the research of the hot infrared remote sensing , explains the principle of the retrieving of land surface temperature , compares two main methods of the retrieving of the land surface temperature , and contrasts the three different temperatures based on the Landsat TM data especially .

  2. 热红外遥感的成像原理及温度标定

    Imaging Principle and Temperature Marking System of Heat Infrared Remote Sensing

  3. 如何有效利用TM热红外遥感图像是遥感应用和研究人员共同关心的问题。

    How to effectively use the TM thermal infrared ( TIR ) remotely sensed image is concerned with remote sensing application faculties and researchers .

  4. 遥感-岩石力学(VII)&岩石低速撞击的热红外遥感成像实验研究

    Remote SENSING-ROCK mechanics ( vii ) & thermal infrared imaging detection of rock impaction with low velocity

  5. 红外遥感器的MTF的变化直接影响到成像结果的变化。

    The change of MTF of infrared remote sensor affects the change of the outcome of image directly .

  6. ASTER热红外遥感地表岩石的二氧化硅含量定量反演

    Silicon Dioxide Content of Surface Rock Quantify Inversion and Retrieval by Thermal Infrared ASTER Data

  7. 基于6S模型的可见光、近红外遥感数据的大气校正

    6S Model Based Atmospheric Correction of Visible and Near-Infrared Data and Sensitivity Analysis

  8. 消除CBERS卫星红外遥感图像条带干扰的空域方法

    A Method of Striping Removal Noise from the CBERS Satellite Infrared Image in Spatial Field

  9. CBERS-1红外遥感器图像处理系统设计

    The System Design of CBERS - 1 Infrared Multi - Spectral Scanner ( IRMSS ) in Image Processing

  10. 在归纳热红外遥感和大气对城市热红外遥感影响的物理机理基础上,修正并建立了一种基于LANDSATTM/ETM+遥感数据地表温度反演的简化模型;

    In inducing the hot infrared remote sensing and the atmosphere to the city hot infrared remote sensing influence physical mechanism foundation in , we revised and has established one kind based on Landsat TM / ETM + remote sensing data surface temperature inversion simplification model .

  11. 该估算模式利用了易于获取的红外遥感数据,克服了水分生产函数中作物蒸发蒸腾量准确资料难于获取的限制,并且通过CWSI和作物水分生产函数的耦合使该估产方法具有一定的物理意义。

    The above crop yield estimation model got rid of the shortage of precision crop water requirement in crop water production function by using remote sensing data , and the model is of theoretic significance by coupling CWSI with crop water production function .

  12. 介绍了模式识别技术在化学毒剂红外遥感监测领域应用的概况,探讨了线性分类器、分段线性分类器、反向传播人工神经网络(BP-ANN)分类器应用于红外光谱鉴别的可能性。

    The application of the pattern recognition techniques for remote infrared chemical detection was briefly introduced . The possibility that the linear discrimination analysis , piece-wise linear discrimination analysis , and back-propagation artificial neural network ( BP-ANN ) classifier implemented to discriminate infrared spectra was approached .

  13. 彩色红外遥感图像在土地资源调查中的应用

    Colour Infrared Remote Sensing Picture for the Investigation of Land Resources

  14. 应用红外遥感寻找地下热水初探

    Primary Investigation on Applying Infrared Remote Sensing Technology to Find Groundwater

  15. 热红外遥感影像中温度信息的提取研究

    The Research of Temperature Information Retrieval from Thermal Remote Sensing Image

  16. 基于场景模型的热红外遥感成像模拟方法

    Methods for simulating infrared remote sensing images based on scene models

  17. 红外遥感在城市热岛研究中的应用

    Application of Infrared Remote Sensing in the Study of Urban Thermal Island

  18. 化学蒸气被动红外遥感的灵敏度研究

    Studies on the Sensitivity of Remote Detection Chemical Vapor by Passive FTIS

  19. 空间制冷技术在星载红外遥感器中的应用与发展

    Application and development of spaceborne cooling technology for aerospace infrared remote sensor

  20. 航空热红外遥感在探测石油管道中的应用

    Using airborne thermal infrared remote sensing techniques to detect underground oil pipelines

  21. 基于小波变换的海洋热红外遥感图像平滑方法研究

    Study on Smoothing Filtering for Ocean Thermal Image Based on Wavelet Transform

  22. 陆地上空大气温度的卫星红外遥感

    Infrared remote sensing of over-land atmospheric temperature profiles from satellite

  23. 用于地震调查的航空红外遥感实时传输系统研究

    A study of airborne infrared remote sensing transmitting system for earthquake survey

  24. 一种利用卫星红外遥感资料反演晴空大气参数的物理统计方法

    Statistical method for retrieving the clear atmospheric parameters from satellite infrared measurements

  25. 热红外遥感在地震监测预测中的应用

    Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Applied to Earthquake Monitoring and Prediction

  26. 发展星载红外遥感仪器中的几个问题及其解决方法

    Several problems in developing satellite-borne infrared remote sensor and ways to solve them

  27. 热红外遥感是遥感研究中的一个重要领域。

    Thermal remote sensing is an important field in research of remote sensing .

  28. 利用卫星热红外遥感技术监测长白山天池火山活动性火山作用,火山活动

    Application of satellite thermal infrared remote sensing in monitoring Changbaishan Tianchi volcano activity

  29. 星载红外遥感仪器辐射定标用微机数据采集及控制系统

    Computer-aided collection and control system for radiometric calibration of satellite-borne infrared remote sensors

  30. 红外遥感在大尺度海洋动力学中的应用

    Application of infra-red remote sensing to large-scale ocean dynamics