- 网络Radiometric correction;Radiometric Calibration

The SAR data pre processing includes radiometric correction , Frost filter and precise geometric correction , and so on .
Comparing with optical image , the orographic effect of the SAR image is quite obviously which we called it Terrain radiometric correction .
Land Cover Change Monitoring in Shaoxing by Radiometric Calibrated TM Data
Analysis of the topographic correction ( Statistical Empirical Method SEM , C-correction , Minnaert-correction , Cosine-correction ) has been investigated .
In the paper , Geometric 、 radiometric and atmospheric correction of the images are performed firstly .
Relative Radiometric Correction of CBERS-01 CCD Data Based on Detector Histogram Matching
An Improved MODIS BRDF Radiometric Calibration Approach
The preprocessing method of geometrical image match and atmospherical image correction for multispectral image classification was briefly introduced , with the emphasis on image classification based on the mathematical and physical model of K-means .
An Application Research on Absolute Radiometric Calibration for CBERS - 1 Satellite
One meter spatial resolution airborne image of Beijing west mountainous area was corrected by moment matching and C correction improved method . Then the processed results were compared and analyzed .
Level 1G data product of DMC remote sensing mini-satellite has been processed by band registering , radiometric correction and systematically geometric correction .
It can yield very good results . The experiments using a Landsat TM image and DEM in Three Gorges proved that the results of the improved method are better than the cosine correction method and the C correction method .
Based on TM Image , by means of radiometric correction , geometric correction and computer interpretation , regional disparities of rural settlement in Hunan are studied by adopting spatial analysis methods in GIS and by introducing landscape metrics .
This data processing system contains a series of functions , such as data preprocessing , the calculation of orbit parameters , the calculation and estimation of Doppler parameters , image processing , radiation calibration moduling , and so on .
In-Flight Radiometric Calibration for Thermal Channels of FY-1C Meteorological Satellite Sensors Using Qinghai Lake , Water Surface Radiometric Calibration Site
Radiometric calibration on orbit for FY-2B meteorological satellite 's visible channels with the radiometric calibration site of Dunhuang
In this paper , a new type of large array CCD aerial camera focused on the geometric imaging model , image geometry processing , radiometric correction of panchromatic images , etc. With experimental results verify the correctness of data processing method and applicability .
The result show the difference between in flight and on board calibration is about 5 % , equivalent to a brightness temperature of 3 K.
In the level 1A pre-processing the following functions should be performed : processing tasks organizing and system environment supports , data ingest , relative radiometric correction , geographic coordinate computation of scene benchmarks , etc.
The effects of the " Scan Mirror Bumper Wear " in the Thematic Mapper ( TM ) of Landsat 5 on the radiometric correction of the imagery are discussed , and some solutions and recommendations for removing the striping on TM Imageries are also provided in this paper .
The paper introduces the image data processing of the Infrared Multi_Spectral Scanner ( IRMSS ) for CBERS ( China_Brazil Earth Resource Satellite ), includes some processing procedure such as mismatch correction , relative radiometric correction and smooth processing .
The main contents and results of this paper are as following : 1 . The modification of atmosphere is a problem in the pretreatment . 6s model is adopted to carry out atmospheric modification and Lambert reflected model is applied to eliminate the influence caused by terrain .
The remote sensing data of FY 1C visible channels in the Dunhuang test area in two years are used to analyze the channels ' albedo attenuation . At the same time , some correction experiments have been conducted .
The application of scs + c methods for Topographic Radiation Correction
The Application of Atmospheric Radiation Correction on Remotely Sensed Digital Image
A Research on Radiometric Correction Technique of Dynamic Monitoring Extensive Landuse
Research on Topographic Correction Methods for Remote Sensing Image and System Implementation
Algorithm of Radiance Correction on Special Agrarian Data of Aerial Imaging Spectrometer
The application of CBERS-1 CCD on-star calibration data to the image radiate rectification
Study on Relative Radiometric Calibration of the Spatially Modulated Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer