
  • 网络multispectral remote sensing
  1. 基于ROI的压缩域多谱段遥感图像的检索

    A Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Method Based on ROI

  2. 流域地物识别的多谱段遥感数据分析应用神经网络和多谱段遥感数据对大屿山岛土地覆盖分类的研究

    Analysis of recognizing land cover of a watershed with multispectral remote sensor data vegetation classification of multispectral remotely sensed data using neural network

  3. 它在多谱段空间遥感图像、医学扫描成像、工业检测、机器视觉等多个领域得到了广泛应用,已成为目前的研究热点。

    It has been a hot research field and is widely used in many fields such as remote sensing , machine vision , robotics , medical imaging , military application , weather forecast , and automatic object detection , etc.