
  • 网络Doha Round;Doha round negotiations
  1. “我们当然会优先考虑多哈回合谈判因为多哈回合谈判给韩国和欧盟带来的贸易利益将是其他任何一项双边贸易协议所不能比拟的。”曼德尔森表示。

    " We rightly prioritize the Doha round because it will deliver trade benefits to Korea and the EU that no single bilateral trade agreement can match ," mandelson said .

  2. 欧盟共同农业政策改革与WTO多哈回合谈判

    EU 's Reform on CAP and WTO 's Doha Round

  3. WTO多哈回合谈判的发展趋势与中国的对策

    The Trend of Doha Negotiation Round and the Countermeasures China should Take

  4. 世界贸易组织(wto)肩负着完成多哈回合谈判并遏制保护主义的责任。

    The World Trade Organisation is charged with concluding its Doha round and containing protectionism .

  5. 2001年启动的WTO多哈回合谈判久拖不决,如今已陷入了僵局。

    The WTO 's Doha round , which commenced in 2001 , is paralysed and lingering unfinished .

  6. 贸易与环境的关系,已成为WTO新一轮多哈回合谈判的重要议题。

    The relation between trade and environment has made a vital subject under discussion in the new round of Doha negotiation of WTO .

  7. 介绍了多哈回合谈判焦点之一的农业谈判中国内支持问题,在分析目前农业支持的政策和执行出现的问题后,对中国在加入WTO后第一次参与多边谈判的立场提出了若干建议。

    The author introduces the domestic support about agriculture negotiations in the Doha Round , then make some suggestion for Doha round negotiations on Agriculture .

  8. 但是,apec成员国能采取什么措施来推进多哈回合谈判呢?

    But what can be done by the APEC nations to reinforce Doha ?

  9. 美国负责经济事务的助理国家安全顾问丹普莱斯(danprice)表示,布什仍对成功完成多哈回合谈判充满希望。

    But Dan price , deputy US National Security Advisor for economic affairs , said Mr Bush remained hopeful of successful completion to the Doha round .

  10. 在此背景下,2001年WTO多哈回合谈判正式将环境商品与服务关税及非关税贸易壁垒的消除与削减列为谈判议题之一。

    In this context , the reduction or elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services was formally presented as a topic during WTO Doha Round .

  11. 2006年7月WTO多哈回合谈判无限期终止,在WTO框架下进一步推动全球贸易自由化的发展进程受阻,与此相对应的是区域和双边经济合作却快速发展。

    Corresponding to the indefinitely termination of Doha Round of WTO negotiations in July 2006 and arrested development of WTO , the regional and bilateral economic cooperation has developed rapidly .

  12. 2003年9月坎昆会议破裂以后,多哈回合谈判陷入僵局,WTO的威信和多边贸易体制的前景受到挑战。

    Especially the break down of Cancun meeting in September 2003 made the negotiation reaching to a deadlock . The prestige of WTO and the prospect of multilateral trade system were challenged .

  13. 因陷入停滞的贸易开放进程和困境中的多哈回合谈判而怪罪世界贸易组织(wto),就如同因为足球的制造质量而怪罪世界杯决赛的裁判一个道理。

    To blame the World Trade Organisation for the stalling of trade liberalisation and the troubled Doha round of talks is like blaming a World Cup final referee for the quality of football .

  14. 本周六,全球大约30名贸易部长将在达沃斯世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)上召开会议,讨论重启在去年7月无限期暂停的多哈回合谈判。

    Mr Nath was speaking ahead of a meeting of about 30 trade ministers at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Saturday , who will discuss restarting the talks that were suspended indefinitely in July last year .

  15. 法国贸易部长克里斯廷拉加德(christinelagarde)昨日在谈话中淡化了重启多哈回合谈判这一决定的重要性。

    Christine Lagarde , French trade minister , yesterday played down the significance of the decision to restart talks .

  16. “若不能推进多哈回合谈判,apec将考虑其它选择,其中包括在该组织内部进行特惠贸易,”莫西仁教授表示。

    " If Doha does not go ahead , APEC will look at options including preferential trading within APEC , " said Prof moshirian .

  17. 范围更广泛的反对者,将会加入支持全球化进程的行列,包括印度、巴西及欧盟,因为如果“b计划”取代了多哈回合谈判,它们将受到极为不利的影响。

    A broader group of naysayers would be jolted into supporting the global approach , including India and Brazil as well as the EU , because they would be so adversely affected if " plan B " were to supplant Doha .

  18. 与日本的贸易协定是欧盟着手的几项双边贸易协定之一。欧盟意识到,旨在通过世贸组织(WTO)达成一项全球贸易协定的多哈回合谈判已经失败,因此开始着手缔结双边贸易协定。

    A Japan deal is one of several bilateral trade agreements that the EU has embarked on amid a growing realisation that the Doha talks aimed at reaching a global pact through the World Trade Organisation have failed .

  19. 贸易与环境问题是WTO多哈回合谈判的重要议题,正如技术标准和贸易相连一样,一旦披上了环境保护的外衣,自由贸易就必然受到影响。

    The issue of trade and environment is an important subject of the doha round negotiation . As the connection of technological standard and the trade , free trade will be influenced when disguised by environmental protection claims .

  20. 中国作为一个刚刚作出重大市场准入和规则承诺的新成员,在多哈回合谈判中更多地是作为发展中国家和发达国家之间的桥梁,尽可能地推动WTO向着有利于促进发展的方向变化。

    As a new member that had just made a great deal of commitments , it is a logical strategy for China to act as a bridgebuilder between developed countries and developing countries and to promote the WTO more balanced and pro-poor .

  21. 首先,它们全都希望加入一个初具雏形的贸易协定,即《跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定》(TPP),这是自世贸组织(WTO)多哈回合谈判破裂以来自由贸易舞台上上演的最大一出戏。

    First , they all hope to join a nascent trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership , the biggest game in free-trade town since the collapse of the Doha round of World Trade Organisation talks .

  22. 近年来,WTO多哈回合谈判步履维艰以及坎昆会议的受挫,加速了全球区域经济合作的发展,区域贸易协定已成为国际经济合作的一种重要法律形式。

    In recent years , WTO negotiation went on with great difficulties in Doha and even suffered frustrations in Cancun conference , which has quickened global economic cooperation within regions . Regional trade agreement has become an important form for international economy cooperation .

  23. 一项增强乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)总统贸易协议谈判授权的法案将于今年晚些时候到期,而上述拟议中的协议,将是该法案到期前重启多哈回合谈判的最后一次努力。

    The proposed deal would be a last-ditch attempt to revive the Doha round before a US law enhancing President George W. Bush 's authority to negotiate trade pacts expires later this year .

  24. 我们将继续支持WTO多哈回合谈判进程,推动与相关国家签署双边自贸协议,打造中国东盟自贸区升级版,不断改善外商投资的公平和法制环境。

    We will continue to support the Doha round of World Trade Organisation talks , work for the signing of bilateral free trade agreements , upgrade the China-Asean Free Trade Area , and provide a level playing field and a better legal environment for foreign investors .

  25. 自由贸易区这一替代方案,可能对非APEC成员国(欧盟、印度和巴西)构成威胁&这些国家目前拒绝作出必要的让步,以完成多哈回合谈判。

    The free trade area would be a threatening alternative to the non-Apec nations – the European Union , India and Brazil – that are refusing to make the concessions necessary to close the round .

  26. 虽然目前多哈回合谈判进程严重受挫,但这并不意味着与争端解决机制的重要性将逐渐降低,只要WTO继续存在,其争端解决机制仍必将继续在整个WTO多边贸易体制中占据至关重要的地位。

    Although the Doha Round negotiation is currently in severe setback , the significance of the dispute settlement mechanism of WTO will not gradually be impaired . As long as WTO is persistently in existence , its dispute settlement mechanism will continuously dominate the WTO multilateral trading system .

  27. 在过去一年中,世贸组织(wto)多哈回合谈判未获成功。如果世贸组织的谈判都不能取得成果,那么有多大可能在明年完成更为艰巨的、商讨全球气候变化协议的任务呢?

    In the past year the Doha round at the World Trade Organisation has failed . And if the negotiations at the WTO cannot be brought to fruition , what chance will there be of achieving the much more difficult task of negotiating a global climate-change agreement next year ?

  28. 预计世界贸易组织(wto)总干事帕斯卡拉米(pascallamy)将亲临悉尼,劝说亚太经合组织成员(包括中国、日本和韩国)进一步推动完成多哈回合谈判。

    Pascal Lamy , Director-General of the World Trade Organisation , is expected to be in Sydney to cajole APEC members including China , Japan and South Korea to make another push to complete the Doha round .

  29. 另外,在秘鲁出席亚太经合组织(apec)会议的政府首脑们发表了联合声明,要求各国部长到日内瓦碰面,重启多哈回合谈判,并表示他们期待谈判能获得“平衡且具有雄心”的结果。

    Separately , heads of government at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation meeting in Peru issued a statement directing ministers to meet in Geneva to revive the Doha round , saying they expected an " ambitious and balanced " result .

  30. 根据多哈回合谈判的授权,TRIPS理事会在地理标志领域的谈判议题主要包括建立葡萄酒和烈酒地理标志多边通知与注册制度以及地理标志的延伸保护两个方面。

    Two issues are debated in the TRIPS Council under the Doha mandate in the field of geographical indications negotiations : creating a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits ; extending a higher level of protection beyond wines and spirits .