
  • 网络Assistant Minister;assistant secretary
  1. 威尔逊总统任命他为海军部长助理,1920年,他成为了民主党副总统候选人,当时他只有34岁。

    President Wilson appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Navy , and he was the Democratic nominee for Vice President in 1920 , at the tender age of 34 .

  2. 终于,美国财政部长助理杰罗姆•鲍威尔(JeromePowell)打来了电话。

    Finally , Jerome Powell , assistant secretary of the Treasury , called .

  3. RusslynAli是美国教育部公民权利办公室的部长助理。

    Russlyn Ali is the assistant secretary for civil rights at the Department of Education .

  4. JumaMohammedAlkait是阿联酋经济部副部长助理,他表示科技已经是阿联酋国家创新战略的核心行业,因此阿联酋与中国在这方面的合作会越来越近。

    Juma Mohammed Alkait , Assistant Undersecretary of the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Economy , says technology is one of the core industries of his country 's national innovation strategy , so the cooperation between China and the UAE in this field is getting increasingly close .

  5. 负责民防的部长助理。

    The junior minister responsible for civil defence .

  6. 是不久前外交部部长助理胡正跃访朝的活动吗?

    Are you talking about Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue 's visit to the DPRK lately ?

  7. 外交部部长助理胡正月召见日本驻日大使丹羽宇一郎,表示抗议。

    Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue summoned Japanese ambassador Niwa Uichiro to China to lodge the protest .

  8. 中国外交部部长助理吴海龙对记者表示,观点分歧不会影响金砖五国的全面合作。

    Assistant Chinese Foreign Minister Wu Hailong told reporters that different points of view will not hamper overall BRICS cooperation .

  9. 中国外交部部长助理敦促日本进行深刻自省,并重新回到正确的轨道上。

    China 's assistant foreign minister is urging Japan to seriously self-reflect and ensure bilateral ties get back on track .

  10. 外交部部长助理乐玉成(音译)在中日邦交正常化40周年的庆典活动中做出上述评论。

    Le Yucheng made the comment at a seminar organized to mark the 40th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan relations .

  11. 部长助理李惠来表示,中方希望看到双方在一些具有重要战略意义的大项目上的合作能够取得新的进展。

    Assistant minister Li Huilai says China hopes to see new progress in bilateral cooperation on some big projects with strategic significance .

  12. 外交部部长助理刘海星表示,互联互通及互利合作是此次在里加举行的会议的重要内容。

    Assistant Minister , Liu Haixing , says inter-connectivity and cooperation of mutual benefit will dominate the meeting in the city of Riga .

  13. 他曾在1977年至1981年担任负责国际事务的美国财政部部长助理,并曾在1980年带领美国方面进行替代账户谈判

    He was assistant secretary of the Treasury for international affairs in 1977-1981 and led the substitution account negotiations for the US in 1980

  14. 中国外交部部长助理马朝旭表示,中方希望在此次会晤上与巴西、印度和南非加强金融合作。

    The Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu says the purpose there is to boost financial co-operation with Brazil , India and South Africa .

  15. 吴海龙部长助理将出席部长级会议开幕式,并在一般性辩论和部长级圆桌会上发言。

    Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Hailong will attend the opening of the ministerial meeting and speak at the general debates and the round table .

  16. 中国外交部部长助理胡正跃、东盟十国高官及东盟副秘书长出席会议。

    Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue , senior officials of the ASEAN countries as well as ASEAN 's Deputy Secretary-General attended the meeting .

  17. 该大使是在国务院新闻办公室举办的与外交部部长助理李辉进行的新闻联会上发表上述言论的。

    The ambassador made the remarks at a joint news conference with Assistant Foreign Minister Li Hui organized by the State Council Information Office in Beijing .

  18. 甘巴里先生向何亚非部长助理通报了他最近访问亚洲有关国家的情况以及下一步工作考虑,包括再次访问缅甸的安排。

    Gambari briefed He Yafei on his visits to Asian countries and his plan for the follow-up work , including the arrangement of another visit to Myanmar .

  19. 中国外交部部长助理何亚非星期三在北京对记者说,有关国家在中国利用湄公河的问题上存在着分歧。

    Speaking to reporters in Beijing Wednesday , Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei acknowledged there are disagreements with other countries about China 's use of the river .

  20. 在六国会话期间,中国外交部部长助理马朝旭应约会见伊朗最高国家安全委员会副秘书阿里·巴盖里。

    Chinese assistant foreign minister Ma Zhaoxu has met with Ali Baqeri , deputy secretary of Iran 's Supreme National Security Council , ahead of the talks .

  21. 针对三大国际信用评级公司在美国次级债危机中的表现,财政部部长助理朱光耀做出了批评。

    For the three international credit rating companies in the United States in the performance of Subordinated Debt crisis , the Ministry of Finance Assistant Minister Zhu Guangyao made criticism .

  22. 金砖国首脑会议将向国际社会发出信心,团结,合作的信号。中国外交部长助理吴本月时对记者说。

    The BRICS Leaders Meeting will send a signal of confidence , solidarity and cooperation to the international community , China 's Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Hailong told reporters this month .

  23. 访问中国期间,他们参观了深圳和苏州的工厂,拜访了一些重要客户,并会见了商务部部长助理王超。

    They saw a number of new facilities in Shenzhen and Suzhou , visited some of Eaton 's important customers and met with Assistant Minister of Commerce Wang Chao as well .

  24. 上周,中国外交部长助理李辉说,双方还会在五个军事项目上展开合作,巩固“友好协作关系”。但他没有透露细节。

    Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Li Hui said last week that the two sides will also develop five military projects to highlight " friendly cooperation . " he gave no details .

  25. 中国外交部长助理李辉和俄罗斯驻中国大使拉佐夫星期四在北京的一个记者会上发出呼吁。

    China 's assistant foreign minister , Li Hui , and Russia 's ambassador to China , Sergei Razov , made the request today ( Thursday ) during a news conference in Beijing .

  26. 商务部部长助理任鸿斌说,自三年多以前建立广东、天津、福建自贸区以来,已经取得了相当丰硕的成果。

    Assistant Minister of Commerce Ren Hongbin says that fruitful results have flowed from the Guangdong , Tianjin , and Fujian Free Trade Zones since they were launched more than three years ago .

  27. 联邦能源局和能源研究与发展局的所有活动被分割成几部分,分别由部长助理、局长和能源研究办公室的主任相应地负责。

    All activities of the Federal Energy Administration and the energy research and development administration were distributed among appropriate assistant secretaries , administrators , and the director of the office of energy research .

  28. 中国外交部部长助理何亚非是中方代表,他说谈判各方在这个计划的主要内容方面没有分歧,但是说,仍有一些有待处理的问题。

    China 's Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei represented Beijing . He said they agreed on the main content of the plan , but said there are still some problems to be worked out .

  29. 1970年获得斯坦福大学博士学位后,乔斯以白宫学者的身份来到华盛顿特区,任美国财政部经济政策副部长助理。

    Prof joss received his PhD from Stanford in 1970 , and went to Washington DC as a white house fellow and deputy to the Assistant Secretary for economic policy at the US Treasury Department .

  30. 中国外交部部长助理翟隽表示,非洲国家元首和高级官员去年11月访问北京的事实表示,他们承认与中国之间的“互利互惠”关系。

    Zhai Jun , a senior foreign ministry official , said the fact heads of state or senior officials from the African nations visited Beijing in November showed they acknowledged the " mutual benefits " of relations with China .