
zhàn lüè jìn ɡōnɡ
  • strategic offensive;strategic attack
  1. 第二节游击战争的战略进攻

    The strategic offensive in guerrilla war

  2. 从整个抗日战争看来,由于敌之战略进攻和外线作战,我处战略防御和内线作战地位,无疑我是处在敌之战略包围中。

    Taking the war of resistance as a whole , there is no doubt that we are strategically encircled by the enemy , because he is on the strategic offensive and is operating on exterior lines while we are on the strategic defensive and are operating on interior lines .

  3. 战略进攻是指企业在竞争中主动采取攻势的战略行为。

    Strategy attack means strategy behavior of active attack in the competition by enterprise .

  4. 小组们用不同的战略进攻和防守,而且它们招纳新的合作者帮助弥补不足。

    Teams come up with different strategies for offense and defense , and they recruit partners to help fill in weak spots .

  5. 虽则敌人此时还在其主动的战略进攻中,但他的主动将随其战略进攻的停止而结束。

    Although he is still on the offensive strategically and still holds the initiative , his initiative will end when his strategic offensive ends .

  6. 它们不但在现时敌人举行战略进攻时配合正规军起了战略防御的作用;

    Not only are the guerrilla units performing the function of co-ordination with the regular forces in our present strategic defensive , when the enemy is on the strategic offensive ;

  7. 但一项联合声明称,两国已对防止核扩散做出郑重承诺,并有意在符合国家安全需求和联盟承诺的前提下,将战略进攻核武器“尽可能缩减到最低水平”。

    But a joint statement here said the two powers are fully committed to non-proliferation , and intend to reduce their offensive strategic nuclear arsenals " to the lowest possible level " consistent with national security needs and alliance commitments .

  8. 战略的进攻性的作用,而不是纯粹的防御作用。

    A strategic and offensive role , rather than a purely defensive one .

  9. 安全困境析论&兼谈先发制人战略与进攻性现实主义的关系

    An Analysis of the Security Dilemma : the Relationship between the Preemptive Strategy and Offensive Realism

  10. 就其实质和措施来看,这种安全战略防守多于进攻,巩固既得利益多于争夺新的势力范围。

    The essence and steps were strategic defence more than offence and consolidating vested interests more than fighting for power areas .

  11. 衰退产业创新有三种基本战略,即进攻型创新战略、防御型创新战略和模仿与依赖型创新战略。

    The paper discusses three basic strategies for enterprise to innovate in declining industry , that is offensive innovation strategy , defensive innovation strategy , imitation and dependent innovation strategy , which focus on analyzing the conditions , advantages and disadvantages , polices for enterprise to implement these strategies .

  12. 第七章游击战争的战略防御和战略进攻

    Chapter VII the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive in guerrilla war

  13. (四)战略防御和战略进攻;基于HLA/CGF的防空攻防作战模拟

    The strategic defensive and the strategic offensive ; Simulation of Attack-Defense Warfare Based on HLA / CGF

  14. 论现代篮球攻击性防守的技战术特点(四)战略防御和战略进攻;

    Characteristics of Defense Strategy in Modern Basketball ; ( 4 ) the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive ;

  15. 于是战略防御和战略进攻等等一全套的东西都发生了。

    Hence the emergence of a whole series of problems , such as the strategic defensive , the strategic offensive , etc.

  16. 美国虽然以自由主义作为标榜,而在制定和执行安全战略时却按进攻性现实主义逻辑行事。

    Although the United States to liberalism as advertised , and in the formulation and implementation of security strategy by offensive realism .

  17. 第二,美国从战略防御到战略进攻的转变,分析了战略转变的原因,描述了战略进攻的实施情况;

    Second , American change from strategic defensive to strategic counter offensive , analyzing the reasons of the change , describing how the strategy carried out .

  18. 许多资产阶级军事家都主张慎重初战,不论在战略防御或战略进攻皆然,而以防御为尤甚。

    Many bourgeois military experts advise caution in the initial battle , whether one is on the strategic defensive or on the strategic offensive , but more especially when on the defensive .

  19. 就南北对峙军事要地与江左国土安全关系论,太建北伐是内含战略防御与战略进攻的双重底蕴的。

    In terms of the relation between occupying the military points at the confrontation between the North and the South dynasties and the security of the land south of the Yangtze River , this expedition had both the aims of strategic defence and offensive .

  20. 十六字诀包举了反“围剿”的基本原则,包举了战略防御和战略进攻的两个阶段,在防御时又包举了战略退却和战略反攻的两个阶段。

    The sixteen-character formula covered the basic principles for combating " encirclement and suppression "; it covered the two stages of the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive , and within the defensive , it covered the two stages of the strategic retreat and the strategic counter-offensive .

  21. 这不但在战略防御时不对,就是在战略进攻时也是不对的。

    This is wrong not only for the strategic defensive but even for the strategic offensive .

  22. 本章运用SWOT分析法,对中国企业海外并购的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁进行了深入分析,进而提出相应的战略模式选择:合作性战略模式、进攻性战略模式和防御性战略模式。

    In this section , the SWOT method is applied to deeply analyses the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats , based on which the strategic modes are proposed : cooperative strategic mode , offensive strategic mode and the defensive strategic mode .

  23. 战略防御时,我们钳制方面某些支点的固守,战略进攻时遇着孤立无援之敌,都是应该承认用阵地战去对付的。

    It should be admitted that positional warfare should be employed for the tenacious defence of particular key points in a containing action during the strategic defensive , and when , during the strategic offensive , we encounter an enemy force that is isolated and cut off from help .

  24. 游击战争战略问题的第四个问题,是游击战争的战略防御和战略进攻的问题。

    The fourth problem of strategy in guerrilla war concerns the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive .

  25. 摘要企业防御型专利战略是指企业在市场竞争中受到其他企业或单位的专利战略进攻或者竞争对手的专利对企业经营活动构成妨碍时,采取的打破市场垄断格局、改善竞争被动地位的策略。

    Defense strategy of patent for an enterprise means a tactic to break through the situation of monopoly and improve the status in competition where it is suffered from attack by other enterprises or entities or the patent of contests has hampered to its business .

  26. 这个阶段,战争已不是战略防御,而将变为战略反攻了,在现象上,并将表现为战略进攻;

    In the third stage , our war will no longer be one of strategic defensive , but will turn into a strategic counter-offensive manifesting itself in strategic offensives ;

  27. 所以我们说,红军的战略退却(长征)是红军的战略防御的继续,敌人的战略追击是敌人的战略进攻的继续。

    That is why we say that the Red Army 's strategic retreat ( the Long March ) was a continuation of its strategic defensive and the enemy 's strategic pursuit was a continuation of his strategic offensive .