
  • 网络radiative corrections
  1. 在电子非弹性散射的辐射修正中常用解开(unfolding)或折叠(folding)的方法。

    The unfolding and folding methods are generally used in the radiative corrections to the electron inelastic seatterings .

  2. 电子与正电子散射的辐射修正

    The radiative corrections to the scattering of electrons and positrons

  3. 电子非弹性散射辐射修正的R函数方法

    The r - function method for radiative corrections to the electron inelastic scattering

  4. 北京谱仪R值测量中的初态辐射修正

    Initial State Radiative Correction in R Measurement at BES

  5. 有限温度QED中的轫致辐射修正

    Bremsstrahlung Radiative Correction in QED at Finite Temperature

  6. 本文推导了极化电子被极化质子的深度非弹性散射的辐射修正公式,其中包括了极化e-p散射的弹性尾巴的精确公式和非弹性散射辐射修正的峰值近似公式。

    The formulas of the radiative corrections to the deep inelastic polarized c-p scattering are derived . The formulas of the exact elastic tail and the inelastic peaking approximation are included .

  7. 给出LEP/SLC能区Bhabha散射的电磁辐射修正,包括精确的单圈图结果和共线硬光子效应的数值计算和事例产生。

    We give here the one loop results of the numerical calculation and events generation of Bhabha scattering at LEP / SLC energy . EM radiative correction and hard collinear photon effect have been taken into consideration .

  8. 温度传感器辐射修正校准的准确性研究

    Research on the Accuracy of the Temperature Sensor 's Radiation Correction Calibration

  9. 极化电子被极化质子的深度非弹性散射的辐射修正

    Radiative corrections to the deep inelastic polarized e-p scattering

  10. 测量燃烧室内温度时的热辐射修正

    Radiation correction of measuring temperature in combustor

  11. 太阳模拟器的热辐射修正

    Thermal radiation correction for the solar simulator

  12. 本文介绍了在热校准风洞中进行温度传感器辐射修正校准的结果,并做了对比研究和不确定度分析。

    In this article , the comparative study of the temperature sensor and uncertainty analysis are introduced .

  13. 本文的结果为精确地讨论e~+e~-对撞过程中的辐射修正提供了很大方便。

    Our result greatly benefits the discussion of radiative correction in e ~ + e ~ - collision process .

  14. e~+e~-→ωπ~0过程中初态辐射修正的计算和模拟

    Calculation and Simulation for the Initial State Radiation Correction in e ~ + e ~ - →ωπ ~ 0

  15. 为了确定温度传感器辐射修正校准的准确性,需要对温度传感器辐射修正校准结果进行对比及不确定度分析。

    In order to determine the accuracy of the temperature sensor 's radiation correction calibration , the comparison of the calibration results of temperature sensors conducted by different units need to be done .

  16. 通过在标准模型下对双光子碰撞产生正负电子对的弱电辐射修正&包括虚修正和软光子修正的计算,得到了双光子碰撞产生电子对过程在单圈修正下的散射截面。

    The authors calculate the cross-section with one-loop electroweak corrections to electron-positron pair production via two photon collisions in the standard model ( SM ), including virtual corrections and soft photon radiative correction .

  17. 还发现,采用动态热偶法实测的对流传热系数α,可以使我们能对同尺寸的稳态热偶作出更精确的辐射修正。

    It is also found that the application of the convection heat transfer coefficient a determined by means of a transient thermocouple can make more accurate radiation correction for a steady thermocouple with same size .

  18. 对其辐射修正作了相关的计算和讨论,从而得到了电子-正电子碰撞在链近似下的散射截面,并与最低阶的散射截面作了比较。

    We calculate its radialization correction and make the correlative discussion , obtain the cross section of electron-antielectron collision under chain approximation , and compare the tree-level cross section with the cross section under chain approximation .

  19. 标准模型下双光子碰撞产生电子对的一圈弱电辐射修正若气溶胶中含有等量正负带电粒子,那么正负带电粒子间的扩散碰撞比非带电粒子更容易实现。

    One-loop Electroweak Corrections to Electron-positron Pair Production Via Two Photon Collisions in the SM ; In an aerosol containing equal numbers of charged particles of both signs , the diffusive encounters for oppositely charged particles are more effective than for uncharged particles .

  20. 火旋风模拟实验中热电偶测温辐射误差修正方法研究

    Radiation error correction methods for thermocouple measurement in fire whirl experiment

  21. 山区水库水面气温与太阳辐射的修正及应用

    Temperature and Solar Radiation 's Amendment of a Canyon Reservoir with Its Application

  22. 平板截止频率附近辐射效率修正算法

    An Improved Formula for Calculating Radiation Efficiency of Plate Around the Cut-off Frequency

  23. 脉冲星Crab和Vela的引力辐射值的修正

    Revised estimate of gravitational radiation from crab and Vela Pulsars

  24. 脉冲星磁偶极辐射模型的修正

    A Modified Magnetic-Dipole Emission Model for Pulsars

  25. 本论文在相对论性电子辐射的自旋修正和介质效应两个课题上开展工作。

    This dissertation on radiation from a relativistic electron focuses on two topics , the spin modification and the medium effect .

  26. 基于现场数据采集系统的实测数据,提出了一种空冷温降辐射系数的修正方法,并采用新的指数模型替代原水冷温降模型。

    Based on production data , a method was proposed to correct the radiation factor of air cooling model and a new exponential model was substituted for previous water cooling model .

  27. 本文依据实测资料,对Iziomon(2003)昙天大气下行辐射估算模型进行修正,修正后的模型估算值与实测值非常接近。

    With measured data , this paper puts forward a modified downward atmospheric radiation assessment model based on Iziomon ( 2003 ) 's model and the measurement information . A better match between the estimation value and the actual measured value is achieved .

  28. 穿越辐射理论的量子修正

    The quantum corrections on the theory of transition radiation

  29. 红外辐射大气透过率修正函数

    Revisable Function of IR Radiation Atmospheric Transmissivity

  30. 平板介质波导弯曲辐射损耗公式的修正

    Bending Loss Formula for Curved Dielectric Slabs