
  • 网络Radiation;Radiation fog;Radiative Fog;Radiationfog
  1. FY-1D资料在云南辐射雾监测中的运用

    Application of FY-1D satellite data to monitoring radiation fog in Yunnan

  2. 利用区域特征进行云与辐射雾分离检测

    An Algorithm for Separating Radiation Fog from Cloud with Region Feature

  3. 南阳机场冬季辐射雾的形成及消散

    Formation and Dissipation of Radiative Fog in winter over Nanyang Airport

  4. 西双版纳地区冬季辐射雾的初步研究

    An observation and Analysis on the radiation fog in Xishuangbanna

  5. 重庆辐射雾一维数值模式预报

    Radiation fog prediction using a one-dimensional numerical model in Chongqing

  6. 一次平流辐射雾的观测分析及数值模拟研究

    Observational analysis and numerical simulation of an advection-radiation fog event

  7. 海陆交界处平流辐射雾的二维数值模拟

    Two-dimensional modeling of the advection - radiation fogs on the sea-land interface

  8. 浅水湖沼&陆面地区平流辐射雾的数值模拟

    A Numerical Model of Advection-Radiation Fog Within Shallow-Water Swamp & Land Area

  9. 包含详细微物理过程的一维辐射雾模式

    One-dimension numerical model of radiation fog with detailed microphysics

  10. 长江中下游地区一次辐射雾的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of radiation fog event in Yangtze River

  11. 辐射雾的大气边界层特征

    Characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer during radiation fog

  12. 辐射雾发展的爆发性特征

    Burst Characteristics during the Development of Radiation Fog

  13. 重庆辐射雾的声雷达回波与大气污染特征

    Characteristics of the echo waves of radiation fog and the Atmospheric Pollutions in Chongqing

  14. 云南安宁市辐射雾大气扩散参数研究

    Study on Atmospheric Diffusion Parameter of Radiation Fog in Anning City , Yunnan Province

  15. 二维平流辐射雾的数值模拟

    Two-Dimension Numerical Model of Advection - Radiation Fogs

  16. 芜湖机场辐射雾生消过程的数值研究

    A Numerical Study of the Formation and Dispersion of Radiative Fog at Wuhu Airport

  17. 洛阳机场辐射雾的预报

    The Predict of Fog in Luoyang Airport

  18. 辐射雾形成的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of radiation fog formation

  19. 地面辐射雾和低层云对夜间边界层影响的数值研究

    A numerical study on radiation fogs , lower stratocumulus and their effects on nocturnal boundary layer

  20. 一次平流辐射雾的边界层特征及雾水离子组分研究

    On the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Character of an Advection-Radiation Fog Process and the Ionic Species Concentration of Fog Water

  21. 辐射雾生消的数值研究(Ⅰ)&数值模式

    A numerical study on the formation and dissipation of radiation fog ( I ) & the numerical model of radiation fog

  22. 通过对这些资料的详尽分析,讨论了辐射雾在不同发展阶段的边界层特征。

    Based on these data , boundary layer features at different stages of the fog development are discussed in the article .

  23. 另外,增加模式的垂直分辨率以及选取更加详细的云微物理方案可以使模式模拟的辐射雾的结果有明显的改善。

    In addition , the results were obviously improved by increasing the vertical resolution or using more complicated explicit cloud scheme .

  24. 分析表明,辐射雾产生在经向环流背景下,中亚地区高压脊为主要影响系统;

    Radiation fogs may form under the background of longitudinal circulation with the main influencing system being the high-pressure ridge over Middle Asia .

  25. 本文利用一维二阶矩闭合边界层土壤藕合模式模拟了夜间边界层中辐射雾的形成、发展和消亡过程。

    A one-dimensional second-order closure PBL model coupled with soil model is applied to simulate the formation , development and dissipation of radiation fog .

  26. 在自然界中最常见到的只有两种雾:一种是辐射雾,另一种是平流雾。

    There are two kinds of fogs that are most common in nature : one is radiation fog and the other is advection fog .

  27. 在常规的天气分析基础上,尝试用事件概率回归方法来预报咸阳机场辐射雾的消散,以实现雾消预报的定量化。

    Based on the synoptic routine analysis , a regression estimation of event probabilities to forecast scatter of radiation fog at Xianyang Airport is developed .

  28. 本文通过模式计算,讨论了夜间地面辐射雾和低层层积云的演变过程及其对边界层结构的影响。

    The evolution process of nocturnal radiation fogs and lower stratocumulus and their effects on the boundary layer structure are studied with the calculation of a model .

  29. 计算结果表明,辐射雾形成后会改变环境风、温场,反之,风、温场的改变又影响了辐射雾的发展。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Fog can change the ambient field , vice versa , the ambient field may influence the fog .

  30. 本文采用二维非定常数值模式,模拟了大气边界层内辐射雾、平流辐射雾和在海陆交界处的平流辐射雾的形成、演变规律。

    A two dimentional , time - depending model has been developed to simulate the formation , evolution and dissipation of advection-radiation fogs in the atmospheric boundary layer .