
fēng xì
  • frontal system
锋系[fēng xì]
  1. 周二北京地区将迎来一股弱锋系。

    A weak frontal system is expected to land in the Beijing region on Tuesday .

  2. 然而根据气象预报显示,该弱锋系不会完全驱散雾霾,只能给北京带来一丝缓解。

    However , forecasters are warning it probably won 't be enough to completely the heavy smog , giving the capital only a slight respite .

  3. 研究表明,出现强降水时的梅雨锋结构已经变性或者说它是介于温带锋面结构和ITCZ结构之间的副热带锋系结构。

    It is pointed out that the nature of the Mei-Yu front 's structures has changed into the sub-tropical style , something between extratropical fronts and ITCZ during the torrential rain period .