
  • 网络Application of Remote Sensing;remote sensing application
  1. 棉花遥感应用研究进展

    Studies and Advances on Application of Remote Sensing Technique to Cotton

  2. 水质监测与评价中的遥感应用

    Application of Remote Sensing Techniques in Monitoring and Assessing Water Quality

  3. 以往InSAR遥感应用研究主要集中在通过利用雷达回波信号所携带的相位信息来获取地表高程信息方面。

    In the past , InSAR application was mainly focused on acquiring DEM by means of extracting phase information preserved in RADAR backscatter .

  4. 随着合成孔径雷达遥感应用的日益广泛和深入,许多应用领域不仅要求从SAR图像获得定性的遥感信息,而且希望从SAR图像中提取定量的遥感信息。

    Since the application of Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) images became more and more extensive , many fields of application are demanding not only qualitative but also quantitative information from SAR images .

  5. 阐述了MARS项目背景与研究内容,分析了MARS项目的未来研究方向,提出了我国农业遥感应用工作的思路。

    Expounding the background and research contents of MARS programme . The future research direction of MARS programme was analysed . The strategy of Chinese agriculture remote sensing application was put forward .

  6. 双向反射分布函数(BRDF)是遥感应用,计算机图形学等领域的重要工具。

    Bidirectional reflectance distribution function ( BRDF ) is an important tool for the field of remote sensing applications and computer graphics .

  7. 就InSAR开展上海城市地面沉降研究提出了基本思路,对InSAR城市遥感应用的潜在意义进行了分析和讨论。

    As for the research of urban land subsidence , some thoughts of investigating by using InSAR are proposed . It also demonstrates its potential meaning for urban Remote Sensing .

  8. 本文在国家高技术研究发展计划项目和HY-1A卫星应用项目的支撑下,面向HY-1ACCD进行海洋水色遥感应用的需求,开展了大气修正与水体组分浓度反演的研究。

    Supported by national advanced technology research and development projects and HY-1A satellite application projects , to meet the demand of ocean color remote sensing using HY-1A CCD .

  9. 极化合成孔径雷达(Pol-SAR)比单极化SAR包含了更多的目标信息和极化信息,已成为遥感应用的重要技术。

    Compared with the single polarized SAR ( synthetic aperture radar ), polarimetric SAR ( Pol-SAR ) includes more information of targets and polarimetric , which is one of the important technology of remote sensing applications .

  10. 开发的基于局地数据集的地(市)级遥感应用处理软件,可同时处理EOS和NOAA、FY卫星接收的数据资料,并可进行植被长势、沙尘暴、干旱等监测。

    Based on the area data collection the area remote sensing application and process software is made to deal with the EOS , NOAA and FY satellite data and to monitor the vegetation , duststorm and drought .

  11. 房屋信息提取技术是高分辨率遥感应用的难点、热点之一。

    Houses information extraction technology is difficult hotspot in the application .

  12. 面向遥感应用的图像融合的原理和方法

    Principles and Methods for Image Fusion Toward Applications on Remote Sensing

  13. 神经网络计算机及其在遥感应用中的展望

    Neural Network Computer and Application of Image Processing in Remote Sensing

  14. 陕西省地(市)级遥感应用系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of area remote sensing application system in Shaanxi Province

  15. 基于海湾系统概念及其分类的遥感应用

    Remote Sensing Application Based on Bay System Concept and Classification

  16. 无人机遥感应用及红外载荷研究

    Research on Remote Sensing Application and Infrared Payload of UAV

  17. 在遥感应用领域中,影像镶嵌有着重要的应用。

    Image mosaic has great importance in the application of remote sensing .

  18. 干旱半干旱地区灌溉农业中的遥感应用

    Application of RS in Irrigated Agriculture in Arid and Semi arid Areas

  19. 在众多应用领域中,目标识别是遥感应用的重要方向。

    Targets detection is the main application of remote sensing .

  20. 陕西省土地覆盖分类的遥感应用研究

    Research on Application of Remote Sensing for Vegetable Coverage Classification in Shaanxi Province

  21. RSID:一种面向遥感应用的数据库系统

    RSID : A Database System for Remote Sensing Application

  22. 地物光谱是遥感应用分析的理论基础。

    The spectra of ground object are theoretical basis of remote sensing applications .

  23. 中国高光谱成像遥感应用研究进展

    Advances in the application and researches of hyperspectral imaging remote sensing in China

  24. 林业遥感应用现状与遥感技术发展浅议

    Application and Development of Remote Sensing Technology in Forestry

  25. 遥感应用分析中影像分割方法

    The Methods of Image Segmentation on Application and Analysis of Remote Sensing Images

  26. 遥感应用中短波红外探测器系统的信噪比计算

    The Calculation of SNR in SWIR Detector System for Applications to Remote Sensing

  27. 国外灾害遥感应用研究现状

    The status quo of remote sensing application for natural disaster in some countries

  28. 后遥感应用技术及其在鄂尔多斯盆地北部试验区铀资源勘查中的研究

    Post-remote sensing technology and its application study in a test area of northern Ordos

  29. 现代黄河三角洲冲淤演变规律与遥感应用研究

    Study on Alluvion and Erosion of Modern Yellow River Delta with Remote Sensing Data

  30. 欧空局雷达遥感应用讲习班;

    ESA Workshop on radar remote sensing applications ;