
  1. 作为一种新型的遥感方式,高光谱遥感在近20多年内已经在多个领域发挥着重要的作用。

    During the last 20 years , hyperspectral remote sensing has been playing an important role in many fields .

  2. 目前常用遥感监测方式对溢油事件进行监测,其中光学遥感因其良好的视觉效果而被广泛应用。

    At present , remote sensing monitoring methods is used to monitor the oil spill events , especially optical remote sensing , because of its good visual effects , is widely used .

  3. 结果表明,通过遥感的方式对植被地上生物量进行估测与实测生物量①的结果接近,误差在8.5%左右,精度比较高,是一种简单有效的方法。

    The result shows that both remote sensing for estimating and the vegetation with measured are similar , the error is around 8.5 % , so vegetation biomass estimation by remote sensing is a simple and effective method .

  4. 南方林区TM遥感图象组合方式研究

    A Study on Combining Way of the TM Remote Sensing Image of South China Forest Area

  5. 被动微波遥感的观测方式,有着全天时、全天候、连续观测的优势以及能够穿透云层的特点,受到了越来越多的关注。

    Passive microwave remote sensing has the advantage of completing the all time , all weather and uninterrupted observations ignoring the clouds interference , which has received more and more attention .

  6. 第二章阐述了地表物体多特征的遥感信息表达方式,提出了基于多特征空间的专题信息自动提取的方法,构建了基于多特征空间的专题信息自动提取模型。

    The second chapter expatiated expression of manifold Remotely sensed information about ground targets , brought forward a method of thematic information extraction based on multi-characters space and constructed automatic extraction model of Remotely sensed thematic information based on multi-characters space .

  7. 微波遥感作为一种独特而有效的新兴遥感方式,得到了各发达国家越来越普遍的重视。

    Microwave remote sensing as a unique , effective and new remote sensing method , has been got more and more widespread attention in developed countries .

  8. 遥感影像尺度的多样化是由遥感影像采集方式、任务和传感器的多样性决定的,如何克服尺度多样化带来的困难是遥感影像检索中重要的问题。

    The scales diversification of remote sensing image is decided by the diversification of collections , sensor and missions , it is an important problem in content-based remote sensing image retrieval .