
  • 网络Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics;Beijing Statistics Bureau
  1. 北京市统计局2001年国民经济和社会发展统计公报

    Statistical Communique on the 2001 national economic and social development of the city of Beijing

  2. 新华社援引北京市统计局周二的话说,除了签证方面的新限制外,人民币升值以及不断上涨的旅游服务价格也是导致海外游客数量下降的因素。

    The Statistics Bureau said Tuesday that in addition to the new visa restrictions , a strengthening yuan and rising travel prices also contributed to the decline , the official Xinhua News Agency reported .

  3. 北京市统计局公布的数据显示,2014年北京市城镇非私营单位就业人员年平均工资为102268元,是目前全国唯一突破10万元大关的地区。

    Data released by the Beijing Statistics Bureau showed that the average yearly income of non-private sector employees in the capital was RMB102268 last year , making Beijing the only region with an average annual payroll beyond the RMB100000 mark .

  4. 由外服局至北京市朝阳区统计局办理计划统计注册手续。

    DSB shall go to Beijing Yaoyang Statistic Bureau for statistic registration of the Project .