
  • 网络Beijing Normal University Publishing House;Beijing Normal University Press
  1. 据案卷材料显示,包括外语教学与研究出版社、北京师范大学出版社在内的多家出版社为纳入“政府批准教辅,教材”向何行贿。

    Court documents viewed by Caixin show that a number of publishing houses , including Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and the Beijing Normal University Press paid He to have their publications included in a government-approved catalogue .

  2. 据新华社报道,另一家主要的教材出版商北京师范大学出版社表示,明年将推出更加重视古典诗词学习的新版小学语文教材。

    Starting next year , the Beijing Normal University Publishing Group , another major textbook publisher , has said it will introduce new Chinese language and literature textbooks for elementary school pupils with more attention to classical poetry , Xinhua reported .