- 网络political decision

Political decisions and activities affect all aspects of people 's lives .
The IMF cannot make these political decisions for Europe , whether its managing director is European or not .
But his West Point speech has done little to dispel the suspicion that priorities are shaped more by US politics than facts on the ground .
Such lending has prompted criticism that the World Bank is at risk of encroaching on the IMF 's crisis-response role , and that it is in effect enabling governments to avoid making the tough political decision to turn to the IMF for assistance .
Well , this political decision was made to do what ?
Various political decisions have been financed by hikes to tobacco taxes .
He said Prime Minister al-Maliki was making a " difficult political decision . "
The capture of Rome is still remote and major political decisions must be taken .
Culture that is the result of advanced productive , affected by economic and politics .
Finally , allocating foreign reserves is as much a political decision as an economic choice .
Owning nuclear plants is a political decision in the first place , especially in our region .
Politics determines what administration is , and administration is an essential component of the whole political process .
Huang 's selections also accommodate literary innovators who challenge the idea of modern Chinese literature as dominated by politics .
Who don 't just look up the zip codes and address the envelopes , but make the political decisions ;
But the future of the European economy and its single currency is more likely to be decided on the streets .
This was first and foremost a political , not an economic , decision , with symbolic rather than substantive consequences .
The Council said it had written to Nuri Al-Maliki to remind him that it should be consulted on all major political decisions .
Part A1.To make political decisions about the extent and type of forestry in a region it is important to understand the consequences of those decisions .
The first and obvious point is that adjustment will be extremely painful for those who had relied on a politically determined price of $ 100 or more .
Decision to not only prioritise science from on high , but also to put such a commitment into practice , is the single factor behind Brazil 's success .
" By actually waking up every day and working in the field and putting my principles into action , I am making a conscious political decision ," he added .
The NATO expansion is a political decision . An expanded NATO gives full play to political functions , aimed at merging East European nations into NATO and bringing about their transformation into the Western political and economic system .
For now , at least , prices are being driven more by market forces than by political decisions and it is an unnerving experience for everyone concerned , from the boardrooms of Houston to the palaces of Riyadh .
Political regime decides the institutional structure of decision-making .
However this was just the result determined by the political culture at that time .
Such a distribution is decided by the different domestic political situations the two speakers confront .
Double features of " Sea Commercial Culture " and " Land Agriculture Culture " had formed its specific geo-psychology .
The real test for markets will come with international reaction ; in short , politics will dictate the extent of economic damage .
If you stay where you are , you will let politics decide what you do and do not write , do and do not see .
Russia ( Soviet ) is China 's biggest neighboring country , this special geopolitics relations has decided Russia ( Soviet ) importance in the Chinese foreign strategy .