
  • 网络political decision
  1. 政治决定和政治活动影响着人们生活的方方面面。

    Political decisions and activities affect all aspects of people 's lives .

  2. 无论总裁是不是欧洲人,IMF都无法替欧洲做出这些政治决定。

    The IMF cannot make these political decisions for Europe , whether its managing director is European or not .

  3. 但他在西点军校(WestPoint)的演讲丝毫没有打消一种怀疑:奥巴马的优先事项是受美国政治决定,而并非取决于现实条件。

    But his West Point speech has done little to dispel the suspicion that priorities are shaped more by US politics than facts on the ground .

  4. 此类贷款引发外界批评,认为世行可能侵蚀IMF的危机回应角色,它实际上让各国政府避免做出向IMF寻求援助的艰难政治决定。

    Such lending has prompted criticism that the World Bank is at risk of encroaching on the IMF 's crisis-response role , and that it is in effect enabling governments to avoid making the tough political decision to turn to the IMF for assistance .

  5. 那么这项政治决定是怎样做出的呢?

    Well , this political decision was made to do what ?

  6. 各种政治决定都由烟草提税提供资金。

    Various political decisions have been financed by hikes to tobacco taxes .

  7. 他说,马利基总统正在作出“艰难的政治决定。”

    He said Prime Minister al-Maliki was making a " difficult political decision . "

  8. 占领罗马仍然遥遥无期,现在必须采取重大的政治决定。

    The capture of Rome is still remote and major political decisions must be taken .

  9. 是先进生产力的反映,受经济、政治决定的强势文化。

    Culture that is the result of advanced productive , affected by economic and politics .

  10. 最后,配置外汇储备既是一项经济选择,也是一项政治决定。

    Finally , allocating foreign reserves is as much a political decision as an economic choice .

  11. 拥有核电站首先是一个政治决定,特别是在我们的地区。

    Owning nuclear plants is a political decision in the first place , especially in our region .

  12. 政治决定行政,行政是整个政治过程的一个有机组成部分。

    Politics determines what administration is , and administration is an essential component of the whole political process .

  13. 黄运特的选择亦兼顾了那些挑战现代中国文学中“政治决定文学”理念的创新者们。

    Huang 's selections also accommodate literary innovators who challenge the idea of modern Chinese literature as dominated by politics .

  14. 不仅能查邮政编码、写信封,而且还能做出政治决定;

    Who don 't just look up the zip codes and address the envelopes , but make the political decisions ;

  15. 然而欧洲经济及其单一货币的未来更可能由街头政治决定。

    But the future of the European economy and its single currency is more likely to be decided on the streets .

  16. 这首先是一个政治决定,而非经济决定,具有更多象征性而非实质性影响。

    This was first and foremost a political , not an economic , decision , with symbolic rather than substantive consequences .

  17. 委员会说他们已经写信给马利基,提醒他所有重大政治决定都应通过协商来解决。

    The Council said it had written to Nuri Al-Maliki to remind him that it should be consulted on all major political decisions .

  18. 去做一个有关在某个区域内森林的范围和类型的政治决定比了解这些决定的后果更重要。2。

    Part A1.To make political decisions about the extent and type of forestry in a region it is important to understand the consequences of those decisions .

  19. 第一点是显而易见的,对那些曾依赖于由政治决定的100美元或更高石油价格的地区来说,此次调整将是极度痛苦的。

    The first and obvious point is that adjustment will be extremely painful for those who had relied on a politically determined price of $ 100 or more .

  20. 但是或许来自上月的这次会议的主要信息是:不仅要让科学变成优先事项、而且还要让这种承诺付诸实践的政治决定,是巴西的成功背后的单一因素。

    Decision to not only prioritise science from on high , but also to put such a commitment into practice , is the single factor behind Brazil 's success .

  21. “实际上每天醒来时,在地里干活,把我的原则付诸于行动,就是一个有意识的政治决定,”他补充说。

    " By actually waking up every day and working in the field and putting my principles into action , I am making a conscious political decision ," he added .

  22. 本文认为,北约东扩主要是个政治决定,扩大的北约发挥的主要是政治功能,目标是尽快使东中欧国家融入北约和使其成功实现向西方政治和经济体系的转型。

    The NATO expansion is a political decision . An expanded NATO gives full play to political functions , aimed at merging East European nations into NATO and bringing about their transformation into the Western political and economic system .

  23. 至少就目前而言,影响油价的是市场力量、而非政治决定。从休斯顿那些大型油企的董事会、到利雅得的宫殿里,油价暴跌让所有相关方焦躁不安。

    For now , at least , prices are being driven more by market forces than by political decisions and it is an unnerving experience for everyone concerned , from the boardrooms of Houston to the palaces of Riyadh .

  24. 政治体制决定了政策决策的制度结构。

    Political regime decides the institutional structure of decision-making .

  25. 但这恰恰是当时的政治文化决定的结果。

    However this was just the result determined by the political culture at that time .

  26. 这样的分布特点是由两个演讲者所面对的不同的政治境况决定的。

    Such a distribution is decided by the different domestic political situations the two speakers confront .

  27. 海洋商业文化和大陆农业文化的双重地缘政治特性决定了中国独特的地缘文化心理。

    Double features of " Sea Commercial Culture " and " Land Agriculture Culture " had formed its specific geo-psychology .

  28. 对市场的真正考验,要看国际社会的反应;简言之,政治将决定经济破坏程度。

    The real test for markets will come with international reaction ; in short , politics will dictate the extent of economic damage .

  29. 如果你继续呆在那里,你就得让政治去决定你写什么和不写什么,看什么和不看什么。

    If you stay where you are , you will let politics decide what you do and do not write , do and do not see .

  30. 俄国(苏)是中国的最大邻国,这一特殊的地缘政治关系决定了俄国(苏)在中国对外战略中的重要性。

    Russia ( Soviet ) is China 's biggest neighboring country , this special geopolitics relations has decided Russia ( Soviet ) importance in the Chinese foreign strategy .