
zhènɡ fǔ shěn jì
  • government audit;audit of government
  1. 通过分析,得出第1个因子对政府审计范围的适当性影响显著。

    Through analysis , the first principal components impact the scope of the audit of government significantly .

  2. 我国的审计体系是由内部审计、政府审计和社会审计组成的,他们在各自不同的领域发挥着不可替代的作用,其中内部审计的基础性作用尤为重要。

    China 's auditing system is composed of internal audit , audit of government and social audit , and each plays a unique role in its respective field .

  3. 在WTO框架下对政府审计的思考

    Thinking of the Public Audit under the Frame of WTO

  4. 无论你相信与否,今年的搞笑文学奖被授予美国政府审计总署(GAO),以表彰他们发表的有关如何准备一份报告的报告的报告的报告……

    Believe it or not , this prize went to the US Government General Accountability Office ( GAO ) for issuing a report that recommended a report about another report of reports recommending reports ... or something like that .

  5. 构建和谐社会下的政府审计公告制度&基于政府审计信息产权视角的分析

    Constructing Governmental Institution of Audit Finding Release in a Harmonious Society

  6. 环境审计是当前政府审计的重要领域。

    Environmental audit is an important field of current governmental audit .

  7. 第一部分受托责任与政府审计的历史演进。

    Section I The historical development of accountability and government audit .

  8. 利益冲突与政府审计法律制度变迁

    Interests Conflict and Change of the Legal Institution of Government Auditing

  9. 东北老工业基地振兴中政府审计研究

    Research on the Government Audit in Rejuvenating the Northeast Old Industrial Base

  10. 政府审计免疫系统论的解读及其应用探析

    The Analysis of Interpretation and Application of Government Auditing Immune System Theory

  11. 法律援助制度。政府审计职责法律制度的实证分析

    Law Office . Empirical analysis of legal system of government audit responsibility

  12. 公共治理理论视角下的政府审计环境

    Government Auditing Environment under the Perspective of Public Governance Theory

  13. 论政府审计与社会审计的协调

    A Review on Coordination between Government Audit and Social Audit

  14. 首先对政府审计的基本理论进行概述。

    First , the overview of the basic theory of government audit .

  15. 政府审计是强化政府责任的一个重要工具和手段。

    The former is the means or tool for improving government accountability .

  16. 新公共管理治理理念与政府审计机制创新

    Governance Theory of New Public Administration and Mechanism Innovation in Government Auditing

  17. 我国政府审计风险的成因及其控制

    Course and Control of Audit Risk in Chinese Government

  18. 文章首先从整个的社会政治环境背景出发,引出重新定位我国政府审计职责的必要性。

    Firstly , it raises the necessity of redefining the government audit responsibility .

  19. 政府审计结果真实性、完整性的研究

    Study for Facticity and Integrality of Government Audit Results

  20. 内部审计、社会审计和政府审计共同构成了审计的主体。

    The audit subject contents Internal audit , social audit and government audit .

  21. 南京国民政府审计人事管理制度述论

    A Comment on the Audit Personnel Management System of the Nanjing Republican Government

  22. 因此,探究政府审计制度是切实必要的。

    Therefore , we have to trace back to the government auditing system .

  23. 我国政府审计存在的问题、原因及制度对策

    Building Our Own Audit System of the Government Audit

  24. 政府审计职责是政府审计制度的核心问题之一,是政府法制建设的一个重点,是依法审计的重要保障,是充分发挥政府审计作用的重要前提。

    Government audit responsibility is one of the key issues of government audit system .

  25. 政府审计的职能是经济监督、经济鉴证、经济评价。

    The role of government audit is economic supervision , identification , and evaluation .

  26. 第三,探寻政府审计对政府信息披露的治理路径。

    Thirdly , exploring the governance path of government information disclosure by government audited .

  27. 试论政府审计对行政权力的监督和制约&兼论政府审计职能定位

    On the Governmental Auditing Supervision of Administrative Authorities and the Function of Governmental Auditing

  28. 深化政府审计监督完善政府治理机制

    Depending Government Audit Supervision , Improving Government Governance

  29. 农村审计不同于内部审计、政府审计和社会审计,农村审计应属于外部审计。

    The rural audit is an external audit .

  30. 另一种审计是外部审计主要指东道国政府审计。

    Another kind of audit is external audit , i.e.the government audit of host country .