
  • 网络Speciality;Specialty
  1. 临床药师可充分发挥专业特长,在促进合理用药、提升我院疾病治疗的竞争力方面发挥积极作用。

    Clinical pharmacists can bring their specialty into full play and enhancing hospital competitiveness in the treatment of single entity .

  2. 面对来势凶猛的文化入侵,中国当代产品造型设计师应该在行业内肩负起自己的历史使命,用自己的专业特长捍卫自己的民族文化。

    Confronted with the severe cultural invasion , the present Chinese production modeling designer should shoulder their own historical mission and safeguard the national culture with their specialty .

  3. 阿什拉夫在软件开发和网络基础设施方面有专业特长。

    Ashraf has a background in software development and network infrastructure .

  4. 发挥教师的专业特长;

    Bringing specialities of teachers full play ;

  5. 代律师的专业特长是房地产法律事务、金融证券与保险。

    Lawyer Dai is an expert in real estate , financing , securities and insurance .

  6. 发挥自己的专业特长以及全部才能,为所在单位和团队的发展做出自己的贡献。

    Play all the expertise and skills of the units for the development team and make their contribution .

  7. 这种方法的优点在于:一是可以充分发挥分析人员的专业特长,提高识别的准确性;

    This method has two advantages : one is to let analysts show their specialities and improve the accuracy ;

  8. 在八路军的协助下,白求恩尽其所能地发挥他的专业特长。

    In the company of the Eighth Route Army , Bethune practiced his profession as best as he could .

  9. 谋求一个充分发挥自己专业特长的工作单位,并能得到您的关照,是我的期盼。

    To a fully professional expertise of their own work units , and can be your concern is my hope .

  10. 决策与教师利益和兴趣的相关性、教师的专业特长及教师的权限决定了前三者的大小。

    The relation ship between teachers and decision , teachers ' speciality advantages and teachers ' power limits the former three .

  11. 运用他们的经验和专业特长,找出安捷伦科技公司客户服务中心流程中的根本性问题。

    Use their experience and expertise to find out the root cause that exiting in work flow of Agilent company customer service center .

  12. 一个日本领导者的最佳合格证书是他被小组接受,这种接受只有部分是根据他的专业特长。

    The prime qualification of a Japanese leader is his acceptance by the group . and only part of the acceptance is founded on his professional merits .

  13. 三要选择正确的就业途径,要扬长避短,不能一味强调个人意愿和专业特长,而要适应社会发展的需求;

    Instead of emphasizing too much their individual willing and major , they should adjust themselves to the social development , choose the correct way of employment .

  14. 广告公司希望将其在传统领域的专业特长应用到中国快速发展的数字市场中,因为中国的网民数量已经位居全球第一。

    Advertising companies are looking to take their expertise and apply it to China 's fast-growing digital market , where the Internet population now ranks as the largest in the world .

  15. 建议高校根据社会对体育人才的需求,深化教育改革,培养具有较好的身高和基本素质,又具有专业特长的适用性人才。

    It is suggested that according to society 's demands for athletic talents , universities deepen the educational reform and train the talents with better height , basic quality and special skill .

  16. 高校体育志愿者是志愿者组织的一个分支,是一群具备体育专业特长的高校青年,他们不仅在普通志愿者服务中扮演重要角色,而且在运动比赛、群众健身、校园活动中发挥着特殊重要的作用。

    College sports volunteers is a branch of volunteer organizations , a group of professional expertise with the young college sports , they not only volunteer services in general play an important role , but also in sports and fitness people , school activities , plays a special important effect .

  17. 他们的专业(特长)是计算机程序。

    Their specialty is computer programs .

  18. 相反,他们会搜索他们在求职者身上希望获得的技能。所以你必须好好思考下你的工作经验、学历、专业、特长和证书,所有这些都能够成为你的关键词。

    Instead , they 'll search for the skills that they need in a candidate , so you need to think about your experiences , degree , major , specialties and certifications all as keywords .

  19. 最后,运动员利用自己专业和特长就业的仍然很难,这导致学生对学习文化课的积极性不高,从而影响高校高水平运动队高等教育的发展。

    Finally , the athletes use their professional expertise and employment is still very difficult , resulting in students a positive learning culture is not high , thus affecting the high-level sports teams in colleges and universities the development of higher education .

  20. 拔尖创新人才是指科学研究型的高层次创造性人才、应用研究型的高技术创新人才和某一专业领域有特长的高级专门人才。

    Top talents with the spirit of innovation are defined as high-level creative personnel in scientific research , hi-tech innovative professionals in applied research , as well as high-level specialists in certain fields of specialities .

  21. 新世纪的语文名师不仅懂得知识积累的重要性,而且,他们更注重将广博的知识面与精深的专业知识、专业特长相结合;

    The language " masters " of the new century not only know the importance of accumulating knowledge , but also , they should pay more attention to combine their extensive knowledge with their deep professional knowledge ;

  22. 浩英律师在专业领域极为活跃,其专业特长也广为承认。

    H & Y attorneys are active in professional organizations and are widely recognized for their expertise .

  23. 我大学时的专业是英语,所以写作技能是我的专业特长。

    My major in college was English , and as a result , my writing skills are my major strength .

  24. 提出护理专业工作者应学习老年护理的理论、知识和技能,在老年照护体系的构建中发挥专业特长。

    It is also suggested that nursing professionals need to learn more about the theories , knowledge , and skills required in aged care , and actively participate in the construction of the aged care system .

  25. 本文将儿童习得母语的方式引入非外语专业外语教学的高级阶段&公外研究生外语教学,旨在提高学生应用语言的交际能力,成为既有专业特长又会外语的复合型人才。

    Acquisition is mainly introduced into the foreign language teaching for non English major graduates to improve their communication competence . Hence , students are expected to become compound talent graduates .