
  • 网络capex;Investment;investment costs
  1. 修改遗留系统的成本与开发一套Web服务来将客户机连接到遗留系统的投资成本的比较

    The costs of modifying a legacy system against the investment costs of developing a suite of Web services to connect a client with a legacy system

  2. 在预期的ROI实现后,可以立即抵消投资成本。

    The investment cost can immediately be paid after the proposed ROI has been approved .

  3. 勒科克表示,将两者结合起来的投资成本,低于积极管理的beta投资组合。

    The resulting combination , says Mr LeCocq , costs less than an actively managed beta portfolio .

  4. 3G系统的优势在于计费管理、漫游与安全性,WLAN系统的优势在于高带宽和低投资成本。

    3G systems have their advantages in charge management , roaming , and security facilities , and WLAN systems have the advantages of high bandwidth and low investment cost .

  5. 使用公共数据仓库的操作成本与构建私有数据仓库来检索、存储和分发基于RFID的项、案例和数据托盘的投资成本的比较

    Operating costs of using a public warehouse against the investment costs of building a private warehouse to receive , store , and distribute the RFID-based items , cases , and pallets

  6. 与传统的软件应用模式相比,SaaS(SoftwareasaService)软件服务提供模式由于具有部署灵活、维护方便、投资成本低等优点,能够应对需求的快速变化,正在被越来越广泛地应用。

    Compared to the traditional software model , SaaS ( Software as a Service ) model can meet the rapid change in users ' demands , which has advantages of easily to deploy , conveniently to maintain and low cost .

  7. 通过实际运行证明AI系列调节器的应用既使产品的质量和稳定性得到提高,同时又降低了投资成本。

    Proves the AI series regulator through the actual movement the application since the product quality and the stability obtains the enhancement , at the same time reduced the investment cost .

  8. 认为运用计算机模拟这一工程上新的工具,对提高LNG工厂的安全性和经济效益,同时降低投资成本是很有帮助的。

    It is useful to improve plants safety and effciency while reduce the capital cost in recent years by the addition of the computer simulation , which is a new engineering development tool .

  9. 在风险评估中,ROI被定义为实现一个或多个对策的投资成本与一个或多个威胁的年预期损失方面的成本节省的比值。

    In risk assessment , the ROI is defined as the investment costs of implementing one or more countermeasures against the savings in the annualized loss expectancy of one or more threats .

  10. 计算结果表明,该方法降低了间歇性DG和补偿电容的总投资成本,取得了系统运行的经济效益、环境效益以及电压质量的综合最优。

    Results have favored this method for reducing overall investment cost of intermittent DG and compensating capacitor and achieving a comprehensive optimization of economy , environment and voltage quality in operation .

  11. 而由英国BP公司研究开发出的第三代Ziegler-Natta催化剂具有价格低廉,工艺相对简单,投资成本低,生产的聚乙烯产品质量好等优点,在乙烯合成工业中得到了广泛的推广应用。

    The third generation Ziegler-Natta catalyst developed by English BP corporation which has great advantage in lower investment cost , simple technical process and good product quality obtained wide-promoted application in the polyethylene synthetic industry .

  12. 电信、电力、自来水、煤气和铁路运输等行业由于投资成本巨大,资产专用性强,投资回收期长,存在明显的规模经济效益,因此被称为自然垄断产业(NaturalMonopoly)。

    Industries like telecom , railway transportation and supply of power , water and gas distinctly benefit from their economy of scale , due to the immense investment cost , strong asset specificity and long investment payoff period . Therefore , they are called natural monopoly industries .

  13. 鞍钢氧气厂引进的美国COOPER公司的两台离心式压缩机完全采用计算机控制,操作简单、安全可靠,现场安装方便,降低投资成本。

    Two centrifugal compressors imported from American COOPER Co. by AISC are completely controlled by computer , which have the property of simple operation , safety and reliability , convenient installation on site and lower investment cost .

  14. 结果表明,软件DGPS收发信机具有降低投资成本,降低设备功率、尺寸和重量,适应现有的和未来的标准发展等优点。

    The result of the simulation indicates the advantages of the software DGPS transceiver : to reduce the investment cost , to realize operational savings through lower weight , power , and size , to adapt to the development of existing and future standards .

  15. 小型VRV中央空调系统具有一机多室制冷功能,冷量分配灵活,节省安装空间,与传统中央空调相比投资成本较少,已成为商用和家用空调产业的主流。

    VRV mini central air condition system with a multi-room refrigeration function , it can refrigeration allocation flexibility , saving installation space , and it costs less than the traditional investment , VRV mini central air condition system has become a commercial and residential air-conditioning industry mainstream .

  16. 用户可大大降低设备投资成本。

    User can reduce the cost of installation cost greatly .

  17. 有关信息技术投资成本与收益分析的文献综述

    The Literature Summarization of IT Investment Cost and Benefit Analysis

  18. 税收政策通过影响企业投资成本从而影响其投资决策。

    Taxation policy impacts the decision of investment through influencing investment cost .

  19. 工期与投资成本的关系。

    The relationship between time limit for a project and investment cost .

  20. 公用事业基建项目的最小投资成本分析

    Least cost Analysis of Infrastructure Expansion in Public Utilities

  21. 长期股权投资成本法的核算

    The Calculation Method Adopted in the Cost Method of Long-term Investment on Stocks

  22. 工程建设投资成本控制

    A Probe into Investment Cost Control on Construction Engineering

  23. 谈工程投资成本控制与分析

    Discussion & analysis on cost control of project investment

  24. 国家应努力发展经济,提高家庭的筹资能力,同时控制家庭高等教育投资成本水平,提高家庭投资高等教育的可能性。

    Government should strive to develop economy and enhance the TF of family .

  25. 而数额越大,投资成本就越大。

    And the larger the amounts , the more expensive the bets are .

  26. 集中式部署相对经济投资成本较低,运行维护统一。

    Centralized deployment has a relatively low investment cost and unified operation and maintenance .

  27. 你考虑过投资成本平均法吗?

    NO04, 5.Have you considered dollar cost averaging ?

  28. 网状网的灵活性可以提高网络效率,同时降低总投资成本。

    The flexibility of mesh networks can improve network efficiency while lowering the total investment cost .

  29. 利润和利息是投资成本的补偿而不是剥削。

    The profits and interests are the compensation of the investment cost rather than the exploitation .

  30. 探讨了经营收益现值法和投资成本收益法对公路桥梁经营权转让的评估。

    There are some problems on the manage right of highway and bridge in our country .