- 名capitulationism

Question : May I ask how capitulationism can be overcome ?
25 . The above points deal with class capitulationism .
In the country as a whole , oppose national capitulationism
In China , Chen Tu-hsiu and then Chang Kuo-tao were both capitulators ;
The relation between class capitulationism and national capitulationism
The international capitulationists are likewise pursuing a cunning policy to induce China to surrender .
16 . In 1927 Chen Tu-hsiu 's capitulationism led to the failure of the revolution .
Capitulationism must be strenuously opposed .
Once another civil war starts , will the determined capitulationists allow you to continue the war against Japan ?
Capitulationism must be combated both inside the party and throughout the country inside the party , oppose class capitulationism
In the united front , capitulationism is wrong and so is sectarianism with its exclusiveness and contempt for others .
His capitulatory thought is so radical because he has completely lost the struggling urge in the face of strong enemy ;
We should extend the military successes of the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies and oppose all the defeatists and capitulationists .
This refers to the situation created by the opportunist leadership of the Central Committee of the party in the first half of1927 .
We must sharply pose the question of who is to lead and must resolutely combat capitulationism in view of the grave situation described above .
Deprived of a mass base , the capitulationists will have no chance to play their tricks , and the anti-Japanese front will be consolidated .
But I am sure that the capitulationists cannot win mass support and that the masses will overcome capitulationism , persevere in the war and achieve victory .
However , on the question of both unity and struggle , Right opportunism emerged in our Party in the form of Wang Ming 's Right capitulationist mistakes .
The right wing of the Anti-Japanese National United Front consists of the big landlords and big bourgeoisie , and it is the nerve centre of national capitulationism .
Answer : Both by words , that is , by exposing the danger of capitulationism , and by deeds , that is , by organizing the masses to stop the capitulationist activities .
But because of the conservatism and idealism thoughts , Sung Dynasty diplomatic thought fall into capitulationism and begging for peace while they were economy descend , civil contradiction quickness , weak of military strength .
In fact this line is not practicable , and therefore they are actually ready to capitulate to imperialism , feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism .
Inside Story of the Ching Court was a reactionary film which vilified the patriotic Yi Ho Tuan Movement of 1900 and preached capitulation to imperialism .
It signifies a decision to capitulate to Japanese imperialism .
There are only three possibilities : ( 1 ) capitulation to Japanese imperialism ;
All this is being used by the big bourgeois capitulators and die-hards to prepare the way for capitulating to Japanese imperialism , breaking up the united front and dragging China backwards .