
  • 网络Nationalization
  1. 北岩银行国有化所反映出的英国金融稳定机制缺陷及其改革

    On Flaws and Reform of the Northern Rock Bank Nationalization Reflection Financial Stability Cooperation Mechanism in British

  2. 过去20年,中国的金融制度改革虽已实现了银行体制的三次分离和金融市场体系框架的建立,但总的来讲,仍然固守在国家垄断信用、银行国有化的框架内。

    In the past two decades , China 's financial system reform has realized segregation of banking regime three times and establishment of a system framework of financial market . However , it 's still within the framework of state monopoly credit and bank nationalization as a whole .

  3. 奥巴马政府(government)表示,尽管白宫希望(hope)加强监管,但没有将银行国有化的计划。

    The Obama administration says that while it wants tighter regulations , it has no plans to nationalize banks .

  4. 有人拿起了赶牛鞭。在将国内最大银行国有化的道路上,美国政府又迈出了不情愿的一步,从花旗集团(Citigroup)开始。

    Somebody fetch a cattle prod. The US government is taking another reluctant step towards public control of its largest banks , starting with Citigroup .

  5. 如果要将银行国有化,那么越快越好。

    If it is to happen , the sooner the better .

  6. 在许多情况下,这需要临时将银行国有化。

    In many cases , this requires temporary bank nationalisation .

  7. 一个更大的危险是,北岩银行国有化可能给公平竞争带来威胁。

    An even bigger danger is the threat northern rock will now pose to competition .

  8. 又比方说,对于那些要求将银行国有化的呼声,反对的意见在哪里?

    Where are the counter-arguments to those calling for banks to be nationalised , for example ?

  9. 白宫推动金融系统改革的同时,有人担心,奥巴马政府可能会再进一步,把有问题的银行国有化。

    The White House push for financial services reform comes amidst worries that the administration might go further and nationalize troubled banks .

  10. 如果他是个社会主义者,他也许已经把银行国有化,并把该国引上极端集权主义的道路了。

    Had he been a socialist , he might have nationalized the banks and set the country upon the road toward extreme collectivism .

  11. 星期三早些时候,德国政府通过一项允许政府把处于倒闭边缘的私有银行国有化的计划。

    Earlier Wednesday , Germany 's government agreed on a new provision that will allow it to nationalize private banks that are at risk of failing .

  12. 美国总统奥巴马指出,现在是全面整顿管理国家金融体系法规的时候了。奥巴马政府表示,尽管白宫希望加强监管,但没有将银行国有化的计划。

    One day after a speech to the nation on his economic plan , President Obama weighed in on the need to set new rules for America 's ailing financial sector .

  13. 但是,我们看到的是其力度绝对令人难以置信的国家干预银行国有化,政府赤字数十亿、数十亿欧元地增加这是正确的做法,他表示。

    But what we 've seen is state intervention of absolutely unbelievable dimensions bank nationalisations , government deficits increasing by billions and billions of euros and this was the right thing to do , he said .

  14. 包括诺贝尔奖得主、经济学家保罗克鲁格曼(PAULKRUGMAN)和约瑟夫施蒂格利茨(JosephStiglitz)等自由主义批评家在内的一些人,主张将银行全部国有化。

    Some , including liberal critics such as the Nobel-prize winning economists Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz , argue for all-out bank nationalisation .

  15. 为什么不对银行进行国有化,并把这件事情做到底呢?

    Why not nationalise the banks and have done with it ?

  16. 政府正打算将银行系统国有化。

    The government is plan to nationalize the banking system .

  17. 但我并不认为哪个国家应该急于对银行实施国有化,除非迫不得已。

    But I do not believe any country should be eager to nationalise its banks , exceptin extremis .

  18. 但情况是如此糟糕,没有办法的办法就是接受这些银行的国有化。

    But things are so bad that the least worst course is to accept nationalisation of these banks .

  19. 在采取这些举措之前,随着对疲软银行直接国有化的支持渐增,银行类股股价上周暴跌。

    The moves followed a collapse in bank stocks last week amid gathering support for outright nationalisation of weak banks .

  20. 奥巴马政府实施银行非国有化的决策被当成是寡头权力的初步证据。

    The Obama administration 's decision not to nationalise the banks is presented as prima facie evidence of the oligarchs'power .

  21. 他们补充说,不像在英国、美国或德国,瑞士没有一家银行被国有化或破产。

    They add that , unlike in the UK , US or Germany , no Swiss bank has been nationalised or gone bust .

  22. 奥巴马政府现在面临的两难选择是:将银行部分国有化;或是让它们保持私有,但将其有毒资产收归国有。

    The hard choice facing the Obama administration is between partially nationalising the banks , or leaving them in private hands but nationalising their toxic assets .

  23. 投资者对银行被国有化或者它们申请破产保护非常紧张,因为两种选择都将使其持股者血本无收。

    Investors have been very nervous that banks will have to be nationalized , or that they will have to file for bankruptcy protection , as both options would wipe out all shareholder value .

  24. 由于新的救援计划遭到了抨击而不是喝彩,使政府将本来已占了很大一部分股份的银行彻底国有化的压力正在迅速增加。

    As the new rescue plan has attracted brickbats rather than plaudits , pressure is growing for the government to go the whole hog and nationalise the banks in which it has such a big stake .

  25. 关于有一家美国或欧洲银行将会被国有化的传言令交易员感到惊慌。

    Rumours that a bank in the US or Europe was about to be nationalised spooked traders .

  26. 其次,日本已经对两家长期信贷银行实施了国有化,这种做法充满了争议。

    Second , Japan had already nationalised two long-term credit banks , and the experience had been fraught with controversy .

  27. 价值必须减记,无偿付能力的银行无条件国有化,有偿付能力的银行进行资本结构调整,让纳税人成为股东。

    Values must be written down , insolvent banks nationalised outright , and solvent ones recapitalised with an equity stake for taxpayers .

  28. 伯南克这番讲话传递出迄今最为清晰的信号,表明美国官方相信,压力测试不会导致大型银行的全盘国有化。

    The comments by the US Federal Reserve Chairman provided the clearest signal yet that US authorities believe the stress tests will not lead to the full nationalisation of a big bank .

  29. 这位首相表示,英国政府将通过对银行执行部分国有化来打击“导致不负责任态度或承担过度风险的动机,则让我们这些人为此付出了代价”。

    The prime minister said his government would use the partial nationalisation of banks to crack down on " incentives for irresponsibility or excessive risk-taking for which the rest of us have paid " .

  30. 银行亏损的国有化使大多数英国家庭的生活水平面临上世纪20年代以来最大幅度的下滑。但银行的回应却是,重新开始向高管和交易员发放巨额报酬。

    Nationalisation of the banks ' losses has left most British households facing cuts in their standard of living as steep as any since the 1920s . The banks have responded by reinstating big pay-outs for top executives and traders .