
  • 网络Earnings Quality;Quality of earnings;Revenue Quality
  1. 分析国内外学者对收益质量的研究现状。

    Research of domestic and foreign scholars on the quality of earnings .

  2. 其次,对上市公司收益质量影响因素进行了探讨。

    Secondly , the factors influencing the quality of earnings of listed companies is discussed .

  3. 这样才能够正确的把握ST公司真正的收益质量。

    It can help them realize the true income quality .

  4. 独立研究公司RateFinancials的一份研究报告指出,在纽约上市的顶级中国公司收益质量低下,该报告严厉批评纽约证交所(NYSE)允许这些公司在美上市。

    Top Chinese companies listed in New York have poor quality earnings , argues a research report highly critical of the New York Stock Exchange for allowing the listings .

  5. 基于结构方程的PLS通径建模方法能够处理复杂影响因素之间的关系,并能计算出潜变量得分等独有优势,为进行收益质量分析提供了很好的方法。

    PLS path modeling method , based structural equation , can handle complex relationships between factors , and can calculate the latent variable scores and other unique advantages , provides a good way for the purpose of earnings quality analysis .

  6. 我国投资者如何理性分析上市公司收益质量

    The Approaches to Analyzing Listed Companies Income Quality for Chinese Investors

  7. 会计收益质量的识别&现金流量表分析

    Identification of Accounting Earnings Quality & The Analysis of Cash Flow Statements

  8. 会计收益质量的影响因素及其评价倡导者与利润

    Its Appraisement and the Influencing Factor of Accounting Profit Quality

  9. 公允价值与会计收益质量相关性研究

    Study on Relevance of Fair Value and Accounting Earnings Quality

  10. 上市公司的收益质量评价

    Evaluation of the quality of accounting income for listed companies

  11. 再次,从发展能力和收益质量两个方面对企业投资活动现金流量进行分析;

    Thirdly , discuss the invest activity of cash flow from 2 aspects .

  12. 公司收益质量及其会计问题研究

    Companies ' Earnings Quality and Relevant Accounting Problems Study

  13. 公司收益质量分析应关注的几个方面

    Key Points on Analyzing the Corporation 's Income Quality

  14. 会计收益质量的分析及其评价

    The Analysis of Accounting Revenue Quality and Its Evaluation

  15. 基于结构方程模型的化工行业上市公司收益质量评价研究

    Research on Earnings Quality Appraisement of Listed Chemical Industry Companies Based on SEM

  16. 注重盈利能力,提高资产管理能力和收益质量。

    Improve the financial structure level , and improve asset management ability and profitability .

  17. 投资者保护与收益质量:国际比较研究

    Investor Protect and Earnings Quality : International Comparison

  18. 该方法为评价上市公司收益质量的动态提供了新的思路。

    The method provides a new idea to evaluate earning quality for listed companies .

  19. 股权制衡度与收益质量不相关;

    The degree of the balance of shares is not related to earning quality ;

  20. 基于结构方程模型的中国能源行业收益质量测量研究

    Based on Structural Equation Model of Earnings Quality Evaluation Study of Chinese Energy Industry

  21. 上市公司收益质量分析

    Income of Quoted Company : Quality Analysis

  22. 现代企业收益质量分析

    Analysis of Modern Enterprise Earnings Quality

  23. 该基金往往更关注国内增长、行业整合和收益质量等题材。

    This tends to focus more on themes of domestic growth , industry consolidation and earnings quality .

  24. 收益质量能够对上市公司综合业绩进行有效评价,可以作为重要参考依据。

    Earnings quality can evaluate the consolidated results of listed companies , and is an important reference .

  25. 应用计量经济学中的因子分析法,系统分析了电子类上市公司的收益质量指标。

    Use factor analysis in econometrics to analyze the quality income of the listed companies of electronic categories systematically .

  26. 在对现有研究分析、归纳整理的基础上,本文分别从股权结构、董事会特征、管理层激励几个方面定量研究公司治理结构对收益质量的影响。

    It studys quantitatively how corporate governance affects earning quality from ownership structure , characteristics of board , manager incentive .

  27. 但是将收益质量与财务报告舞弊结合起来进行探索的研究,目前在国内外并不多见。

    However , there is little research about the relevance between earning quality and frauds both in domestic and overseas .

  28. 它们没有违反什么规则,但糟糕的收益质量表明,其前景可能没有投资者预期的那么光明。

    No rules were being broken , but poor earnings quality implies the outlook may be less rosy than investors expect .

  29. 上市公司收益质量下降的问题也随之引起了社会各界的普遍关注。

    Then the decline of earnings quality of listed companies caused widespread concerns of the social from all walks of life .

  30. 收益质量是上市公司财务分析的重要内容,也是衡量上市公司持久盈利能力的重要方面。

    The earnings quality is an important content of listed company financial analysis , and also important to measure lasting profitability of listed company .