
  • 网络harvesting machinery;reaping machine;reaping machinery;reapingmachine
  1. 切割器是各种牧草收割机械的重要工作部件。

    The cutter is important working part of various harvesting machinery .

  2. 目前,各种牧草收割机械普遍采用的切割器有往复式和回转式两种。

    At present , various forage harvesting machinery commonly use two kinds of cutter bar & reciprocating and rotary .

  3. 青贮调制系统内收割机械、植物凋萎程度和添加剂之间的相互关系

    Interactions between harvesting machine , wilting and additives in silage making systems

  4. 大豆联合收割机械作业质量标准与检测的研究

    Study on the quality requirements and examinations for soy bean combine harvester working

  5. 甘蔗收割机械智能设计系统的研究开发

    Knowledge Based Intelligent Design System for Sugarcane Harvester

  6. 简要介绍了甘蔗收割机械的发展简史,阐述了国内外甘蔗收割机的发展现状,指出了甘蔗收割机存在的主要问题,展望了其发展趋势。

    This paper simply introduced the developed history of the sugarcane harvester , illustrated development states of sugarcane mechanization in homeland and outside country , point out the main exiting problem , then discussed the developing trend of sugarcane harvester in our country .

  7. 它适合于农村野外灌溉、收割或电动机械野外作业接电之用。

    The device is applicable to the use in the rural fields for irrigation and harvest or the filed operation of electric machinery .

  8. 牧草收割是草产业生产中的重要环节,提高牧草收割机械化水平和生产率,对于确保草产业丰收极为重要。

    Grazing harvesting is an important part of the production of grass industry , improving forage harvesting mechanization level and productivity is vital to ensure the grass industry abundant harvest .