
  • 网络Acquirer;acquiring bank
  1. SET是一个用于信用卡在线支付的安全规范,其交易模型由持卡人、商家、收单行、发卡行等各方组成。

    SET is a security paradigm for on-time credit payments whose transaction model is composed of cardholder , merchant , acquirer , issuer , etc.

  2. 该方案是对3-DSecure协议的改造,即将3-9Secure协议中的商户服务器插件(MPI)和收单行统一到第三方平台中。

    The scheme is based on 3-D Secure protocol .

  3. 从交易流程来看,网上购物可以分为两个基本环节&交易环节和支付结算环节。而支付结算环节是由包括支付网关、收单行和发卡行在内的金融专用网络完成的。

    According to trade procedure , the online shopping can be divided into two basic links & Trade link and paying the settlement link .

  4. 这种结果能否实现,归根结底取决于银行卡网络定价过程中发卡行和消费者之间的价格与收单行和商户之间的价格的结构是否有利于增强银行卡网络系统内部的正反馈效应。

    Whether this purpose can be realized depends ultimately on whether the two-sided price structure pushes the positive feedback effects of the network system .

  5. 参与电子商务的实体有四类:顾客(个人消费者或企业集团)、商户(包括销售商、制造商、储运商)、银行(包括发卡行、收单行)及认证中心。

    The participants in E-commerce activities can involve customers ( individual consumer or enterprise group ), merchants ( including seller , manufacturer , stores ), banks ( including sends card line , receives single line ), and authentication centers .