
  • 网络Psychological Empowerment;Psychology Empowerment
  1. 组织公正、心理授权与员工进谏行为的关系研究

    The Relationship of Organizational Justice and Psychological Empowerment With Voice Behavior

  2. 代理关系中授权行为独立性问题辨析心理授权与组织公民行为的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

  3. 心理授权日益为心理学界所关注,已经成为西方管理心理学研究的热点问题之一。

    Psychological empowerment has become one of focused studies in West countries .

  4. 变革型领导、心理授权与绩效的关系研究

    The Relationship between Transformational Leadership , Psychological Empowerment and Performance

  5. 不同工作性质的高校教师在心理授权上存在显著差异。

    University teachers with different work were significantly different on the Psychological Empowerment .

  6. 心理授权理论是管理学研究中的重要课题。

    Psychological empowerment ( PE ) is an important issue in management science .

  7. 心理授权是影响知识员工工作绩效的重要变量;

    Psychological empowerment is significant variable which affects job performance of knowledge workers ;

  8. 知识型员工个体特征对心理授权影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Impacts of Knowledge-Worker 's Individual Characteristics on Psychological Empowerment

  9. 企业文化与知识型员工心理授权的关系研究

    Research on the relationship of different corporate cultures and knowledge-worker ′ s psychological empowerment

  10. 心理授权与组织承诺的关系研究

    The Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Organizational Commitment

  11. 变革型领导与员工工作态度:心理授权的中介作用

    Transformational Leadership and Employee Work Attitudes : The Mediating Effects of Multidimensional Psychological Empowerment

  12. 本文中,我们认为授权行为是心理授权的前因变量,对心理授权产生影响。

    However , they did not take the effect of empowerment behavior into account .

  13. 心理授权在仁慈领导和工作投入之间起着部分中介作用。

    Psychological empowerment was a mediator in the relationship between benevolence leadership and job involvement .

  14. 企业员工心理授权与其工作绩效的关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between the Enterprise Employees ' Psychological Empowerment and Job Performance

  15. 信任与组织公民行为:心理授权的调节作用实证研究

    Trust and Organizational Citizenship Behavior : Empirical Research on the Moderating Effect of Psychological Empowerment

  16. 心理授权不仅受变革型领导影响,还受到其他变量影响。

    Psychological empowerment is not only affects transformational leadership , but also affected by other variables .

  17. 验证了心理授权在企业文化和心理授权之间的中介作用。

    Validated psychological empowerment in the enterprise culture and the role of intermediary between psychological empowerment .

  18. 心理授权的研究在管理授权的基础上进行的,大多数集中在企业员工的研究领域。

    The research in Western countries focused on company staff , based on the management empowerment .

  19. 研究发现,心理授权通过影响、意义和自我效能三个维度对下属的情感承诺产生直接的正向影响。

    It can exert its positive effect on affective commitment through influence , meaning and self-efficacy .

  20. 心理授权研究综述

    Review on Study of Psychological empowerment

  21. 伦理型领导通过员工心理授权和心理安全共同的完全中介作用,影响员工的建言行为。

    Ethical leadership impacted voice behavior through the fully mediating effect of psychological empowerment and psychological safety .

  22. 服务性企业顾客心理授权浅析

    Customer Empowerment in Service Enterprises

  23. 心理授权影响工作满意度,工作表现,和员工的组织公民行为。

    Psychological empowerment in turn affected job satisfaction , task performance , and organizational citizenship behavior of employees .

  24. 但是变革型领导和心理授权对工作倦怠的复合影响却鲜有研究。

    However , There are seldom researches about the impact of transformational leadership and sychological empowerment to job burnout .

  25. 本研究以项目团队为研究对象,探讨项目团队中团队多样化、团队成员心理授权与团队认同感的关系。

    The paper mainly studied the relationship among team diversity , psychological empowerment and team identification in project teams .

  26. 因此,今后的研究可以从工作特征、饭店文化等方面探讨对员工心理授权的影响。

    Thus , the research may explore the impact of psychological empowerment from working characteristics , restaurants and culture .

  27. 本研究使心理授权理论更易于提高高校科技创新团队的有效性。

    This study provide the more specific psychological empowerment effectiveness measures for ShanXi higher school science and technology innovation team .

  28. 我们在两个研究中调查了权力分享和管理控制对心理授权的影响。

    We investigated the main and joint effects of power sharing and management control on psychological empowerment in two studies .

  29. 煤炭企业员工工作满意度、心理授权和离职倾向的研究

    The Study on the Relationship between Job Satisfaction 、 Psychological Empowerment and Turnover Intention among Coal Enterprise Employee in Shanxi

  30. 不同文化导向下心理授权对组织承诺影响的实证研究:基于知识型员工的观点

    An Empirical Study on the Impacts of Cultural Orientation and Psychological Empowerment on Organizational Commitment : Based on Knowledge-worker 's View