
  • 网络Internet Bubble;dotcom bubble;dot-com;dot-com bubble
  1. 对,网络泡沫以后,大的事情当然就是非典了。

    Lh-right , after the Internet bubble , of course the big thing was sars .

  2. 他对该委员会表示,在网络泡沫破裂时,美国金融系统表现得很有弹性。

    He told them the US financial system had been resilient amid the bursting of the internet bubble .

  3. 伯恩斯坦研究(bernsteinresearch)指出,网络泡沫破裂后,零售交易额减少了60%。

    Retail trading volumes dropped 60 per cent after the dotcom bust , points out Bernstein research .

  4. IPO市场的上一次大繁荣是在网络泡沫时代,并于2000年左右悲惨收场。信心与信誉已消失殆尽。

    The last great boom in IPOs was the dotcom era , which ended badly around 2000 .

  5. 凭借此次发行,2012年互联网公司IPO规模将超过网络泡沫时代的巅峰期。

    With this deal , 2012 will exceed the heights of the dotcom boom for IPOs by internet companies .

  6. 沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)等拒绝追随网络泡沫的人就曾遭到责备。

    Those , such as Warren Buffett , who refused to go along with the dotcom boom came in for criticism .

  7. 随着网络泡沫即将达到爆破点,FT在1999-2000年决定整合印刷版和网络版的编辑业务。

    As the dotcom bubble inflated to bursting point , it was decided in 1999-2000 to integrate the print and online editorial operation .

  8. 正如网络泡沫破裂和企业会计丑闻爆发,促成了2002年《萨班斯-奥克斯利法(sarbanes-oxleyact)》的通过一样,美国政界人士如今似乎在同样致力于重塑金融市场监管框架。

    Just as the bursting of the dot-com bubble and an outbreak of corporate accounting scandals led to passage of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 , US politicians now seem equally committed to a recasting of the regulatory framework governing financial markets .

  9. 索斯金和他的商业合伙人雨果伯奇(hugoburge)全价买下cheapflights,但所幸的是,cheapflights平安度过了网络泡沫破裂时代,并一直保持盈利。

    Mr soskin and his business partner , Hugo Burge , paid a full price but Cheapflights weathered the bursting of the dotcom bubble and stayed in profit .

  10. 数据提供商dealogic的数据显示,今年第一季度,放弃首次公开发行(ipo)筹资计划的公司数量达到自网络泡沫破灭以来的最高水平。

    The number of companies abandoning plans to raise capital through initial public offerings in the first quarter of this year jumped to heights not seen since the collapse of the dotcom boom , according to Dealogic , the data provider .

  11. 在网络泡沫破灭后的2001至2002年间,标准普尔500指数(SP500)成份股企业中美国首席执行官的薪酬中值下跌了近10%。

    Between 2001 and 2002 , after the dotcom bust , median compensation for US chief executives at companies in the Standard Poor 's 500 index fell by almost 10 per cent .

  12. 两年后,科技和网络泡沫宣告破裂。

    Then two years later the tech and Internet boom burst .

  13. 这样的夸张景象可能会让你想起网络泡沫。

    Such hyperbole might seem reminiscent of the dotcom bubble .

  14. 后来,网络泡沫破灭,市场形势急转直下。

    Then the market 's bottom fell out in the dot-com bust .

  15. 2000年3月网络泡沫破裂了

    In March , 2000 , the dotcom bubble bursts .

  16. 但2000年网络泡沫的破灭,也给香港网络媒体带来一定的冲击。此后,各媒体网站纷纷寻找各自的出路。

    Since then , network media began to seek other ways of development .

  17. 网络泡沫破裂的时候,也许你正忙着思考国际事务?

    Perhaps you were busy contemplating international affairs when the dot-com bubble burst ?

  18. 我们首先看见的是网络泡沫和令人羡慕的年轻百万富翁的故事。

    We first had the dotcom bubble and the envy-producing stories of young millionaires .

  19. 但是,当网络泡沫破灭时,这种火热的景象也从单身汉的生活中消失了。

    But when the dotcom bubble deflated , hot air left the singles scene , too .

  20. 在网络泡沫破灭后,你认为IT行业的前景会怎样?

    After the burst of Dot-com bubble , how do you think the future of IT industry ?

  21. 与网络泡沫热潮时期相比,如今纳斯达克领先成分股的估值要低得多。

    In contrast with the dotcom frenzy , valuations for leading Nasdaq members are far more restrained .

  22. 股市回升,在不到一年的时间内,日本就全面参与到了网络泡沫之中。

    The stock market rallied , and within a year Japan was participating fully in the dotcom bubble .

  23. 当2000年课程进入第二个年头时,网络泡沫开始破裂。

    As the course entered its second year in 2000 , the dotcom bubble was beginning to burst .

  24. 在网络泡沫达到至高点时,我们曾在网上以一次5美元为单位要求获得捐款。

    At the height of the d.o.t-c.o.m bubble , we solicited online donations at $ 5 a piece .

  25. 去年网络泡沫破裂,致使包括微软在内的所有高技术公司的股价直线下降。

    Last year the bubble burst , dragging down the shares of all high tech companies , including Microsoft .

  26. 于是,在2000年,就在网络泡沫破裂之前,两人成功筹集到了250万美元资金。

    So in 2000 , just before the dotcom bubble burst , the pair managed to raise $ 2.5m funding .

  27. 华尔街上次陷入困境是在2001年至2003年网络泡沫破裂期间。

    The last time wall street was in the mire was between 2001 and 2003 when the dotcom bubble burst .

  28. 那么我就会象肥皂泡一样离地飘浮起来。这样的夸张景象可能会让你想起网络泡沫。

    And you think I float * then it happens . Such hyperbole might seem reminiscent of the dotcom bubble .

  29. 有些三十出头的职员记得网络泡沫后期,有些人甚至在那时失去工作。

    Some workers in their early 30s remember the end of the dotcom boom . Some even lost jobs then .

  30. 尽管网络泡沫破裂,每年流入美国的海外直接投资仍超过1000亿美元。

    Despite the dotcom bust , inflows of foreign direct investment to the US have remained over $ 100bn per year .