
  • 网络Web server;Site Server;Apache
  1. 思科的网站服务器将会回复并开始向你发送你的应用程序所需的使用TCP会话的数据。

    Cisco 's Web server will reply and start sending your application the necessary data using TCP sessions .

  2. CePa在线分析平台由客户端、网站服务器和计算服务器三大模块联合构建而成。

    CEPA online analysis platform is built jointly by the three modules & client , web server and computing server .

  3. 基于LVS的网站服务器群的负载均衡

    The Loading Balance of Web Service Based on LVS

  4. 一旦你的PC收到目的网站服务器的IP地址,它会建立一个HTTP索取请求,并发送到思科的网站服务器。

    Once your PC ( web browser application ) receives the IP address of the destination web server , it will construct a HTTP GET request and send it to Cisco 's web server .

  5. CGI最初是指预先设定的途径,在这些途径程序与网站服务器进行通信,但是后来途径直接就指程序本身。

    CGI originally referred to the pre-defined way in which these programs communicated with the Web Server but lately it has come to refer to the programs themselves .

  6. 防护严格的网站服务器的控守问题,提出并实现了Windows内核模式下开发的端口复用技术,该技术利用允许访问的已开放端口,穿过防火墙对服务器实施控制。

    For controlling and holding the heavily-guarded web server , a port-reuse technology developed in the Windows kernel mode is brought forward and realized . By using an already-open port which is allowed to access , it can control the server through the firewall .

  7. 与FLV的档案,大块的文件流,从网站服务器到你的电脑。

    With FLV files , chunks of the files stream from the web site server to your computer .

  8. 因此将要讨论的系统就采用了多个开源社区的产品,其中包括Apache网站服务器、PHP网页编程语言和工具、Mysql数据库服务器、ACE编程框架和RedHatEnterprise操作系统。

    Then , the scheme under discussion use multiple products of the open source community , including the Apache web server , PHP web programming languages and tools , Mysql database server , the ACE programming framework and Red Hat Enterprise operating system .

  9. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)使网站服务器充斥要求回复的信息,消耗网络带宽或系统资源,导致网络或系统不胜负荷以至于瘫痪而停止提供正常的网络服务。

    DoS can make web server being full of information to be asked reply , it expends bandwidth of network or resource of system , so network and system stop normal network services as a result of unfitness charge and paralysis .

  10. 设定网站服务器以指定预设兼容性模式

    Configuring Web Servers to Specify Default Compatibility Modes

  11. 网站服务器的日志包含了与用户行为相关的有价值的信息。

    Your web server logs contain valuable information concerning user behavior on your site .

  12. 网站服务器只是一个应用程序。

    The Web server is just one application .

  13. 论改进远程教育网站服务器性能的有关技术

    Discuss the Concerned Technology to Improve Web 's Server Function The Art of Web

  14. 流媒体技术是把连续的影像和声音信息经过压缩处理后放上网站服务器,让用户一边下载一边观看、收听,而不需要等整个压缩文件下载到自己机器后才可以观看的网络传输技术。

    Stream Media Technology can compress the continuous images and sound , and upload onto the servers .

  15. 这些信息都可以根据历来顾客在网站服务器上留下的日志文件分析得到。

    This information can be based on historical customers on the web server log file analysis to be left behind .

  16. 学习设计的一个好方法是联系编写一些大众化的系统项目,比如试着编写一个解释器或者网站服务器。

    A good way to learn design is to practice on well-known systems projects , like writing an interpreter or web server .

  17. 系统由控制台服务器,代理/备份服务器,网站服务器三个服务器组成连锁操作,三者构成一个完整体系,对网站系统进行三重保护。

    System consist of console Server , backup server and web server . The three form a complete system to protect the site three times system .

  18. 网站服务器端负责用户数据的合理性验证以及将合理的数据以任务的形式提交给计算服务器。

    The website server-side is responsible for reasonable verification of the user data and submits reasonable data in the form of the task to the computing server .

  19. 没有防火墙,入侵者可以修改内容、窃取数据、甚至留驻在网站服务器上建立私人网站。

    Without a firewall , an intruder could rework content , steal data or even take up residence and establish a private site on the Web server .

  20. 就些数据包括:客户端浏览器日志记录,网站服务器访问记录、代理服务器日志记录、用户注册信息等。

    Usage data include log records in the client , server logs records , proxy server log records , and user registration or survey data gathered via CGI scripts .

  21. 若你已于网站服务器指定了一个预设的文件兼容性模式,你可以在个别页面上指定不同的文件兼容性模式来盖过它。

    If you specify a default document compatibility mode using your web server , you can override that setting by specifying a different document compatibility mode in a specific webpage .

  22. 《天下一家》一旦进入网站服务器,便会扩散和潜伏在所有页面,如果有人点击变会自动进入个人电脑。

    If the program has entered the server , it will spread and host inside the server and when somebody clicks the site , it will automatically enter that person 's PC.

  23. 主持和运营委员会网站服务器的公司说,他们通过异常的传输量使系统瘫痪,他们认为这一传输量是阻碍服务器的蓄意尝试。

    The company hosting and operating the committee 's servers said they disabled the system following an unusual amount of traffic , which they deemed was a deliberate attempt to crash the servers .

  24. 这些程序漏洞,可能比网站服务器的漏洞更加严重,因为防火墙或者入侵检测系统根本无法防止这些漏洞。

    These procedure loophole , may be more serious than the loophole of the website server , because fire wall or at all unable to prevent these loophole from to invade the detection system .

  25. 例如,当用户请求一个产品的价格时,网站服务器拿到从数据库提取的价格,把它作为页面的内容表示出来。

    For example , when a user requests the price of a product , the Web server takes the price that 's extracted from the database and presents it as a component on the Webpage .

  26. 本文分析了网络安全面临的主要威胁和攻击,讨论了主要的网络安全技术和TCP/IP协议,提出了基于网站web服务器的网络安全方案。

    This thesis analyzed the main threats and attacks which networks are facing today , discussed the main network security techniques widely used by people and enterprises , and introduced TCP / IP protocols .

  27. 在这之前你先要将一个HTML文件上传到网站的服务器上,或者在主页的代码中加入一小段代码标识。

    To do this you will be asked to upload an HTML file to your site or to add a short code snippet to your homepage .

  28. 您可以导出卷组,使用SAN复制数据到远程网站的服务器上,然后导入卷组。

    You could export a volume group , use SAN replication to copy the data to a server on a remote site , and then import the volume group .

  29. ASP木马其功能强大,隐蔽性强,不易发现,在网络中具有很大的破坏性和危险性,对网站、服务器有很大的威胁。

    ASP Trojan horse is powerful , the disguise is strong , difficult to find , has very great destructiveness and dangerous in the internet , the threat very great to the website and server .

  30. 服务器是建立WEB站点的基础,服务器配置技术分析了图书馆类网站对服务器的性能要求及服务器选型原则,论述了服务器硬件的选择和服务器操作系统以及软件的配置。

    The server is the foundation of establishing the website . In the " configuration of server " section , it analyzes the server performance requirement and the server shaping principle of the library website and discusses the selection of hardware and the configuration of operation system and software .