
  • 网络Website Database;data-base
  1. 基于XML的网站数据库连接

    A Database Connection of Website Based on XML

  2. ASP网站数据库的安全分析及防范

    Analysis and Advices of Security Holes in ASP Web Site with Database

  3. ASP在招生就业网站数据库开发中的应用

    ASP Technology and Its Application in the Database of Employment Web Site

  4. 基于ASP的网站数据库开发与远程报名系统的实现

    Development of a Web Database with ASP and Its Implementation of a Register Online

  5. 利用PHP和ODBC访问网站数据库

    Using PHP and ODBC to Access Web Station Database

  6. 本文论述了在IIS服务器上,使用ASP设计一种网站数据库的查询方法。

    This paper discussed the inquiry method of active web site database using ASP design on IIS server .

  7. 介绍用动态服务网页(ASP)技术来进行网站数据库开发的方法及其在实际应用中远程报名系统的实现。

    Methods to design a web database with Active Server Pages ( ASP ) and its implementation of a register online are introduced .

  8. 本文介绍了PHP技术,分析了PHP访问数据库的特点,并用实例说明了利用PHP和ODBC访问网站数据库的方法。

    This paper introduces PHP technology , analyzes the feature of PHP accessing database . The method of using PHP and ODBC to access Web station database is explained by example .

  9. memcached不仅减少了网站数据库的负载,还成为如今世界上大多数高流量网站所使用的缓存解决方案。

    Not only did memcached reduce the site 's database load , it is now the caching solution used by many of the most heavily trafficked Web sites around the world .

  10. 未定义网站数据库服务,或者它未联机。

    Site database service is not defined or is not online .

  11. ADO/ASP网站数据库查询分页显示

    Web Database Enquiry and Paging Display with ADO / ASP

  12. 使用该网站数据库的门户网站已经存在

    A portal site using this site database already exists

  13. 本文提出的证券电子商务网站数据库的设计与优化方案,可供同类应用设计时借鉴。

    This design can be used as a reference for the similar applications .

  14. 提高高负荷网站数据库效率的一种方法

    An Improvement of High Database Load Website in Efficiency

  15. 这个脚本是创建网站数据库结构的基础。

    This script is the playground for creating our Web site 's database structures .

  16. 向导无法获取激活的网站数据库连接列表。

    The wizard was unable to fetch your active Web 's database connection list .

  17. 本文的研究成果给网站数据库的保护提供了新的思路和方法,具有重要的实用价值。

    The research done in this dissertation provides a new method for web database protection and has important practical values .

  18. 在数据库名称框中,键入从中恢复门户的网站数据库的名称。

    In the Database name box , type the name of the site database from which you will restore the portal .

  19. 网站数据库中的口令字段简单地采用明文,数据库泄密后,其中的信息一目了然。

    The password field in database of a Website using plain text simply , it can be read after the database was downloaded .

  20. 请选择根据网站数据库将每一个备份映像恢复到的服务器名称和数据库名称。

    Select the Servers and Database Names to which you want to restore each of the backup image corresponding to the site databases .

  21. 它拥有在互联网上先进、稳定、开发速度快、维护容易的特点,是开发网站数据库的首选。

    It has advanced on the Internet , stability , development speed , easy maintenance features , the first is to develop a database website .

  22. 九十年代后由于互联网络技术的飞速发展,基于互联网的网站数据库技术为信息资源的共享提供了技术上的保障。

    In the 1990s later , for the speed of the Internet technique , the website base based on the Internet promoted the information resource share .

  23. 此类“招聘者”往往是在某个求职网或上看到你的求职申请,或者是在某个名为“求职网”网站数据库里看到你的简历,然后向你提出了上面的种种要求。

    The request may seem to be in response to an application you have made on a job site , or it may just be an " employer " who has found your resume in the name-a-job-site 's database .

  24. 针对网站数据库的特点,提出了利用ASP/ADO的对象实现网站数据库查询及其分页显示的通用方法,并给出了分页显示的具体实例,讨论了其具体实现的过程。

    Based on the character of Web database , a general method of the Web database in queries and paging display by ADO / ASP was proposed , and a concrete instance of paging display was given in this paper .

  25. 网站后台数据库从ACCESS到SqlServer的转换

    Database of Website Switch from Access to SQL Server

  26. 再则,根据收集和整理公司资料,用Access技术设计了网站的数据库,和每个模块中使用到的关键表。

    Moreover , according to the company materials collected and organized , the database and the key of each module are designed by Access technology .

  27. 本文讨论了结合互联网数据中心(IDC)的服务器托管形式下对网站Web数据库在线维护的形式和内容。

    This paper mainly concerns about the remote maintenance to Web database , combined with IDC ( Internet Data Center ) server .

  28. 您可以为网站增加数据库,PHP语言为此提供了所需的绑定。

    You can add a database to your Web site and the PHP language has bindings necessary to achieve this with ease .

  29. 用Access作为网站后台数据库承担访问量、数据量大的网站应用时,往往不堪重负,使用微软的SqlServer数据库就是最最有效、最实用的替代办法。

    When Access as the database of website assume huge visit and data , it always breakdown , and SQL Server is the best way to super - sede it .

  30. 对于WebSphereCommerce网站,数据库层的计算一般不是CPU密集型的,但是会有很高的磁盘I/O。

    For WebSphere Commerce sites , computation on the database tier is typically not CPU intensive , but involves high rates of disk I / O.