
  • 网络savings rate;savings deposit
  1. 此养老基金项目没有推高储蓄利率,也没有增加单位劳动成本。

    The supers have not pushed up the savings rate , but nor have they increased unit labour costs .

  2. 但是从道义上来讲,对于很多依靠投资收入的储蓄者来说,他们希望保持较高的储蓄利率。

    But actually the moral obligation to the very many savers who rely on investment income , charities similarly , they are going to want their savings rate to be kept up .

  3. 一将目光从账户上挪开,那些曾经诱人的储蓄利率就会无影无踪。

    Take your eye off them and those once-enticing savings rates disappear .

  4. 要让这成为现实,最重要的改革措施将是让市场决定储蓄利率。

    For this to happen , the single most important reform would be market pricing of deposit rates .

  5. 提高工人工资和上调银行储蓄利率让中国家庭有了更多收入。

    Higher wages for workers and interest rates for savers are putting more money in households ' pockets .

  6. 尽管储蓄利率低得让人嗤之以鼻,但考虑到物价下降,储蓄的回报还是正的。

    Interest rates on savings are derisory but they provide a positive return when measured against falling prices .

  7. 面对超低银行储蓄利率的英国投资者,也被相对较高的房租收益率吸引。

    British investors are also attracted by the relatively high rental yields compared with ultra-slim savings rates at banks .

  8. 迹象显示大银行提供给客户的储蓄利率比较低&这样一来,给了本地银行一定的生存空间。

    There is evidence that they offer customers meaner deposit rates-and hence make local banks'life easier in this respect .

  9. 贷款和储蓄利率已经处于10年来的最低位,而银行正在收敛此前狂热的资产增长。

    Lending and deposit rates are already at decade-lows , while banks are reining in their formerly rampant asset growth .

  10. 中国央行在解除贷款利率管制的同时,将储蓄利率维持在低水平,确保了银行的厚利。

    The central bank has ensured a windfall for banks by keeping deposit rates low , while deregulating lending rates .

  11. 但随着储蓄利率升高,乘数与加速效应可能会相互作用,从而导致结果比预想的要混乱很多。

    But as saving rates rise , multiplier and accelerator effects might interact to produce a much less orderly outcome than anticipated .

  12. 与内地银行一样,香港各银行也尽力提高储蓄利率来获得人民币。

    Like their mainland counterparts , banks in Hong Kong have also battled to secure renminbi by offering higher interest rates on deposits .

  13. 虽然政府允许各银行以任何可获得的收益率为基础发行相似的投资替代品,可为什么还要储蓄利率上限设置呢?

    Why does it impose a ceiling on deposit rates , even as it allows banks to issue close substitutes at whatever yield they can get ?

  14. 正是因为其人员冗繁但却遍布全国的分支机构才使得美银能够维持它的客户群&而且让客户忍受着高额手续费和低水平的储蓄利率。

    The ubiquity of Bank of America 's heavily staffed nationwide branch network is what enables it to retain customers despite charging high fees and offering depositors low interest .

  15. 确实,出于经济目的,我们希望通过保持较高的储蓄利率来鼓励储蓄,因为到来年,银行要用这些存款来发放贷款。

    And indeed for economic purposes , we want savings rates to be kept up to encourage savings because it is the savings money that can be lent out next year .

  16. 星期三,中国面临在未来几个月提高储蓄利率的强大压力。8月份,中国的通货膨胀达到了近10年来的最高。

    Pressure grew on Tuesday for China to raise interest rates sharply in the coming months after inflation hit6.5 per cent in august , the highest in more than a decade .

  17. 长期以来,低储蓄利率压低了中国的借款成本。虽然距离政府完全放开储蓄利率尚有时日,但中国的资本成本已经开始上升。

    China 's cost of capital has begun to rise even though the government seems some way from the liberalisation of deposit rates that has held down borrowing costs for so long .

  18. 面对下跌的股市和房价,以及低于通胀的银行储蓄利率,许多投资者曾乐于有机会增加一个百分点的收益。

    Faced with a falling stock market , tumbling property prices and bank deposit rates below inflation , many welcomed the chance to pick up an extra percentage point or so of yield .

  19. 但一些银行继续提供这些产品;在储蓄利率低得可怜、股市和房地产市场未见起色的环境中,这些产品因提供有吸引力的回报而仍然抢手。

    But some banks have continued to offer these products , which remain popular because they offer an attractive return in an environment with pitifully low savings rates and languishing equity and property markets .

  20. 为此本文将交易费用及税收加入到经典的二叉树模型中,并在银行的贷款和储蓄利率不同的情况下,研究了欧式期权的定价问题。

    In the paper , we add the transaction costs and taxes into the classic model and discuss the pricing of the European option under the consideration of different rates of credit and deposit .

  21. 在储蓄利率受到管制、证券投资机会因资本账户不开放而匮乏的情况下,许多中国家庭除了为极其廉价的贷款提供支持外没有太多选择。

    With regulated deposits rates and lack of portfolio investment opportunities under a closed capital account , many households do not have much choice but to support the borrowing with very low cost of capital .

  22. 利率机制市场化、金融市场多样化和扩大消费信贷提高居民收入和限制非法收入等是提高储蓄利率弹性的有效方法。

    The major efficient methods to strengthen the elasticity of savings interest rate involve adopting market principle to interest rate mechanism , multiplying financial market , extending consumer credits , raising resident 's income and restricting illicit income .

  23. 我知道现在储蓄利率非常低,但是至少六个月可随时取出开销的现金可以帮你在急用时省去很多麻烦。

    Yes , I know the savings account interest rates are insanely low right now , but having at least six months of expenses in readily accessible cash can save you a lot of hassle on a rainy day .

  24. 但由于去年底,为了应对金融危机,政府削减放贷利率的速度要快于储蓄利率,新增贷款的大幅扩张,并未相应地转化为银行利润的增加。

    But the huge expansion in new loans has not translated into correspondingly larger profits for the banks after the government slashed lending rates faster than deposit rates at the end of last year in response to the financial crisis .

  25. 在一个更加成熟、增长有所放慢的经济体中,允许各银行在商业稳健的基础上作出放贷决定,允许市场决定放贷和储蓄利率,对于确保金融体系的生存能力将是至关重要的。

    Allowing banks to make loan decisions on a commercially sound basis , and the market to decide lending and deposit rates , will be vital to ensuring the viability of the financial system in a more mature and slower growing economy .

  26. 中国的经济专家——以及美国的部分经济专家,尤其是供职于华尔街为中国收购案提供咨询服务的银行的经济专家——表示,美国需要继续对外国投资持开放态度,提别是考虑到美国储蓄利率较低。

    Economists in China - and some in the United States , particularly at Wall Street banks that advise on Chinese acquisitions - argue that the United States needs to remain open to foreign investment , particularly given low American savings rates .

  27. 中国储蓄:利率与租金效应分析

    Savings in China : An Analysis of Interest-rate and Rent Effect

  28. 模糊储蓄&利率曲线模型

    The Fuzzy Curvilinear Model about Interest-Savings

  29. 因此,储蓄存款利率上升不应该是一个下降的原因。

    Therefore , the savings deposit interest rate increase should not be a drop of reason .

  30. 银行贷款的利率高于存款或储蓄的利率。

    The interest rate of bank 's loan is higher than that of deposit or savings .