
  • 网络comprehensive school;comprehensive high school;comp;Gesamtschule
  1. 他曾在地区的综合中学受教育。

    He was educated at the local comprehensive school .

  2. 综合中学二年级学生的课程表。

    The timetable of a second year pupil at a comprehensive school .

  3. 她的孩子们上当地的综合中学。

    Her children go to the local comp .

  4. 综合中学常把学生按能力分班。

    Streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice .

  5. 她在伦敦南部的奇姆综合中学教法语。

    She taught French at Cheam Comprehensive in South London .

  6. 综合中学制与中等师范教育改革

    Comprehensive middle school system and the reform of secondary normal schools

  7. 我在当地的综合中学里教英语。

    I teach English at the local comprehensive .

  8. 露西在当地的综合中学念书。我有综合中学的学历。

    Lucy goes to the local comprehensive . I had a comprehensive school education .

  9. 澳大利亚综合中学的职业教育

    Vocational Education of Australian Comprehensive Schools

  10. 20世纪20年代,在我国曾实施综合中学制。

    In 1920s , there existed in China a comprehensive middle school system which had multifarious functions .

  11. 目前的职业教育包括一般中级课程和职业课程,综合中学的毕业生和被录取的学生的学习道路各不相同。

    The present vocational education system covers both general secondary and vocational programmes , with separate tracks for comprehensive school leavers and matriculated students .

  12. 有些家长不想让孩子去上综合中学,于是把他们送到私立学校。

    Some parents , who do not want their children to go to a comprehensive , pay to send their children to a private school .

  13. 通过努力工作和坚持不懈,他从乡村学校的教师成为综合中学的校长。

    Through hard work and perseverance , he worked his way up from being a teacher in a village school to the headmaster of a large comprehensive .

  14. 综合高级中学(Comprehensivehighschool)是高中阶段教育的独立的学校类型(国外简称综合高中)。

    Comprehensive high school is an independent type of high schools .

  15. 交叉与综合:中学历史学科渗透的理性思考论学科教学中心理教育的渗透

    Intersection and Synthesis : Rational Thinking of Middle School Historical Discipline Penetration

  16. 人们当时以为,设立综合制中学有助于促进社会平等。

    It was thought that comprehensive schools would help to equalize society .

  17. 我成了我孩子小学的董事和一所综合性中学的学生导师,但那还不够。

    I became a governor at my children 's primary school and a pupil mentor at a comprehensive , but it was not enough .

  18. 综合高级中学这一名词出自1918年美国教育协会下属中学教育改组委员会的一份报告,该报告主张设立涵盖多种教育计划的综合高级中学。

    The concept ' comprehensive high school ' came from a report , given in 1918 by the Secondary Education Reform Committee attached to American Education Association , which stressed that comprehensive high schools be set up , including various educational programs .

  19. 完成基础教育后,中等教育在综合/学术中学或职业中学开展。

    Upon completion of basic education , secondary education is provided in comprehensive / academic secondary schools or vocational secondary schools .

  20. 教育实习是高校师范生在教师指导下,将所学的专业基础知识、基础理论和基本技能,综合运用于中学教育实践,培养从事中学教学工作能力的一门重要的实践性课程。

    Education practice is in under the guidance of teachers college student , will have learned basic specialized knowledge , basic theory and basic skills , the integrated use of secondary education practice , teaching in middle school for training the capacity of the one of the important practicality course .

  21. 以先进的语言理论和教育理论为依据,吸收了国外先进的教学法的精华,我们综合创造了PPC中学英语教学模式。

    Under the guidance of advanced theories of linguistics and education , the author and her colleagues synthesized the essence of modern English teaching methodology and produced an English teaching model PPC for the junior middle school .

  22. 从3+综合高考要求谈中学化学教学改革与发展

    Chemistry teaching reformation and its development in middle schools

  23. 目前,化学教育呈现出社会化、大众化和综合化趋势,中学化学课程、教材要相应地进行改革;

    This article has discussed the trends of socialization , popularization and comprehension in the reform of curriculum and teaching materials for middle school chemistry .

  24. 本课程也没有考试,除了在最后一个礼拜的心得报告中必须包含综合你在此课程中学到了什麽。

    There will be no exams aside from the last week 's summaries , which will involve synthesizing what you have learned in the class .

  25. 第一部分以若干所美国知名大学内部学院和学科设置为例,论述综合性研究型大学中学院设置的三个层次的共同规律。

    Assisted by the cases of some major American research universities , the first part highlights the common feature of the three-tier structure of academic schools within a university .

  26. 主要通过调查和文献研究,综合分析了当前中学思想政治课教学所取得的成就、存在的问题及其原因。

    This study used different research methods , such as interviews , questionnaires , and literature analysis . And the goal of the achievement , problem and its cause in the ideological and political teaching has been achieved .

  27. 20世纪2、30年代,在我国中等教育领域进行了一场综合化改革,即在全国范围内推行以分科选科和兼顾升学就业为标志的综合中学制。

    Content : Our country experienced a series of comprehensive reform in the field of the secondary education in 1920s and 1930s , i.e. the whole country carried out the system of the comprehensive school marked by specialized subject and optional subject with consideration to higher school and employment .